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vuepress-theme-cool example of making diagrams using VuePress Theme Cool Starter V1


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Made by Maksim Kostromin with ❤️ 🤘

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Quick and fast rapid VuePress documentation diagrams development [[toc]]


Class diagram

Class01 <|-- AveryLongClass : Cool
Class03 *-- Class04
Class05 o-- Class06
Class07 .. Class08
Class09 --> C2 : Where am i?
Class09 --* C3
Class09 --|> Class07
Class07 : equals()
Class07 : Object[] elementData
Class01 : size()
Class01 : int chimp
Class01 : int gorilla
Class08 <--> C2: Cool label
classDiagram Class01 <|-- AveryLongClass : Cool Class03 *-- Class04 Class05 o-- Class06 Class07 .. Class08 Class09 --> C2 : Where am i? Class09 --* C3 Class09 --|> Class07 Class07 : equals() Class07 : Object[] elementData Class01 : size() Class01 : int chimp Class01 : int gorilla Class08 <--> C2: Cool label


graph TD
  A[Silvester] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
  B --> C{Let me think}
  C -->|One| D[Laptop]
  C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
  C -->|Three| F[Car]
  C -->|Four| F[Mac]
graph TD A[Silvester] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[Car] C -->|Four| F[Mac]

Sequence diagram

    Alice->>Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
    alt is sick
        Bob->>Alice: Not so good :(
    else is well
        Bob->>Alice: Feeling fresh like a daisy
    opt Extra response
        Bob->>Alice: Thanks for asking
sequenceDiagram Alice->>Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? alt is sick Bob->>Alice: Not so good :( else is well Bob->>Alice: Feeling fresh like a daisy end opt Extra response Bob->>Alice: Thanks for asking end

Gantt diagram

section Section
Completed    :done,    des1, 2014-01-06, 2014-01-08
Active       :active,  des2, 2014-01-07, 3d
Parallel 1   :         des3, after des1, 1d
Parallel 2   :         des4, after des1, 1d
Parallel 3   :         des5, after des3, 1d
Parallel 4   :         des6, after des4, 1d
gantt section Section Completed :done, des1, 2014-01-06, 2014-01-08 Active :active, des2, 2014-01-07, 3d Parallel 1 : des3, after des1, 1d Parallel 2 : des4, after des1, 1d Parallel 3 : des5, after des3, 1d Parallel 4 : des6, after des4, 1d

Mermaid 8.4.3+ => State diagram

  [*] --> Still
  Still --> [*]
  Still --> Moving
  Moving --> Still
  Moving --> Crash
  Crash --> [*]
stateDiagram [*] --> Still Still --> [*] Still --> Moving Moving --> Still Moving --> Crash Crash --> [*]



Bob -> Alice : hello

@startuml Bob -> Alice : hello @enduml



title My super title

* <&flag>Debian
** <&globe>Ubuntu
*** Linux Mint
*** Kubuntu
*** Lubuntu
*** KDE Neon
** <&graph>LMDE
** <&pulse>SolydXK
** <&people>SteamOS
** <&star>Raspbian with a very long name
*** <s>Raspmbc</s> => OSMC
*** <s>Raspyfi</s> => Volumio

caption figure 1


@startuml @startmindmap

title My super title

  • <&flag>Debian ** <&globe>Ubuntu *** Linux Mint *** Kubuntu *** Lubuntu *** KDE Neon ** <&graph>LMDE ** <&pulse>SolydXK ** <&people>SteamOS ** <&star>Raspbian with a very long name *** Raspmbc => OSMC *** Raspyfi => Volumio

caption figure 1

@endmindmap @enduml


node in as "input"
node p as "Pre-processing"
node fm as "Feature Mining"
node fs as "Feature Selection"
node fr as "Feature Reduction"
node m as "Modelling"
node a as "Accepted Results?"
node pp as "Post-processing"
node o as "Output"

in -> p
p ..> fm
fm ..> fs
fs ..> fr
fr ..> m
m ..> a
a ..> fm : no
a -> pp : yes
pp -> o

@startuml node in as "input" node p as "Pre-processing" node fm as "Feature Mining" node fs as "Feature Selection" node fr as "Feature Reduction" node m as "Modelling" node a as "Accepted Results?" node pp as "Post-processing" node o as "Output"

in -> p p ..> fm fm ..> fs fs ..> fr fr ..> m m ..> a a ..> fm : no a -> pp : yes pp -> o @enduml

Steps flow

  |Required Steps|
  :"Start Assignment";
  :Create Git Repo/Overleaf;
  :Copy Down Questions;
  :Initial Barebones Commit;
  |Required Steps|
  :"Answer Questions";
  :"Submit Assignment";
  :"Update Local Repo";
  :"Update CENG4B Notes;

