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Config for Serverless Components

This component stores project's sharing configs and retrieve them via component outputs.

Before Starting

This repository is not part of official Serverless Components repository. This is an experimental component built following "Building Components" section guide.

Getting Started

For more information about Serverless Components follow official guide.

1. Install

To get started with component, install the latest version of the Serverless Framework:

$ npm install -g serverless

2. Credentials

Create a new .env file in the root of the config directory right next to serverless.yml, and add your AWS access keys:

# .env

3. Configure

Here's a complete reference of the serverless.yml file for the config component:

# serverless.yml

component: config                # (required) name of the component. In that case, it's config.
name: shared-config              # (required) name of your component instance.
org: daaru                       # (optional) serverless dashboard org. default is the first org you created during signup.
app: myApp                       # (optional) serverless dashboard app. default is the same as the name property.
stage: dev                       # (optional) serverless dashboard stage. default is dev.

  foo: bar
    bar1: foo
    - foo1
    - foo2

4. Deploy

Once you have the directory set up, you're now ready to deploy. Just run the following command from within the directory containing the serverless.yml file:

$ serverless deploy

Your first deployment might take a little while, but subsequent deployment would just take few seconds. For more information on what's going on during deployment, you could specify the --debug flag, which would view deployment logs in realtime:

$ serverless deploy --debug

5. Info

Anytime you need to know more about your created config component, you can run the following command to view the most info.

$ serverless info

6. Remove

If you wanna tear down your entire config component that was created during deployment, just run the following command in the directory containing the serverless.yml file.

$ serverless remove


Serverless Component to stores project's sharing configs and retrieve them via component outputs






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