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Changelog MSIE

cztomczak edited this page Feb 6, 2016 · 2 revisions

This is a changelog of PHP Desktop with Internet Explorer (MSIE) engine embedded.

Version 1.14 released on November 21, 2014.

  • Added support for pretty urls with basic url rewriting for 404 errors (Issue #81). See the ["web_server"]["404_handler"] option on the Settings wiki page.
  • Fixed Mongoose environment variables: REQUEST_URI, PHP_SELF, SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_FILENAME, PATH_TRANSLATED (Issue #137)
  • Fixed -400 loading error when navigating Back and Forward in history after a POST request was made (Issue #138)
  • Fixed problems when OS environment variables exceed 4KB in size (Issue #128)
  • Added missing CGI environment variables: %windir% and many others. See Issue #136.

Version 1.13 released on February 1, 2014.

  • Fixed problems when the temp directory returned by OS contained unicode characters. In such case phpdesktop will try other fallbacks like "C:\Windows\Temp" among others (Issue #71).

Version 1.12 released on January 25, 2014.

  • Fixed issues with web server port conflicts. When web server listening port is set to 0 in settings.json, OS will assign a random free port. Multiple instances of phpdesktop applications may now be running simultenously without problems (Issue #9).
  • Fixed long path causing error when spawning CGI process (Issue #63)
  • Fixed mongoose webserver issues when unicode characters are in path
  • Added the --cgi-environment argument that can be passed to the phpdesktop executable to pass arbitrary environment variables to PHP scripts. See the Command line arguments wiki page. See Issue #43.
  • Added the "start_maximized" option to settings.json (Issue #24).
  • Added the PHPDESKTOP_VERSION environment variable. You can access it through $_ENV global variable.
  • Added the temp-dir.php example
  • Added the "cgi_temp_dir" option to settings.json (Issue #70).

Version 1.11 released on January 22, 2014.

  • Fixed errors when application path contained spaces (Issue #40).
  • Fixed mongoose webserver hanging when closing application on Win7 (Issue #61).
  • Fixed temp directory problems, including upload and session problems (see Issue #39, Issue #23).
  • Fixed issues with clipboard Copy/Cut commands (Issue #30).
  • Fixed problems with links like "javascript:void(0)". These are not allowed anymore, as they cause to open Internet Explorer 9 download dialog on Win7. Replaced such links with hash "#".
  • Added the upload and session examples (Issue #41).
  • Added the sqlite example (Issue #32).
  • Added the cookies example
  • Added the no-cache example
  • Minor fixes to other examples, seems like IE9 requires strict html structure, if <html> or <body> are missing or placed incorrectly it may cause some strange random behavior.

Version v10 released on 2013-02-13.

  • Added "silent_operations" option to MSIE settings
  • Updated Mongoose web server to version 3.7
  • Popup windows can be closed by calling window.external.CloseWindow(), see an example in "www/test_window.php"

Version v9 released on 2013-02-04.

  • Implemented popup windows (Issue #13)
  • Added php script example for opening popup windows and handling javascript errors
  • New options in settings.json file for the popup windows and MSIE browser (see MSIE settings)
  • Fixes to MSIE control
  • Fixed web-server listening on custom port defined in settings file, it worked only when port was a string
  • Windows have now keyboard & mouse focus by default

Version v8 released on 2013-01-19.

  • Invalid option "cgi_executable" in settings.json file, it should be named "cgi_interpreter"
  • Added logging of error messages in Mongoose web-server

Version v7 released on 2013-01-19.

  • Embedded Mongoose web-server, PHP built-in web-server couldn't handle multiple requests at the same time and wasn't reliable (Issue #14)
  • Added index_files, cgi_interpreter & cgi_extensions options to Settings, php_executable option was removed

Version v6 released on 2013-01-18.

Version v5 released on 2013-01-14.

  • PHP interpreter was missing Visual C runtime DLLs

Version v4 released on 2013-01-14.

  • External links open in system's default browser (Issue #7).
  • Fixed keyboard handling for Input & Textarea controls (Issue #11).

Version v3 released on 2013-01-13.

  • Fixed hardcoded title for the window which was "ASD"
  • Updated php scripts in the "www/" directory, index.php lists all php scripts in that directory

Version v2 released on 2013-01-13.

  • Added loading of extensions to "php/php.ini" file
  • Added pdo_mysql extension
  • Unpacked dlls packed with upx
  • Added libeay32.dll & ssleay32.dll as php_curl.dll depends on these
  • Added libpq.dll as pgsql extensions depend on it

Version v1 released on 2013-01-12.

  • Initial release of PHP Desktop with Internet Explorer engine embedded
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