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Simple todo app written in Javascript just for the sake of learning without any heavy framework.

##Dependencies If you want to run this project on your machine make sure you have karma-cli installed globally (you can install it with npm i karma-cli -g). Also you need grunt-cli (installed also globally). After clonning the repository, install all the dependencies with npm install.

#Development Run npm start and you are good to go! It weill start karma server (which will watch source files for changes and run tests) and http sever listening to 8080 port. After that you can see the project at http://localhost:8080

Sidenote: To be able to unit test methods that interact with private variables inside closures ( e.g. Method onCheck in app/todos.js writes in private module state variable todos) I used technique described by Philip Walton here:

#Deployment To build ready for deployment application, run npm run build. It will put optimized app into dist directory and you can access it in your broswer at http://localhost:8080/dist/
