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What is DACash

dacash edited this page Jun 18, 2018 · 4 revisions

DACash is an ASIC-friendly cryptocurrency originated from Dash, but with its own vision and development plans.

It is a PoW/MN coin and it distributes block rewards this way:

  • Blocks 1-10000: miner: 50 DAC, masternode: 0 DAC
  • Blocks 10001+: miner: 50 DAC, masternode: 50 DAC (50%/50%)
  • Blocks 210000+: reward decreases by 6.25% every 17600 blocks, so total emission is ~50,000,000 coins.

DACash does NOT have:

  • PoS (staking)
  • Tiered masternodes.

Neither staking nor tiered masternodes add a value to the blockchain-based network. The block reward is for securing the blockchain (miners) and providing network services like InstantSend/PrivateSend (masternodes). Staking, on the other side, does not add any value. Tiered masternodes is the latest marketing buzz, but they also add no value to the blockchain except of unpredicted daily emission (no one knows how many masternodes of every tier the net will have today or tomorrow). In addition, popular nowadays PoS-only coins with no PoW (mining) proved to be unstable, and their blockchains may split with no serious reason.

Being aimed at the long life, DACash does not use these technologies. Instead, it is based on the proven Dash Core software, but has own vision to evolve.

DACash Introduction

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