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##Setup iOS

  1. Visit and follow the guide to create a certificate.
  2. After you export the .p12 file, go to your application environment on
  3. Select Engagement on the left side menu.
  4. Select the configuration tab and drag your .p12 certificate file where it says DRAG FILES HERE.
  5. Click save.


  1. Visit
  2. Create a new project.
  3. On the left side menu, select Overview.
  4. Copy the Project Number found at the top of the page.
  5. Go to your application environment on
  6. Select Engagement on the left side menu.
  7. Select the configuration tab and paste your project number as the sender ID under Android.
  8. Back on, on the left side menu select APIs & auth > credentials.
  9. Under Public API access, create a new key.
  10. Click Server key and then click create.
  11. Copy the generated API Key.
  12. Go back to your application evironment on
  13. Select Engagement on the left side menu.
  14. Select the Configuration tab and paste the generated API Key under Android.
  15. Click save.


  1. Install NodeJS. Please visit
  2. Install PhoneGap CLI wtih npm install -g phonegap. (Optionally install ios-deply with npm install -g ios-deploy if you will run the application on an iOS device.)
  3. Run npm install to install dependencies and setup the project.

Note: Mac OS X with Xcode installed is required to run the application on the iOS platform. Please visit

Note: The Android SDK is required to be installed to run the application on the Android platform. Please see


Execute phonegap run ios --device to run the project on an iOS device. You will have to install ios-deploy to deploy it to your device.


Execute phonegap run android --device to run the project on an Android device.


From the 'Engagement' section of your application environment at, send a test message to your device.

##Business Logic

You can send targetted or conditional push notifications by writing business logic. The businesslogic folder contains 4 javascript files, one for each of the four types of business logic push we support. To use a script, create a custom endpoint and copy and paste the JS into it.

When executing the Targetted* scripts, change the username in the query to match the specific platform you are testing. You can Execute these custom endpoints through the Console itself, so there is no need to write code to hit them.


Why won't the application install onto my iOS device?

  1. Make sure you have installed ios-deply by executing npm install -g ios-deply. Follow the installation instructions at ios-deploy installtion. Try phonegap run ios --device again.

  2. Refresh your account information in Xcode. Open Xcode and select Xcode > Preferences from the menu bar. Click on the Accounts tab. Select the account that you used to create your .p12 certificate and click view details in the bottom right hand corner. Click the circular arrow button in the left hand corner to refresh your provisioning profiles. Try phonegap run ios --device again.

  3. Add your iOS device to your Apple Developer account. Visit Click the plus button in the top right hand corner. Give your device a name and enter its UUID. You can find the device UUID using iTunes ( Click continue and done. Try phonegap run ios --device again.

I am not receiving push notifications on my device

  1. Make sure you uploaded the .p12 certificate you created with your Apple Developer account into the Kinvey Management Console for your application. See the instructions above on how to setup push notifications for iOS.

  2. Make sure your Sender Id and API Key are correct for your Android configuration. See the instructions above on how to setup push notifications for Android.


App demonstrating how to set-up Push Notifications.







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