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jimlambie committed Jul 11, 2018
2 parents cccde92 + 7e51117 commit 9b0fc72
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Showing 40 changed files with 1,108 additions and 9,872 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@

# Config
Expand All @@ -23,4 +24,4 @@ persist

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .npmignore
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions .snyk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Snyk ( policy file, patches or ignores known vulnerabilities.
version: v1.12.0
ignore: {}
# patches apply the minimum changes required to fix a vulnerability
- '@dadi/logger > aws-kinesis-writable > lodash':
patched: '2018-07-04T02:27:36.332Z'
- '@dadi/boot > cli-table2 > lodash':
patched: '2018-07-04T02:27:36.332Z'
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,50 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [3.1.0] - 2018-07-04

### Changed

* [#394]( performance improvements.

## [3.0.5] - 2018-06-27

### Changed

* work queue added, ensures if multiple requests are made for the same resource _before_ the first one has finished processing, remaining requests wait for the result of the first one _instead of requesting a new computation each time_. When the processing for the first request finishes, all waiting requests are served and the request is removed from the work queue.

## [3.0.4] - 2018-06-22

### Fixed

* [#388]( fix issue where not all chunks from a remote HTTP call were passed to the calling function.

## [3.0.3] - 2018-06-06

### Changed

* [#372]( add proper support for range requests, enabling seekable content such as audio and video to be served correctly.

## [3.0.2] - 2018-06-04

### Changed

* changed `.npmignore` to correctly exclude any files and directories used for development purposes only.

## [3.0.1] - 2018-06-04

### Changed

* [#369]( fix issue where `devicePixelRatio` was ignored when a resize style other than `crop` was used; change default resize style to `aspectfill` when `width`, `height` and `gravity` are supplied.

## [3.0.0] - 2018-05-21

Full public release of Release Candidate 4.

### Breaking changes

* The file upload function in CDN was recently removed. We came to the conclusion that CDN should remain a delivery tool - how a user gets their assets to their storage location for CDN to serve should be up to them. There are a great number of ways to do that, including via DADI API (see

## [3.0.0-RC4] - 2018-05-16

### Added
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<img src="" alt="DADI CDN" height="65"/>
<img src="" alt="DADI CDN" height="65"/>

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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ CDN is part of DADI, a suite of components covering the full development stack,

### Install dependencies

Ensure you have the required dependencies installed. See the first sections in the CDN [installation]( documentation.
Ensure you have the required dependencies installed. See the first sections in the CDN [installation]( documentation.

### Install CDN

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ With the default configuration, our CDN server is available at http://localhost:

CDN requires a configuration file specific to the application environment. For example in the production environment it will look for a file named `config.production.json`.

When CDN was installed, a development configuration file was created for you in a `config` folder at your application root. Full configuration documentation can be found at
When CDN was installed, a development configuration file was created for you in a `config` folder at your application root. Full configuration documentation can be found at

### Run CDN as a service
Expand All @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ $ forever-service install -s index.js -e NODE_ENV=production cdn --start
### Configuring an image source

Before you can serve assets or images you need to tell CDN where your files are located. Currently, CDN can serve your files from three types of source: [Amazon S3](, [a remote server](, and the [the local filesystem]( We'll start using the local filesystem, but see the [full documentation]( for details on using the other source types.
Before you can serve assets or images you need to tell CDN where your files are located. Currently, CDN can serve your files from three types of source: [Amazon S3](, [a remote server](, and the [the local filesystem]( We'll start using the local filesystem, but see the [full documentation]( for details on using the other source types.

The sample configuration file defines a local filesystem source. The `path` property is set to use an directory called `images` at the root of your application. CDN will look for your files at the location defined in this `path` property every time it handles a request.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 136 13 Mar 13:01 ..

## Links
* [CDN Documentation](
* [CDN Documentation](

## Licence

DADI is a data centric development and delivery stack, built specifically in support of the principles of API first and COPE.

Copyright notice<br />
(C) 2018 DADI+ Limited <><br />
(C) 2018 DADI+ Limited <><br />
All rights reserved

This product is part of DADI.<br />
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion config.js
Expand Up @@ -277,7 +277,8 @@ const schema = {
path: {
doc: 'The remote host to request assets from, for example',
format: String,
default: ''
default: '',
allowDomainOverride: true
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions dadi/lib/cache/index.js
Expand Up @@ -133,10 +133,12 @@ Cache.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
* @param {String} key cache key
* @param {[type]} value
Cache.prototype.set = function (key, value) {
Cache.prototype.set = function (key, value, options) {
if (!this.isEnabled()) return Promise.resolve(null)

return cache.set(key, value)
let encryptedKey = this.getNormalisedKey(key)

return cache.set(encryptedKey, value, options)

let instance
Expand Down
119 changes: 70 additions & 49 deletions dadi/lib/controller/index.js
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
const cloudfront = require('cloudfront')
const concat = require('concat-stream')
const compressible = require('compressible')
const etag = require('etag')
const fs = require('fs')
const lengthStream = require('length-stream')
const mime = require('mime')
const path = require('path')
const seek = require('./seek')
const sha1 = require('sha1')
const urlParser = require('url')
const zlib = require('zlib')

