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dbmigrate is a sql database migration tool.

It can be used both as a CLI application and as a Go package, does not use any DSL for migrations, just plain old SQL we all know and love so it is compatible with any framework and programming language.

This readme covers the CLI app, for the Go package documentation please look at


  • Can be used as a CLI app and as a Go package
  • Support for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite
  • Migrations generator
  • Up and down migrations in different files
  • Database specific migrations (e.g. ones that executed only on Postgres)
  • Uses timestamps as migration version
  • Migrates all the way up or by specified number of steps
  • Applies migrations in batches, that can be rolled back/reapplied at once
  • View migrations status and other information such as if database is up to date or not, last applied migration, etc
  • Gets database connection settings from command line flags, environment variables, file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties format, consul or etcd.
  • Support for different environments, e.g. for tests



dbmigrate command can be called from any subdirectory of a directory containing the dbmigrations directory, where migrations are stored.

Database settings

In order to use dbmigrate you should provide database settings. Mandatory settings include database engine (postgres, mysql or sqlite), database name and user (except for sqlite). Host defaults to localhost and port has a specific default value for each database engine.

Settings can be read from the following sources, sorted by precedence:

  • Command line flags
  • Environment variables
  • Configuration files (in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties format)
  • Key-value store (consul or etcd)

So, if both the --engine flag and the engine entry in the configuration file are provided the flag value will be used.


When using environment variables, configuration files or key-value store the --environment (-e) command line flag can be provided to specify alternative database settings if your project uses more than one database, e.g. for tests.

Command line flags

Database settings related command line flags are:

  • -n, --engine: database engine (postgres, mysql or sqlite)
  • -d, --database: database name
  • -u, --user: database user
  • -p, --password: database password
  • -b, --host: database host, default is localhost
  • -o, --port: database port, default is specific for each database engine
  • -t, --table: migrations table, default is migrations

The full list of command line flags can be obtained by running dbmigrate --help.

Environment variables

Environment variables names should be in the following format: uppercased project dir name (the one holding dbmigrations dir) followed by correspnding flag name, joined by underscore and uppercased. For example, the environment variable name for the database engine for the project that located in the directory named theservice would be THESERVICE_ENGINE.

If the --prefix (-x) flag is provided, it would be used instead of project dir as environment variables prefix.

If the --env (-e) flag is provided, it would be used as a second part of the variable name, e.g. when the --env flag set to 'test' and the project is in the directory theservice, variable name for engine would be THESERVICE_TEST_ENGINE

Configuration files

Configuration files could be in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties format. Default file name is dbmigrate, so dbmigrate looks for dbmigrate.yml, dbmigrate.yaml, dbmigrate.json, etc. The alternative configuration file name (without extension) can be set using the --config (-c) flag.

Example configuration file in yaml format:

engine: postgres
database: blog
user: author
password: topsecret

  engine: sqlite
  database: blog.db

Key-value stores

dbmigrate can use consul or etcd to store configuration. In order to use it the --kvsparams (-k) flag should be provided, with a value in the following format: provider://host(:port)/path.type where provider is consul or etcd, host is key-value store host without scheme part, port can be omitted and defaults to 8500 for consul and 2379 for etcd, path is the key path and type is the file format used to encode the config. File formats are the same ones as used for configuration files.

crypt can be used to put configurations in the key-value store, e.g.: crypt set -endpoint http://localhost:2379 -plaintext /configs/theservice theservice.json

if the --secretkeyring (-r) flag is provided, which should point to the path of a secret key ring path, the configuration will be stored encrypted and will be automatically decrypted when retrieved.

Other settings

The --missingdowns (-m) boolean flag, the {APP}_MISSINGDOWNS environment variable or the corresponding entry in the configuration file specifies if it is ok to have missing or empty down migrations. Default is false which means that dbmigrate will exit with an error if this happens.


dbmigrate has the following commands: generate, migrate (the root, default command), rollback, reapply and status.


The generate command generates up and down migrations. It uses command line arguments to build migration name, e.g. dbmigrate generate Posts table will create TIMESTAMP_posts_table.up.sql and TIMESTAMP_posts_table.down.sql migrations.

If the --engines (-g) flag is set then migrations will be created only for the specified engines, e.g. dbmigrate -g=postgres,sqlite generate Posts table will generate TIMESTAMP_posts_table.up.postgres.sql, TIMESTAMP_posts_table.up.sqlite.sql and corresponding down migrations.

If the --engines flag is set without value, the database engine specified in connection settings will be used, e.g. dbmigrate -n=sqlite -d=test.db generate Posts table will generate TIMESTAMP_posts_table.up.sqlite.sql and TIMESTAMP_posts_table.down.sqlite.sql files.


The migrate command applies all unapplied migrations or, if the --steps (-s) flag is set, only -s migrations. Migrate is the root command, so running it as simple as calling dbmigrate without any subcommand.


The rollback command rolls back the latest migration operation, e.g. if 3 migrations were applied during the last operation, then exactly these 3 migrations would be rolled back. If the --steps (-s) flag is set, exactly -s migrations will be rolled back.


The reapply command rolls back and applies again migrations applied during the latest migration operation. If the --steps (-s) flag is set, exactly -s migrations will be reapplied.


The status command shows migrations list with names, versions and applied at times, if the migration was applied. It also shows the latest version migration, the last applied migrations (they are not necessarily the same ones), number of applied migrations and if the database schema is up to date or not.


  • Embed migrations into binary or get them from zip/tar archives, http, ssh, s3 or github


dbmigrate is distributed under the MIT license.