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Enables the MEF Attributed Programming Model in DryIoc.

Comparing to MEF

Adds on top

  • Attributes for DryIoc specific reuse types: CurrentScopeReuse, ResolutionScopeReuse, WebRequestReuse, and ThreadReuse.
  • Support for DryIoc wrappers and decorators: AsWrapper, AsDecorator.
  • All wrappers supported: IEnumerable<T>, T[], Func<T>, KeyValuePair<K,V>, etc.
  • Convention based registration with ExportMany.
  • Easy export AsFactory to provide Export on methods and members.
  • Simplifies Metadata usage with ExportWithMetadata and ImportWithMetadata.
  • Supports compile-time assembly scan and types discovery to speed-up application startup.

Not supported

  • MEF catalog system. DryIoc implements its own assembly scan defined in AttributedModel class. Scan methods produce serializable DTOs with registration information.
  • RequiredCreationPolicyAttribute.
  • ExportMetadata is replaced with ExportWithMetadata instead, but use of custom exports with MetadataAttributeAttribute is supported.
  • Dynamic re-composition is not supported. You may use LazyEnumerable<TService> to be aware of newly registered services.


What is MefAttributedModel extension

DryIoc.MefAttributedModel is the set of extension methods to support:

  1. Configuring the dependency injection using the Import attributes
  2. Registering the services into the Container using the Export attributes
  3. Supports most of the DryIoc features with the extended set of attributes provided by DryIocAttributes package.
using ...
namespace DryIoc.Docs;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition; // for the Export and Import attributes
using DryIocAttributes;                  // for the ExportEx and ExportMany attributes
using DryIoc.MefAttributedModel;
using DryIoc;
using NUnit.Framework;
class Basic_example 
    [Test] public void Example()
        // instructs to use the Import for DI when they found but it is not needed to use the Export
        var container = new Container().WithMefAttributedModel(); 
        // registers exported types
        container.RegisterExports(typeof(Foo), typeof(Bar));
        // or via assemblies
        // container.RegisterExports(new[] { typeof(Foo).GetAssembly() });

        // creates Foo with injected Bar
        var foo = container.Resolve<IFoo>();

    public interface IFoo {}

    public class Foo : IFoo 
        public Foo([Import("some-key")]Bar bar) {}

    public class Bar {}

Relation with DryIoc.Attributes extension

DryIoc.MefAttributedModel depends on DryIoc.Attributes which does two things:

  1. Re-defines MEF Export and Import attributes for platforms without System.ComponentModel.Composition support.
  2. Extends set of attributes to support all DryIoc features: reuses, decorators, wrappers, arbitrary object service keys, etc.

Why to separate attributes into its own assembly?

To get rid off not used functionality. For instance, you can mark types for Exports with DryIoc.Attributes and use DryIocZero for DI. In that case you don't need DryIoc.MefAttributedModel functionality at runtime. All registrations will be scanned and factory delegates generated at compile-time by DryIocZero.

Another reason is that the set of features covered by DryIoc.Attributes may be used by other IoC libraries without introducing their own attributes (ha-ha, it likely won't materialize).

Export and Import attributes may be used separately

That means I can register services into container manually as usual, but utilize the Import and ImportingConstructor attributes for dependency injection.

Or other way around: you don't need to put Export attributes everyware to make advantage of Imports.

class Export_and_Import_used_separately
    [Test] public void Example()
        var container = new Container().WithMefAttributedModel(); 
        container.Register<IFoo, Foo>(Reuse.Singleton);
        container.Register<Bar>(Reuse.Singleton, serviceKey: "some-key");

        var foo = container.Resolve<IFoo>();

    // The types are without Exports
    public interface IFoo {}

    public class Foo : IFoo 
        public Foo([Import("some-key")]Bar bar) {}

    public class Bar {}

Assembly scan

DryIoc.MefAttributedModel provides convention methods to scan assembly for all types marked with Export attributes and batch register them in DryIoc container.


The method actually works by:

  • Scanning given assemblies and producing serializable DTOs with registration information.
  • Iterating over collection of registration DTOs and registering each in container.

You can explicitly split these two steps:

    IEnumerable<ExportedRegistrationInfo> exports = container.Scan(assemblies);

Note: Making ExportedRegistrationInfo serializable opens up possibility to scan assemblies at compile-time, serialize the result, and then just de-serialize and register into container at run-time. Which should be generally faster than heavy-weight reflection scanning at run-time.


