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"Would You Rather?" is a simple react redux project for Udacity’s React Fundamentals course.

Project Overview

"Would You Rather?" Project, is a web app that lets a user play the “Would You Rather?” game. The game goes like this: A user is asked a question in the form: “Would you rather [option A] or [option B] ?”. Answering "neither" or "both" is against the rules.

In your app, users will be able to answer questions, see which questions they haven’t answered, see how other people have voted, post questions, and see the ranking of users on the leaderboard.

Technologies used in the project

  • React
    • react redux
    • react router
    • react icons
  • Redux
  • TailwindCSS

To run the app you need to:

open the project directory with cmd, then you can run the following commands:

1- clone the project using the following command:

git clone

2- open the project directory then use the following commend .

npm install to install project dependencies.

3- run the next commend to start server.

npm start the server will run in http://localhost:3006.


Would You Rather (Redux) Udacity project






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