Expand All @@ -14,13 +15,18 @@ const logger = require('@dadi/logger')
const HandlerFactory = require(path.join(__dirname, '/../handlers/factory'))
const RecipeController = require(path.join(__dirname, '/recipe'))
const RouteController = require(path.join(__dirname, '/route'))
const WorkQueue = require('./../workQueue')
const workspace = require(path.join(__dirname, '/../models/workspace'))

logger.init(config.get('logging'), config.get(''), config.get('env'))

let workQueue = new WorkQueue()

const Controller = function (router) {


router.get('/robots.txt', (req, res) => {
const robotsFile = config.get('robots')

Expand All @@ -37,68 +43,83 @@ const Controller = function (router) {

router.get(/(.+)/, (req, res) => {
const factory = new HandlerFactory(workspace.get())
let factory = new HandlerFactory(workspace.get())
let queueKey = sha1(req.__domain + req.url)

factory.create(req).then(handler => {
return handler.get().then(stream => {
this.addContentTypeHeader(res, handler)
this.addCacheControlHeader(res, handler, req.__domain)
this.addLastModifiedHeader(res, handler)
return, () => {
return factory.create(req).then(handler => {
return handler.get().then(data => {
return { handler, data }
}).catch(err => {
err.__handler = handler

if (handler.storageHandler && handler.storageHandler.notFound) {
res.statusCode = config.get('notFound.statusCode', req.__domain) || 404
return Promise.reject(err)
}).then(({handler, data}) => {
this.addContentTypeHeader(res, handler)
this.addCacheControlHeader(res, handler, req.__domain)
this.addLastModifiedHeader(res, handler)

if (handler.storageHandler && handler.storageHandler.cleanUp) {
if (handler.storageHandler && handler.storageHandler.notFound) {
res.statusCode = config.get('notFound.statusCode', req.__domain) || 404

let contentLength = 0
if (handler.storageHandler && handler.storageHandler.cleanUp) {

// receive the concatenated buffer and send the response
// unless the etag hasn't changed, then send 304 and end the response
function sendBuffer (buffer) {
res.setHeader('Content-Length', contentLength)
res.setHeader('ETag', etag(buffer))
let etagResult = etag(data)
let contentLength = Buffer.isBuffer(data)
? data.byteLength
: data.length

if (req.headers['if-none-match'] === etag(buffer) && handler.getContentType() !== 'application/json') {
res.statusCode = 304
} else {
let cacheHeader = (handler.getHeader && handler.getHeader('x-cache')) ||
(handler.isCached ? 'HIT' : 'MISS')
res.setHeader('Content-Length', contentLength)
res.setHeader('ETag', etagResult)

res.setHeader('X-Cache', cacheHeader)
let shouldCompress =
req.headers['accept-encoding'] === 'gzip' &&

function lengthListener (length) {
contentLength = length
if (
shouldCompress &&
config.get('headers.useGzipCompression', req.__domain) &&
handler.getContentType() !== 'application/json'
) {
res.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip')

let concatStream = concat(sendBuffer)
data = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
zlib.gzip(data, (err, compressedData) => {
if (err) return reject(err)

if (
config.get('headers.useGzipCompression', req.__domain) &&
handler.getContentType() !== 'application/json'
) {
res.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip')

let gzipStream = stream.pipe(zlib.createGzip())
gzipStream = gzipStream.pipe(lengthStream(lengthListener))
return Promise.resolve(data).then(data => {
if (req.headers.range) {
} else if (req.headers['if-none-match'] === etagResult && handler.getContentType() !== 'application/json') {
res.statusCode = 304
} else {
}).catch(err => {
logger.error({err: err})
let cacheHeader = (handler.getHeader && handler.getHeader('x-cache')) ||
(handler.isCached ? 'HIT' : 'MISS')

res.setHeader('X-Cache', handler.isCached ? 'HIT' : 'MISS')

help.sendBackJSON(err.statusCode || 400, err, res)
res.setHeader('X-Cache', cacheHeader)
}).catch(err => {
logger.error({err: err})

if (err.__handler) {
res.setHeader('X-Cache', err.__handler.isCached ? 'HIT' : 'MISS')

delete err.__handler

help.sendBackJSON(err.statusCode || 400, err, res)
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