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Fetch masterdata from an external resource and put it to the cart model.


A basic shopping cart implementation in javascript.


Formatting integers to decimal currency representation.


Utilities used to check and modify basic data types.




Fetch masterdata from an external resource and put it to the cart model.

Requires: module:bluebird, module:atomic

Cestino/BasicCartService.create(options) ⇒ BasicCartService

Creates an object to load masterdata from a server.

Kind: static method of Cestino/BasicCartService

Param Type
options Object


A basic shopping cart implementation in javascript.

Requires: Cestino/BasicCartService, Cestino/PriceFormatter, Cestino/Util


Kind: static property of Cestino
See: Cestino/Util


Kind: static property of Cestino
See: Cestino/PriceFormatter


Kind: static property of Cestino
See: Cestino/BasicCartService


Kind: static property of Cestino

Product.create ⇒ Product

Creates an object of type Cart.Product

Kind: static property of Product

Param Type
id String
title String
price Integer

Product.extendWith ⇒ Product

Extends class Product by passed constructor

Kind: static property of Product

Param Type
subclassConstructor *


Kind: static property of Cestino

ProductFeature.create ⇒ ProductFeature

Creates an object of type Cart.ProductFeature

Kind: static property of ProductFeature

Param Type
id String | Integer
label String
price Integer

ProductFeature.extendWith ⇒ ProductFeature

Extends class ProductFeature by passed constructor

Kind: static property of ProductFeature

Param Type
subclassConstructor *


Kind: static property of Cestino

ProductQuantity.create ⇒ ProductQuantity

Creates an object of type Cart.ProductQuantity

Kind: static property of ProductQuantity

Param Type
amount Integer
dimX Integer
dimY Integer
dimZ Integer

ProductQuantity.extendWith ⇒ ProductQuantity

Extends class ProductQuantity by passed constructor

Kind: static property of ProductQuantity

Param Type
subclassConstructor *


Kind: static property of Cestino

ShippingGroup.create ⇒ ShippingGroup

Creates an object of type Cart.ShippingGroup

Kind: static property of ShippingGroup

Param Type
name String

ShippingGroup.extendWith ⇒ ShippingGroup

Extends class ShippingGroup by passed constructor

Kind: static property of ShippingGroup

Param Type
subclassConstructor *

Cestino.create(oService) ⇒ Cart

Creates an object of type Cart; The main object.

Kind: static method of Cestino

Param Type
oService Object


Use this to override the method for calculating a cart-position

Kind: static method of Cestino

Param Type
fn function

"add" (position)

Event reporting that a product has been add to cart.

Kind: event emitted by Cestino

Param Type
position CartPosition

"remove" (position)

Event reporting that a product has been removed from cart.

Kind: event emitted by Cestino

Param Type
position CartPosition

"change" (position)

Event reporting that a product-position in cart has been changed.

Kind: event emitted by Cestino

Param Type
position CartPosition

"load" (cart)

Event reporting that the cart has been load from json.

Kind: event emitted by Cestino

Param Type
cart Cart

Cestino~loadCallback : function

Callback that will be fired, if registered and the cart has been load from json.

Kind: inner abstract typedef of Cestino

Param Type
cart Cart

Cestino~addProductCallback : function

Callback that will be fired, if registered and a product has been add to cart.

Kind: inner abstract typedef of Cestino

Param Type
position CartPosition

Cestino~removeProductCallback : function

Callback that will be fired, if registered and a product has been removed from cart.

Kind: inner abstract typedef of Cestino

Param Type
position CartPosition

Cestino~changePositionCallback : function

Callback that will be fired, if registered and a product-position in cart has been changed.

Kind: inner abstract typedef of Cestino

Param Type
position CartPosition


Formatting integers to decimal currency representation.

Requires: Cestino/Util

Cestino/PriceFormatter.create(decimalSeparator, thousandsSeparator, decimalCount) ⇒ PriceFormatter

Creates an object to convert integer price to decimal price (e. g. cents to dollar/euro).

Kind: static method of Cestino/PriceFormatter

Param Type
decimalSeparator String
thousandsSeparator String
decimalCount Number


Utilities used to check and modify basic data types.

Cestino/Util.isNumber(n) ⇒ Boolean

Is passed data a number?

Kind: static method of Cestino/Util
Access: public

Param Type
n *

Cestino/Util.isInt(n) ⇒ Boolean

Is passed data of type Integer?

Kind: static method of Cestino/Util
Access: public

Param Type
n *

Cestino/Util.isFloat(n) ⇒ Boolean

Is passed data of type Float?

Kind: static method of Cestino/Util
Access: public

Param Type
n *

Cestino/Util.isEmpty(val) ⇒ Boolean

Is passed data empty?

Kind: static method of Cestino/Util
Access: public

Param Type
val *

Cestino/Util.lpad(str, width, padStr) ⇒ String

Pad a string on left side to a certain length with another string.

