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OData Export

Rasmus Andersen edited this page Sep 28, 2018 · 3 revisions

This is based upon a Authority configuration is loaded into $Config

On how to do this, please take a look at the Authority configuration page

The module is allready installed and importet, if not you can do the following

Install-Module -Name d365fo.integrations
Import-Module d365fo.integrations
  1. Lets get the Data Entities
$dataEntity = Export-D365OData @Config -Entity 'data'
  1. Lets convert the result into a json object
$dataEntityJson = convertfrom-json $dataentity
  1. Lets find some something regarding workers and sort the result
$dataEntityJson.value `
| where-object name -like '*Worker*' `
| Sort-Object -Descending -Property name

Some of the entries returned :

name kind url
WorkerTrustedPositions EntitySet WorkerTrustedPositions
WorkerTaxRegions EntitySet WorkerTaxRegions
WorkerTaxCodeParameters EntitySet WorkerTaxCodeParameters
WorkerTasks EntitySet WorkerTasks
WorkerSummaries EntitySet WorkerSummaries
WorkerSkills EntitySet WorkerSkills
Workers EntitySet Workers
  1. Lets find a worker, lets take 4711, and just convert him to json rightaway
$worker = Export-D365OData @Config `
-Entity "data/Workers?`$filter=PersonnelNumber eq '4711'" `
| ConvertFrom-Json`
  1. Lets find his name, firstname and lastname
$worker.value | Select-Object -Property Name,FirstName,LastName
Name FirstName LastName
D365 Integration D365 Integration