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Kuma Hands-On-Learning Session

Small demo to demonstrate the possibilities with Kuma Service Mesh. The demo application was originally developed by kuma and has the following components:



The following software needs to be installed (Windows users please use WSL/WSL2):

  • git
  • docker
  • kubectl
  • helm
  • kubens/kubectx, httpie, yq, jq (all optional)
  • kumactl (for observability)

You also need to clone this repo (for obvious reasons):

git clone

Important: Your router must allow DNS rebind for the url

  • To setup this in your FRITZ!Box go to Heimnetz > Netzwerk > Netzwerkeinstellungen and search for DNS-Rebind-Schutz on the bottom of the page

Training session

Step 1: Setup k3d cluster without Traefik

k3d cluster create mesh-demo --api-port --servers 1 --agents 2 --port '8088:80@loadbalancer' --k3s-arg '--disable=traefik@server:0'

Keep track of the whole installation if you want:

watch -n 1 kubectl get deployment,pod,service,ingress -A --field-selector=metadata.namespace!=kube-system

Step 2: Install Kuma Mesh

cd kuma-hands-on-learning/install


Step 3: Install Ingress Controller

You can choose between nginx and kong as an ingress controller.

WARNING: This demo is based on kong and you need to update the ingressClassName parameter the kuma gui and frontend ingress ressource to nginx, default value is kong.

# for Kong (default)

# for Nginx (see warning)

After deployment, the Kuma GUI is exposed via ingress via (or http://localhost:5681/gui/#/ with port-forward)

Step 4: Deploy demo app

cd ..
kubectl apply -f demo/

Verify the deployment by calling (or http://localhost:5000 with port-forward)

Step 5: Configure mTLS

Add Ingress to Mesh

For mTLS it's necessary, that the ingress controller is leveraged into the mesh. To accomplish that, we only need to restart the kong-pod if it has no side proxy attached yet. To check this, the ready container for kong kubectl -n kong get po should sum up in 3 total containers. In case it's not 3, you can restart the pod with:

kubectl -n kong delete pod --all

It may take a few minutes to boot up but afterwards the Jong Ingress-controller should be present as service in the kuma dashboard named kong-1671179735-kong-proxy_kong_svc_80 `

Send request into mesh

To test the inactive tls-config, we send a request from another namespace to a mesh-included-service:

kubectl -n outside-mesh exec -it $(kubectl -n outside-mesh get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="") -- sh

curl backend.kuma-demo.svc.cluster.local:3001

Activate mTLS

kubectl apply -f mtls/

It's necessary to restart all pods, to generate and distribute the certificates:

kubectl -n kuma-demo delete pods --all

Send request into mesh

From outside:

kubectl -n outside-mesh exec -it $(kubectl -n outside-mesh get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="") -- sh
curl backend.kuma-demo.svc.cluster.local:3001

Within the mesh:

kubectl -n kuma-demo exec -it $(kubectl -n kuma-demo get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="" | grep "demo-app-") -c kuma-fe -- sh
curl backend:3001 -vI

Step 6: Configure TrafficPermissions

Scenario: Connections are only allowed from Frontend > Backend > Postgres but not Backend > Redis

  • Requires mTLS and Traffic Permissions are an inbound policies
kubectl delete trafficpermissions --all

You have to change the proxy service name, otherwise it won't work. Copy it from the Dashboard and paste it to the permission

edit traffic-permissions/01_inbound-frontend.yaml

kubectl apply -f traffic-permissions/

Step 7: Configure TrafficRoutes

Scenario: 1 frontend, 3 backends (v0,v1,v2), 1 redis, 1 postgres

  • Traffic will be routed 80% to v0, 20% to v1 & 0% to v2
  • It's only possible to call v2 with the header-atribute: version: v2
kubectl apply -f traffic-routes/


In case, that the ingress does not work (maybe DNS rebound or config issues), you can execute the attached script ./ and use the following URLs:


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