Kind: static method of Cestino/Util
Access: public

Param Type
str String
width Integer
padStr String

Cestino/Util.round(number) ⇒ Integer

Other than Math.round(), this function rounds to nearest away from zero

Kind: static method of Cestino/Util
Access: public

Param Type
number Number

BasicCartService ℗

Kind: global class
Access: private

new BasicCartService(options)

Service used to fetch and put master data of products into the model.

Param Type
options Object

basicCartService. options : Object

Kind: instance property of BasicCartService

basicCartService.setProductDataToCart(oCart) ⇒ Promise

Updates the cart with actual valid information about products.

Kind: instance method of BasicCartService
Access: public

Param Type
oCart Cart

Cart ℗

Kind: global class
Access: private

new Cart(oService)

Class to manage a shopping cart. The cart only supports product-positions separated by shipping-groups. All prices were handled without tax; Extend the model to consider tax calculation. You have to implement costs of payment on your own.

Param Type
oService Object

cart. positionId : Integer

Kind: instance property of Cart

cart. oCartService : Object

Kind: instance property of Cart

cart. positions : Array.<CartPosition>

Kind: instance property of Cart

cart. shippingGroups : Object

Kind: instance property of Cart
Access: private

cart. listener : Object

Kind: instance property of Cart

cart.walk(fnCallback) ⇒ Cart

Walks through all positions of the cart, calls passed function and puts position and group to it.

Kind: instance method of Cart
Access: public

Param Type
fnCallback function

cart.toJSON() ⇒ String

Returns a json-representation of the cart; Only necessary information will be transported to the json-string.

Kind: instance method of Cart
Access: public

cart.fromJSON(sJSON) ⇒ Cart

Build the cart from JSON

Kind: instance method of Cart
Emits: load
Access: public

Param Type
sJSON String

cart.add(oProduct, oQuantity, [oShippingGroup], [aProductFeatures]) ⇒ String

Creates a position in the cart

Kind: instance method of Cart
Returns: String - Id of generated Position
Emits: add
Access: public

Param Type Default
oProduct Product
oQuantity ProductQuantity | Integer
[oShippingGroup] ShippingGroup | String ""
[aProductFeatures] Array.<ProductFeature> []

cart.on(kind, fnListener) ⇒ Cart

Adds a function that will be invoke when a specific event occurs.

Kind: instance method of Cart
Returns: Cart - this-reference for method chaining ...
Access: public

Param Type Description
kind String "add" (product), "remove" (product), "change" (position) or "load" (cart)
fnListener loadCallback | addProductCallback | removeProductCallback | changePositionCallback, fnListener) ⇒ Cart

Removes a function that will be invoke on specific action.

Kind: instance method of Cart
Returns: Cart - this-reference for method chaining ...
Access: public

Param Type
kind string
fnListener loadCallback | addProductCallback | removeProductCallback | changePositionCallback

cart.getShippingGroups() ⇒ Array.<String>

Get all defined groups.

Kind: instance method of Cart
Access: public

cart.getShippingGroupByName(sShippingGroup) ⇒ false | ShippingGroup

Returns a shipping-group by name.

Kind: instance method of Cart

Param Type
sShippingGroup String | ShippingGroup

cart.getPositionsOfGroup(sShippingGroup) ⇒ Array.<CartPosition>

Returns all positions of the pssed group.

Kind: instance method of Cart
Access: public

Param Type
sShippingGroup String | ShippingGroup

cart.calculateGroup(sShippingGroup, includeShippingGroupCost) ⇒ Integer

Calculates the subtotal of a shipping-group.

Kind: instance method of Cart
Access: public

Param Type
sShippingGroup String | ShippingGroup
includeShippingGroupCost Boolean

cart.calculate(includeShippingGroupCost) ⇒ Integer

Calculates the total of the whole shopping-cart.

Kind: instance method of Cart
Access: public

Param Type
includeShippingGroupCost Boolean

cart.deletePosition(sIdCartPosition) ⇒ CartPosition

Delete a cart-position by id.

Kind: instance method of Cart
Returns: CartPosition - The position that was removed
Emits: remove
Access: public

Param Type
sIdCartPosition String

cart.getPositionById(sIdCartPosition) ⇒ CartPosition

Tries to get a position from given id.

Kind: instance method of Cart
Access: public

Param Type
sIdCartPosition String

CartPosition ℗

Kind: global class
Access: private

new CartPosition(sId, oProduct, aFeatures, oQuantity)

The cart reference will be injected on instancing separately.

Param Type
sId String
oProduct Product
aFeatures Array.<ProductFeature>
oQuantity ProductQuantity

cartPosition.getId() ⇒ String

Kind: instance method of CartPosition

cartPosition.getProduct() ⇒ Product

Kind: instance method of CartPosition

cartPosition.getFeatures() ⇒ Array.<ProductFeature>

Kind: instance method of CartPosition

cartPosition.getQuantity() ⇒ ProductQuantity

Kind: instance method of CartPosition

cartPosition.getCart() ⇒ Cart

Kind: instance method of CartPosition

cartPosition.replaceQuantity(oQuantity) ⇒ CartPosition

Replacing the product quantity in cart position.