@startuml |Required Steps| :"Start Assignment"; |#AntiqueWhite|Documentation| :Create Git Repo/Overleaf; :Copy Down Questions; |#LightBlue|Git| :Initial Barebones Commit; |Required Steps| :"Answer Questions"; :"Submit Assignment"; |Git| :"Update Local Repo"; :"Update CENG4B Notes; stop @enduml

Notes flow

(*) --> [File System ] "input.json "
note left
1. Read Entire File into memory
end note
-->[Available Memory]"JSON data loaded in memory"
note left
2. Process file
in memory.
end note
note right
When loading a file into
memory to be parsed as
JSON or CSV, we’re limited
by the max string size
in Node.js: around 536 MB
as of Node v8
end note
--> [File System] "output.json"
note left
3. Write transform data back into system
end note
--> (*)

@startuml (*) --> [File System ] "input.json " note left

  1. Read Entire File into memory end note -->[Available Memory]"JSON data loaded in memory" note left
  2. Process file in memory. end note note right When loading a file into memory to be parsed as JSON or CSV, we’re limited by the max string size in Node.js: around 536 MB as of Node v8 end note --> [File System] "output.json" note left
  3. Write transform data back into system end note --> (*) @enduml

Solidity Diagraph

sample 1

digraph foo {
  node [style=rounded]
  node1 [shape=box]
  node2 [fillcolor=yellow, style="rounded,filled", shape=diamond]
  node3 [shape=record, label="{ a | b | c }"]

  node1 -> node2 -> node3

@startuml digraph foo { node [style=rounded] node1 [shape=box] node2 [fillcolor=yellow, style="rounded,filled", shape=diamond] node3 [shape=record, label="{ a | b | c }"]

node1 -> node2 -> node3 } @enduml

sample 2

strict digraph cool {
  exists [color=blue]
  authenticate [color=blue]
  get [color=blue]
  authenticate -> require
  create -> UserCreated
  destroy -> require
  destroy -> UserDestroyed
  get -> require

@startuml strict digraph cool { exists [color=blue] authenticate [color=blue] require create UserCreated destroy UserDestroyed get [color=blue] authenticate -> require create -> UserCreated destroy -> require destroy -> UserDestroyed get -> require } @enduml


Bar chart

<bar-chart :data="[
    ['Assignments', 10],
    ['Midterm', 35],
    ['Final', 55]]"

Pie chart

<pie-chart :data="[
    ['Assignments', 10],
    ['Midterm', 35],
    ['Final', 55]]"

Column chart

<column-chart :data="[
    ['Assignments', 10],
    ['Midterm', 35],
    ['Final', 55]]"

another sample

<column-chart :data="[
    ['Sun', 32],
    ['Mon', 46],
    ['Tue', 28],

Area chart

<area-chart :data="[
    ['Assignments', 10],
    ['Midterm', 35],
    ['Final', 55]
]" />

another sample

<area-chart :data="{
    '2017-01-01': 11,
    '2017-01-02': 6,
    '2017-01-03': 7,
    '2017-01-04': 8,
    '2017-01-05': 3,
}" />

Scatter chart

        [175.0, 80.0],
        [175.3, 60.1],
        [175.5, 55.2],
        [175.8, 42.4],
        [176.0, 38.3],

Line chart

<line-chart :data="[
    { name: 'Workout',      data: { '2017-01-01': 3, '2017-01-02': 4 } },
    { name: 'Call parents', data: { '2017-01-01': 5, '2017-01-02': 3 } },
]" />


$x^2 + x_2 = x_2 + x^2$

$x^2 + x_2 = x_2 + x^2$

yet another sample

$$x^2 + x = x + x^2$$

$$x^2 + x = x + x^2$$

Quickstart new project

Start from documentation:

mkdir /tmp/1 && wget -qO- | tar xvf - -C $_
# wget -qO- | tar xvf -
# tar -xvf <(curl -sL
# jar -xvf <(curl -sL
mv /tmp/1/vuepress-diagrams-master /tmp/my-new-project
cd /tmp/my-new-project/
# find and replace: vuepress-diagrams -> my-new-project
# such as: BASE='/my-new-project/'
vi package.json
vi .vuepress/config.js

Build and serve

npm i -E ; npm run build ; npx serve .vuepress/dist/

open http://localhost:8080/ url

Publish via CI

Checkout .github/workflows/ci.yaml file to see how easily you can deploy your VuePress docs on GitHub Pages:

@code transcludeWith=::include lang=yaml

That documentation file is compiled and deployed on GitHub Pages
