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Elikill58 edited this page Jan 11, 2022 · 1 revision

The default config is foundable here

The configuration is splitted in multiple parts.


The config-version should NEVER be changed. It's used to know if you have the good config or not.

The manager field is more explain in managers page.


Contains all options for the behavior itself :

  • placeholders for all words that will show an item
  • name-format to change how you see the item
  • amount-format to change how the amount is showed
  • force-add-amount to show amount if only one item
  • hand config to manage the behavior when trying to show the hand
    • disabled state of the hand in chat
    • name & tooltip are to change how the hand show in chat
  • limit max amount of placeholders per message
  • cooldown time between 2 replacements


This is used to show warn, cancellation or in inventories.

Some messages :

  • deny-message sent if showing hand is disabled
  • reload-success sent when reloading
  • cooldown-message sent when waiting for the end of cooldown
  • no-permission sent if player don't have the permission
  • limit-message sent if the player reach the limit per message of placeholders
  • join-update sent when there is an update
  • only-players sent to console when trying to run player's command

The chatitem-cmd correspond to some options for the /chatitem command :

  • help is the list of all messages for the help
  • links contains all parts of the /chatitem link message. Specially list. This is an example of one item in this "list" section :
  message: "\n&7- &eSpigotmc updates"
  hover: "&6Click to go to spigot page !"
  link: ""

Field hover & link are both optional, specially to show transition between 2 links.

Finally, the admin-inv contains all strings used in /chatitem admin inventory :

  • name the name of inventory
  • close the name of closing inventory
  • amount-lore & bool-lore are list showed to explain for enable/disable options or just amount (+1/-1)
  • color-if-already-colored, deny-no-item, hand-disabled, limit-per-message and cooldown are name of some items used for options
  • manager contains all name and lore for all managers : both, auto, packet, chat, actual


This section contains all visuals name of material. You can use it to override default names.

It's mostly reserved to people who know what they are doing.

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