Kind: instance method of CartPosition
Returns: CartPosition - this-reference for method chaining ...
Emits: change
Access: public

Param Type
oQuantity ProductQuantity

cartPosition.incrementAmount(amount) ⇒ CartPosition

Incrementing amount of cart position.

Kind: instance method of CartPosition
Emits: change
Access: public

Param Type
amount Integer

cartPosition.decrementAmount(amount) ⇒ CartPosition

Decrementing amount of cart position.

Kind: instance method of CartPosition
Emits: change
Access: public

Param Type
amount Integer

cartPosition.calculate() ⇒ Integer

Returns calculated price in cents.

Kind: instance method of CartPosition
Access: public

Product ℗

Kind: global class
Access: private

new Cart.Product(id, title, price)

Class to describe a product that was add to cart.

Param Type
id String
title String
price Integer

product.getId() ⇒ String

Kind: instance method of Product

product.getTitle() ⇒ String

Returns the title of the product.

Kind: instance method of Product

product.getPrice([oCartPosition]) ⇒ Integer

Returns the price of the product. Overwrite this method to modify the cart calculation to your needs (e. g. to add tax)

Kind: instance method of Product

Param Type
[oCartPosition] CartPosition

ProductQuantity ℗

Kind: global class
Access: private

new Cart.ProductQuantity(amount, [dimX], [dimY], [dimZ])

Class to represent the quantity structure of a product in a position. No limits or ranges will be checked, you have to implement it by yourself!

Param Type
amount Integer
[dimX] Integer
[dimY] Integer
[dimZ] Integer

productQuantity.getAmount() ⇒ Integer

Kind: instance method of ProductQuantity

productQuantity.getLength() ⇒ Integer

Kind: instance method of ProductQuantity

productQuantity.getWidth() ⇒ Integer

Kind: instance method of ProductQuantity

productQuantity.getHeight() ⇒ Integer

Kind: instance method of ProductQuantity

productQuantity.getDepth() ⇒ Integer

Kind: instance method of ProductQuantity

productQuantity.getFactor([oCartPosition]) ⇒ Integer

Calculates the quantity factor for the product. Overwrite this method to modify the cart calculation to your needs (e. g. to convert into another scale unit).

Kind: instance method of ProductQuantity

Param Type
[oCartPosition] CartPosition

ProductFeature ℗

Kind: global class
Access: private

new Cart.ProductFeature(id, label, [price])

Class to describe a selected feature of a product.

Param Type
id String | Integer
label String
[price] Integer

productFeature.getId() ⇒ String

Kind: instance method of ProductFeature

productFeature.getPrice([oCartPosition]) ⇒ Integer

Returns the price of a feature selected to a product. Overwrite this method to modify the cart calculation to your needs

Kind: instance method of ProductFeature

Param Type
[oCartPosition] CartPosition

productFeature.getLabel() ⇒ Integer

Returns the label of a feature selected to a product.

Kind: instance method of ProductFeature

ShippingGroup ℗

Kind: global class
Access: private

new Cart.ShippingGroup([sName])

Represents information about a shipping group

Param Type
[sName] String

shippingGroup. name : String

Kind: instance property of ShippingGroup
Access: private

shippingGroup. cart : Cart

Kind: instance property of ShippingGroup
Access: private

shippingGroup. price : Integer

Kind: instance property of ShippingGroup
Access: private

shippingGroup.calculate(includeShippingGroupCost) ⇒ Integer

Returns the cost for the whole Shipping group

Kind: instance method of ShippingGroup

Param Type
includeShippingGroupCost Boolean

shippingGroup.setPrice(price) ⇒ ShippingGroup

Sets the cost for shipping of a shipping group.

Kind: instance method of ShippingGroup

Param Type
price Integer

shippingGroup.getPrice() ⇒ Integer

Returns the shipping cost for the group. Overwrite this method to add cost for shipping of a shipping group. You can access the current cart through method-call "this.getCart()".

Kind: instance method of ShippingGroup

shippingGroup.getName() ⇒ String

Returns the name of this shipping group.

Kind: instance method of ShippingGroup

shippingGroup.getCart() ⇒ Cart

Returns the cart this shipping group belongs to.

Kind: instance method of ShippingGroup

PriceFormatter ℗

Kind: global class
Access: private

new PriceFormatter(decimalSeparator, thousandsSeparator, decimalCount)

Creates an object to convert integer price to decimal price (e. g. cents to dollar/euro).

Param Type
decimalSeparator String
thousandsSeparator String
decimalCount Integer

priceFormatter. decimalCount : Integer

Kind: instance property of PriceFormatter

priceFormatter. thousandsSeparator : String

Kind: instance property of PriceFormatter

priceFormatter. decimalSeparator : String

Kind: instance property of PriceFormatter

PriceFormatter.format(int) ⇒ String

Converts the passed integer value into configured format.

Kind: static method of PriceFormatter
Access: private

Param Type
int Integer