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QiimeReporter is a straightforward pipeline for the analysis of amplicon sequences directly from raw Illumina paired-end data. It integrates the main Qiime2 commands with R in order to generate a final html report that can be opened in any web browser and easily shared between researchers.


QiimeReporter has been developed as a Conda environment to make things easier.

Install Miniconda

Miniconda provides the Conda environment and package manager, and is the recommended way to install QiimeReporter:

conda update conda

Install QiimeReporter

Once you have Miniconda installed, run the following commands to install QiimeReporter:

conda create -n qiimereporter
conda activate qiimereporter
conda install -c dabadgarcia qiimereporter


usage: qiimereporter <options>

	-i/--input 	Path to the directory where the raw reads are located
	-m/--metadata	Path to the file with the metadata regarding the samples
			The file must have an specific organization for the program to work
			If you don't have any or you would like to have an example or extra information, 
			please type: 
			$0 example-metadata
	-o/--output	Path and name of the output directory

	--citation	Show citation
	--color 	Color multivariate analysis from a categorical variable in sample-metadata 
	-d/--database 	Path to prefered database, must be .qza file (default SILVA132)
	--depth		Minimun number of reads for a sample to be included in the rarefaction figure
	-f/--forward	Truncates length of the forward reads (default='0')
	--group 	Column number of the variable in sample-metadata to group the taxa-bar-plot 
	-h/--help	Show this help
	--no-diversity	Excludes the diversity index figures from the report
	--no-heatmap	Excludes the heatmap from the report
	--no-network	Excludes the network from the report
	--no-pcoa	Excludes the pcoa figures from the report
	--no-rarefactionExcludes the rarefaction curves from the report
	--multivariate	Includes other multivariate analysis in the report (NMDS, DCA, CCA, RCA)
	--report-only	To generate only html report document, must be executed in the report_files directory
	-r/--reverse	Truncates length of the reverse reads (default='0')
	-t/--threads	Number of threads to use (default=$CPUS) <integer>
	--title		Path to a file containing the title of the report, avoid using special characters 
			QiimeReporter will use a default title if this option is not passed
	-v/--version	Show version


qiimereporter -i raw_reads -m sample-metadata.tsv --output output_folder -t 32


A Qiime2 metadata text file is needed for QiimeReporter to work by using the -m/--metadata option. This file will include all the information regarding the sample and requires an specific organization:

  • Columns must be tab separated
    • First row:
      • First column must me called "#SampleID" and harbor samples names (avoid special characters)
      • Second column must be called "BarcodeSequence" and should be left blank
      • Third column must be called "LinkerPrimerSequence" and should be left blank
      • Fourth (and so on) columns are descriptive. They are no needed for the program but the information will be used and appear in the report. Add as much as needed
    • Second row:
      • First column must me called "#q2:types" and specifies type of variable for each column
      • Columns should be clasiffied into "categorical" if they are non-numeric values and "numeric" if the column consists only of numbers. Missing data (i.e. empty cells) are supported in categorical columns as well as numeric columns

If you type qiimereporter example-metadata, a Qiime2 template file called sample-metadata.tsv will be created in your working directory. You can also download the file here. More information about metadata can be found here.


QiimeReporter stores every file generated during the analysis in three different directories, all of them included within the main output directory specified with the -o/--output option:

  • complete_taxonomy_otutables: the otu tables with the complete taxonomy for the six main leves of SILVA.
  • qiime2_artifacts: all the artifacts produced during the analysis with Qiime2.
  • report_files: the files used to generate the report with R.

Once the analysis is finished, QiimeReporter summarizes the results in a interactive html report in your output directory. An example of the report file can be visualized here.

Already using Qiime2?

Previous Qiime2 users can convert their results to be used with QiimeReporter.

usage: qiimereporter-format <options>

	-i/--input 	Path to the directory where the files are located
	-m/--metadata	Path to the Qiime2 metadata file
	-t/--threads	Number of threads to use if tree option is passed (default=$CPUS) <integer>
	--tree		Pass this option to create a tree
Please be sure that stats-dada2.qza, table.qza, taxonomy.qza, and tree.nwk are in the input directory 
before proceeding

If you have not created the tree, please also copy the rep-seqs.qza file into the input directory 
and pass the option --tree 

After formatting is completed, you should run qiimereporter with the option --report-only to create the html report. 


qiimereporter-format -i qiime2_files -m sample-metadata.tsv -t 32

qiimereporter --report-only


If you use QiimeReporter before publication is released, please cite as:

David Abad, Narciso M. Quijada and Marta Hernandez. QiimeReporter. (2019)

Users are also highly encouraged to cite Qiime2 and R when using QiimeReporter.


QiimeReporter is a open-source software licensed under GPLv3.


One step pipeline for amplicon sequence analysis.







No releases published