MEF attributes


Allows to specify service type and service key, aka ContractType and ContractName in MEF terms.

class Export_example 
    [Test] public void Example()
        // Using `WithMefAttributedModel` applies the MEF rules where the default reuse is singleton
        var container = new Container().WithMefAttributedModel();
        // alternatively you may apply just the rules
        container = new Container(rules => rules.WithMefAttributedModel());


        Assert.AreSame(container.Resolve<I>(), container.Resolve<J>()); 

    public interface I {}
    public interface J {}

    [Export] // exports implementation A as service A
    public class A {}

    [Export(typeof(I))] // exports I and J to share the same implementation B, so that
    [Export(typeof(J))] // resolving I and J will return the same singleton object B
    [Export("xyz")]     // exports B with the service key "xyz", which also returns the same B
    public class B : I, J {}

    [Export("abc", typeof(I))] // exports С as a service I with the service key "abc"
    public class C : I {}


Note: Using multiple exports on one implementation type will register the same factory for each export, that means the same I and J singleton for exported singleton.


Allows to mark interface or base type as a service type once, and consider all the implementations as exported.

class Using_InheritedExport
    [Test] public void Example()
        var container = new Container();
        container.RegisterExports(typeof(A), typeof(B));

        Assert.IsNotNull(container.Resolve<J>(serviceKey: "xyz"));

    public interface I {}

    public interface J {}

    // exported as a service I
    class A : I {}

    // exported as a service J with the service key "xyz"
    class B : J {}


Adds extended set of features supported by DryIoc


The difference from the normal MEF ExportAttribute, the extended DryIoc ExportExAttribute supports:

  • ContractKey of arbitrary type instead of string only ContractName
  • IfAlreadyExported option mapped to DryIoc.IfAlreadyRegistered

For example to ensure the register-once semantics you can export type with the IfAlreadyExported.Keep option:

class DryIocAttributes_ExportEx 
    [ExportEx(typeof(IService), IfAlreadyExported=IfAlreadyExported.Keep)]
    public class InOneFile : IService {} 

    [ExportEx(typeof(IService), IfAlreadyExported=IfAlreadyExported.Keep)]
    public class InAnotherFile : IService {} 
    public interface ICommandHandler {}

    // exports with the enumeration keys
    public enum CommandKey { Add, Delete }

    [ExportEx(CommandKey.Add, typeof(ICommandHandler))]
    public class AddCommandHandler : ICommandHandler {} 

    [ExportEx(CommandKey.Delete, typeof(ICommandHandler))]
    public class DeleteCommandHandler : ICommandHandler {} 


ExportMany maps directly to DryIoc RegisterMany method.

It allows to omit the typeof(IService) contract because it will be figured-out automatically by the ExportMany:

public class DryIocAttributes_ExportMany 
    [Test] public void Example()
        var c = new Container().WithMefAttributedModel(); // WithMefAttributedModel is not required for the Exports to work, it is required for the Imports

        Assert.IsNull(c.Resolve<ServiceImpl>(ifUnresolvedReturnDefault: true));

    public interface IService {}

    [ExportMany] // automatically discovers the `IService` interface for registration
    class ServiceImpl : IService {}

Additionally ExportMany provides the facilities to:

  • Exclude some types from registration via Except property
  • Allow NonPublic types for registration
public class ExportMany_with_Except_and_NonPublic_options 
    [Test] public void Example()
        var c = new Container().WithMefAttributedModel();


        Assert.IsNull(c.Resolve<IB>(ifUnresolvedReturnDefault: true));

    // Exports X, IA and IC, but not IB
    [ExportMany(NonPublic = true, Except = new[] { typeof(IB) })]
    class X : IA, IB {}

    interface IA {} 
    public interface IB {} 

CreationPolicy and Reuse

By default MEF treat all exports as Singletons: It means that if you do not specify PartCreationPolicy attribute for the exported type, it will be registered as Singleton.

To register Transient service you need to specify PartCreationPolicy(CreationPolicy.NonShared) attribute:

class Using_CreationPolicy 
    [Export] // exports Singleton
    public class A {}

    [Export] // exports Transient
    public class B {}

    [Export] // again Singleton but specified explicitly
    public class C {}

DryIoc converts MEF CreationPolicy into the DryIoc.IReuse as following:

  • CreationPolicy.Shared -> Reuse.Singleton
  • CreationPolicy.NonShared -> Reuse.Transient
  • CreationPolicy.Any -> Reuse.Singleton

Alternatively DryIocAttributes library introduces the Reuse attributes to support the whole set of DryIoc reuses:

