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GodMode9 v1.6.0

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@d0k3 d0k3 released this 22 Feb 23:04
· 620 commits to master since this release

A new release, bringing you additions to scripting, some new features, a big refactor and countless under the hood changes. This is new:

  • [new] PCX bitmap viewer
  • [new] Extracting data partition for DIFF files
  • [improved] Improved ticket.db parser, only output verified titlekeys / tickets
  • [improved] Revised font system, now allowing to switch font in runtime (1)
  • [improved] Improved handling for batch operations
  • [improved] Improved titlekey and NCCH seed extractor
  • [fixed] Compatibility with CIAs containing >= 256 contents
  • [fixed] No more crashes caused by malformed CIAs
  • [fixed] Detecting CDN/NUS downloads
  • [scripting] ntrboot detection via $[HAX] env var
  • [scripting] new $[GM9VER] env var
  • [scripting] dirsel command (works like filesel)
  • [scripting] isdir and exist commands (useful with if)
  • [scripting] for command, also works recursively
  • [deprecated] XORpad drive and ncchinfo.bin XORpad generator (2)

On top of the changes listes above, this release includes the usual countless number of smaller bugfixes and improvements. Since the last release, there was also a big refactor (using the heap instead of the earlier static memory handling). Big thanks for this release go to @profi200 and @derrekr (who provided the RSA verification code), to @wwylele (who handled the gargantuan task of properly reverse engineering DIFF and DISA), to Kazuma77 who again helped push forward scripting and to everyone who tested and opened issues on GitHub.

(1) You won't find any compatible font files inside the release archive, but if you want to try or maybe even create your own font, you can find a few compatible ones here.

(2) As for the XORpad deprecation - you don't need XORpads anymore, seriously. Any tools still generating ncchinfo.bin files are by now hopelessly outdated and there are much better alternatives around. You also don't need these NAND XORpads anymore. Use @ihaveamac's excellent 3ds-fuse script instead.

Important note for A9NC users: This release changes how A9NC and FIRM from FCRAM works, you also need to update your A9NC installation to a version equal or above 0.1.4.