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266 lines (168 loc) · 11 KB

File metadata and controls

266 lines (168 loc) · 11 KB


Laravel 9 and up

5.0.6 - 2024-09-16

5.0.5 - 2024-09-10

  • Patched vulnerability from czim/file-handling package.
  • Extracted attachment instance creation in factory to improve extensibility.
  • Fixed printable check for null input in path interpolator.
  • Made json variants data handling more robust.
  • Laravel 10+ and PHPUnit 10+ support.

5.0.0 - 2022-10-31

There are quite a few breaking changes:

  • PHP 8.1+ required.
  • Laravel 9+ required.
  • Many public methods now have explicit/strict types.
  • Some methods that were previously fluent syntax are no longer (return void).
  • The event classes nog longer have public accessors, but public readonly properties.
  • The exception classes now extend \RuntimeException instead of \Exception.
  • A config option paperclip.datetime.format has been added, defaults to 'c'. This is used to ensure that Attachment::updatedAt() can be consistently cast to string for compatibility.


  • Config syntax and fluent attachment config DTOs are virtually the same. Old configurations should still work.

It would be a good idea to carefully walk through any code extending or hooking into Paperclip logic after upgrading!

Laravel 8 and 9

4.0.2 - 2024-09-18

4.0.1 - 2022-07-14

Fixed return value for setAttribute not matching Eloquent internals (wimski).

4.0.0 - 2021-11-30

Added PHP 8.0 and 8.1 support (thanks Miljoen!).

Laravel 7

[3.2.2] - 2020-12-19

Fixed an issue with variant step configuration where the order of variant steps was reversed unintentionally. This caused issues with auto-orient & resize steps in combination.

3.2.1 - 2020-06-18

Attachment setters now call clearTarget() to reset the interpolator. This is highly unlikely to make a difference for your setup. This may help you if you are attempting to clone data, f.i. between models, at the Attachment object level.

3.2.0 - 2020-05-13

Potentially breaking changes here!

Now depends on file-handling 2. All interfaces in that package have been updated to make use of PHP 7.1+ features. If you have custom variant strategies or extend these classes, update their method signatures. This should be easy and take no more than a few minutes.

3.1.0 - 2020-04-05

Fixed issues with attribute handling, replaced attribute hack with nicer model-event based approach (Thanks to Austen Cameron).

3.0.1 - 2020-03-19

Support for Laravel 7, not backwards compatible.

Laravel 5.8 and 6

2.7.5 - 2020-06-18

See changes for 3.2.1.

2.7.4 - 2020-03-05

Now fires an event (AttachmentSavedEvent) on saving an attachment.

2.7.3 - 2019-12-27

Now fires events rather than throws exceptions on processing errors. Added boolean configuration toggle for this. This allows mass reprocessing to skip attachments with errors.

2.7.2 - 2019-07-21

Artisan paperclip:refresh command now has --variants= option to refresh only specific variants.

2.7.1 - 2019-07-19

Temporary files are now deleted after variants are processed.

2.7.0 - 2019-03-01

Updated to support Laravel 5.8. No functional changes.

Laravel 5.5 and up

2.6.3 - 2019-07-21

See changes for 2.7.2.

2.6.2 - 2019-07-19

See changes for 2.7.1.

2.6.1 - 2019-01-07

Minor cloud storage fix.

2.6.0 - 2018-11-04

Rewrote configuration handling. This used to be all-array, now it is object-based.

This includes a breaking change for basic usage: Stapler configuration support is not enabled by default. To enable it, set the paperclip.config.mode configuration option to 'stapler'.

It may also break custom extensions of paperclip classes. Note especially the interface change for the Attachment class: setConfig() now takes a ConfigInterface object, instead of an array. This is unlikely to affect the average application of this package.

Additionally, support has been added for setting a default URL that is returned when no file is stored. This must be set per attachment, and may set per variant.

Further, configuration options for default variants has improved. It is now possible to always merge in the default variants into any and all specific attachment variants, using the paperclip.variants.merge-default setting.

The CONFIG readme has been updated to reflect these changes.

2.5.7 - 2018-10-29

Added possibility to configure variants using fluent syntax configuration objects. This is entirely optional. The documentation has been updated to reflect this.

2.5.6 - 2018-10-25

Improved configuration defaults and analysis for storage and base URL. If no storage driver is configured, or if it is incorrectly configured, a descriptive exception is thrown. If no base-URL could be determined, an exception is thrown.

It is no longer required to set entries if the relevant filesystems.disks.<disk>.url is set.

2.5.5 - 2018-10-14

Now allows configuration of deletion hash through paperclip.delete-hash key.

2.5.4 - 2018-09-27

Fixed issue with serialization of Attachment instance (and, by extension, any models with the paperclip trait). This may include a breaking change, but only if you changed service provision or modified this package's instantiation or factory logic.

2.5.3 - 2018-09-08

Fixed issue with Laravel 5.6.37 and up (with a hack). Fixed a broken config reference to filesystem disk 'local'-checking.

2.5.2 - 2018-06-28

Fixed issue where variant URLs and storage paths made use of the original name, rather than the variant's name (and extension).

2.5.1 - 2018-05-13

Now actually uses path.interpolator configuration setting.

2.5.0 - 2018-05-13

There are quite a few breaking changes here! Please take care when updating, this will likely affect any project relying on this package.

This now relies on version ^1.0 for czim/file-handling, which has many breaking changes of its own. Please consider its changelog too.

  • Removed deprecated isFilled() method from Attachment (was replaced by exists()).

  • Configuration changes:

    • Old configuration files will break! Please update accordingly or re-publish when upgrading.
    • The path.base-path key is now replaced by path.original. This should now include placeholders to make a full file path including the filename, as opposed to only a directory. Note that this makes the path interpolation logic more in line with the Stapler handled it.
    • A path.variant key is added, where a path can be defined similar to path.original. If this is set, it may be used to make an alternative structure for your variant paths (as opposed to the original file).
    • It is recommended to use :variant and :filename in your placeholdered path for the path.original (and path.variant) value. See the config for an example.
    • :url is no longer a usable path interpolation placeholder.
  • Attachment changes:

    • The AttachmentInterface has been segregated into main and data interfaces (AttachmentDataInterface).
    • A historical set of attachment data is provided to the interpolator when handling queued deletes. This more accurately reflect the values used to create the file that is to be deleted.
    • Deletion queueing is now done using a Target instance and variant names, and uses fixed historical state saving to fix a number of (potential) issues.
  • Interpolator changes:

    • The path interpolator now depends on AttachmentDataInterface (and its added getInstanceKey() method). This is only likely to cause issues if you have extended or implemented your own interpolator.
    • The url() method and placeholder have been removed and will no longer be interpolated. This was done to prevent the risk of endless recursion. (It made no sense to me, anyway: an correct url is the result of the interpolation; how could it sensibly be used to interpolate its own result?). If you do use this placeholder, please submit an issue with details on how and why, so we can think of a safe solution.

Laravel 5.4 and below

2.1.0 - 2019-02-11

Updates added for 2.6.1.

2.0.1 - 2018-06-28

See 2.5.2.

2.0.0 - 2018-05-13

This merges the changes for 2.5.0 and 2.5.1 in a new major version for Laravel 5.4 and earlier.