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Releases: d8ahazard/deluge-extractorplus-plugin

1.6.2 - Add "Append Archive Name" option

22 Jun 21:11
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Add option to append the name of the extracted archive to the extract destination.

For example: If the archive is located at C:\downloads\LinuxMint10\LinuxMint.rar and the destination was "torrent root", all files in LinuxMint.rar would be extracted to C:\downloads\LinuxMint10\LinuxMint

1.6.1 Add Auto-Cleanup

05 Jun 14:42
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Add an option to auto-cleanup extracted files after a specified period of time.

When enabled, files will be extracted, and then deleted N hours after extraction.

1.6.0 - Fixes

01 Jun 19:18
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This releases fixes an issue where, if a torrent has multiple archives in subdirectories (like a season of a show), all of the extracted files would wind up being copied to the last directory scanned.

It also fixes an issue where completed torrents would sometimes not be marked as such.

Also: If you are using the "extract to temp" feature under docker, it is recommended to map a directory to /tmp in the container so that it doesn't consume space on "Docker FS", which is something UnRAID likes to yell at me about otherwise. Ideally, put it on the same volume as your downloads, so moving the final files will be faster.

1.5 - New Beginnings

23 May 20:07
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What's new:

Rename plugin from "SimpleExtractor" to "Extractor Plus"!

Add option to append matched torrent label to the path when extracting and the destination is set to a target folder.

Add option to extract to temp and then move files to destination. Say "Goodbye" to partially copied files from Sonarr or Radarr.

Moderate overhaul of both the web and GTK UI components. In addition to adding new features, the "Destination" section will now only show when necessary. Also added tooltips to all inputs, updated verbiage for descriptions and labels, and ensured both UIs were identical.

Removed dependency for the "Twisted" library, allowing async operations without needing more libraries.

Completely re-worked extraction logic to allow for multiple simultaneous extractions while also properly tracking the torrent state. Yay counters.


You no longer need to install 7zip, it is included with the package.

ALL Archive types are now supported under windows thanks to a bit of piping magic.

Added a Powershell script to build .egg files automatically based on installed Python versions.