  • TransientReuseAttribute -> Reuse.Transient
  • SingletonReuseAttribute -> Reuse.Singleton
  • CurrentScopeReuseAttribute -> Reuse.InCurrentScope. Supports the Scope name as attribute parameter.
  • WebRequestReuseAttribute -> Reuse.InWebRequest. Inherits from the CurrentScopeReuseAttribute.


class Using_Reuse_attribute 
    [Export, TransientReuse]
    class A {}

    [Export, WebRequestReuse]
    class B { public B(A a) {} }

    [Export, CurrentScopeReuse("my-scope-name")]
    class C { public C(A a) {}}


MEF attributes


All properties of ImportAttribute are supported by DryIoc:

  • ContractName, is mapped to the Service Key
  • ContractType, is mapped to the Required Service Type
  • AllowDefault, if set is mapped to the IfUnresolved.ReturnDefault otherwise is mapped to the IfUnresolved.Throw


class Import_specification
    [Test] public void Example() 
        var container = new Container().WithMefAttributedModel();
        container.RegisterExports(typeof(A), typeof(B));
        var b = container.Resolve<B>();

    public interface IA {}

    [Export("some-key", typeof(IA))]
    public class A : IA {}

    public class B 
        public IA A { get; private set; }

        public B([Import("some-key", AllowDefault=true)]IA a) { A = a; }

Note: Again, you can just replace RegisterExports with the normal Register, and remove all exports, and example will still work.



Inherits from ImportAttribute and adds ability to specify required service key of arbitrary type via ContractKey instead of string ImportAttribute.ContractName.

class Using_ImportEx_attribute
    public enum Speed { Fast, Slow }

    [ExportMany(ContractKey = Speed.Fast)]
    public class A : I {}

    [ExportMany(ContractKey = Speed.Slow)]
    public class B : I {}

    public class C 
        public C([ImportEx(Speed.Fast)]I i) { /* will import i as A */ }


Imports the specified service normally if the service is registered. But in the case the service is not registered, attribute will exports the service in-place for registration with provided implementation info.

This is useful for ad-hoc registration of types from not controlled libraries.

class Using_ImportExternal
    // A third-party MEF-ignorant library
    class AwesomeService : IService {}

    // My library code
    public class NativeClient
        [ImportExternal(typeof(IService), contractType: typeof(AwesomeService)), SingletonReuse]
        public IService Service { get; set; }

In this example AwesomeService is not exported and not aware of MEF composition in your code. But I can export the service in place of import, without need for introducing the exporting proxy.

In addition ImportExternal allows to specify:

  • Constructor to be used for registration via ConstructorSignature
  • Associated export Metadata

Metadata support


Have two goals:

  • Allows to specify metadata object associated with exported implementation.
  • Specifies the required metadata object for imported part, similar to MEF2 RequiredMetadataAttribute.
class Using_WithMetadata
    public class X : I {}

    public class Y : I {}

    public class Client 
        public Client([WithMetadata("b")]I it) { /* will import it as Y */}

Exporting disposable transient

The attributes described below correspond to the specific DryIoc registration options.

By default exporting transient service implementing IDisposable will throw the exception, until the container-wide rule is set Rules.WithoutThrowOnRegisteringDisposableTransient.


To prevent the exception for specific export you can mark it with AllowDisposableTransientAttribute:

class Exporting_disposable_transient
    [Test] public void Example() 
        var c = new Container().WithMefAttributedModel();

        // will throw if the export is not marked with the AllowDisposableTransient

        using (var scope = c.OpenScope())
            var foo = c.Resolve<Foo>();
            // disposing is the client responsibility

    [Export, AllowDisposableTransient]
    public class Foo : IDisposable
        public void Dispose() {}

Note: Container won't track the disposable transient and its disposal is the client responsibility. To enable the tracking see the TrackDisposableTransientAttribute below.


Exported disposable transient marked with this attributed will be tracked by container and disposed on disposing the tracking scope. The attribute corresponds to DryIoc registration option trackDisposableTransient

class Exporting_with_TrackDisposableTransient
    public class Foo : IDisposable
        public void Dispose() {}

    [Test] public void Example() 
        var c = new Container().WithMefAttributedModel();


        using (var scope = c.OpenScope())
            var foo = c.Resolve<Foo>();
        } // foo will be disposed automatically by Container

Decorators and Wrappers

AsDecorator attribute

Check the Decorators

AsWrapper attribute

Check the Wrappers

Other export options


Sets the registration option preventDisposal.


Set the registration option weaklyReferenced.


Set the registration option asResolutionCall.