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5.0.3 unable to load .eslintrc.js file #35

roypearce opened this issue Dec 28, 2020 · 2 comments

5.0.3 unable to load .eslintrc.js file #35

roypearce opened this issue Dec 28, 2020 · 2 comments
bug Something isn't working


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Describe the bug
First, thanks for your work on this project.

Version 5.0.2 is able to load the projects .eslintrc.js file just fine and applies the import sort order as expected. Starting with 5.0.3 the log files say they are unable to load the same file (though the location is accurate, and the file can be opened by clicking the path the logs say it is unable to open).

Specific error: [2020-12-28T18:14:39.380] [WARN] config.loadESLintConfig - Failed loading ESLint config: Cannot read config file: /Users/myuser/code/my-project/.eslintrc.js

Here is the log output from opening VSCode to saving a file:

[2020-12-28T18:14:16.552] [INFO] default - os: {
  arch: 'x64',
  platform: 'darwin',
  type: 'Darwin',
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  EOL: '\n'
[2020-12-28T18:14:16.553] [INFO] default - vscode: { version: '1.52.1' }
[2020-12-28T18:14:16.554] [INFO] default - extensions: {
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  installed: [
    'ESLint (dbaeumer.vscode-eslint@2.1.14)',
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    'Sort JS object keys (zengxingxin.sort-js-object-keys@1.0.6)'
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.350] [INFO] vscode.resolveConfig - Start resolving configs for fileName: /Users/myuser/code/my-project/src/app-dashboard/components/header/dashboard-header.tsx, languageId: typescriptreact
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.352] [DEBUG] config.loadVscConfig - Finish loading VSC config
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.352] [DEBUG] config.loadImportSorterConfig - Load Prettier/EditorConfig config.
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.352] [INFO] config.loadPretConfig - Prettier API version:  2.2.1
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.363] [DEBUG] config.loadImportSorterConfig - Load import-sorter config from import-sorter.json
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.364] [DEBUG] config.loadImportSorterConfig - Load package.json config.
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.364] [DEBUG] config.loadESLintConfig - Start loading ESLint config for filePath: /Users/myuser/code/my-project/src/app-dashboard/components/header/dashboard-header.tsx
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.364] [INFO] config.loadESLintConfig - ESLint API version: 7.16.0
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.380] [WARN] config.loadESLintConfig - Failed loading ESLint config: Cannot read config file: /Users/myuser/code/my-project/.eslintrc.js
Error: Cannot find module '/Users/myuser/code/my-project/.eslintrc.js'
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.381] [DEBUG] config.loadTsConfig - Find TS config for fileName: /Users/myuser/code/my-project/src/app-dashboard/components/header/dashboard-header.tsx
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.381] [DEBUG] config.loadTsConfig - Load TS config for fileName: /Users/myuser/code/my-project/src/app-dashboard/components/header/dashboard-header.tsx
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.388] [DEBUG] config.loadTsConfig - Parse TS config for path: /Users/myuser/code/my-project
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.407] [DEBUG] vscode.resolveConfig - Finish resolving configs.
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.407] [DEBUG] formatDocument - Start formatting fileName: /Users/myuser/code/my-project/src/app-dashboard/components/header/dashboard-header.tsx
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.408] [INFO] parser.formatSource - config: {
  configurationFileName: 'import-sorter.json',
  autoFormat: 'onSave',
  formatExports: true,
  exclude: [ 'node_modules' ],
  excludeGlob: [],
  sortImportsBy: 'paths',
  groupRules: [ '^react(-dom)?$', '^@angular/', '^vue$', {}, '^[@]', '^[.]' ],
  sortRules: { paths: [ '_', 'aA' ], names: [ '_', 'aA' ] },
  keepUnused: [],
  emptyLinesBetweenGroups: 1,
  emptyLinesAfterAllImports: 1,
  removeLastSlashInPath: false,
  removeLastIndexInPath: false,
  maxBindingNamesPerLine: 1,
  maxDefaultAndBindingNamesPerLine: 2,
  maxExportNamesPerLine: 0,
  maxNamesPerWrappedLine: 1,
  development: { enableDebug: true },
  insertFinalNewline: true,
  maxLineLength: 100,
  tabType: 'space',
  tabSize: 2,
  hasSemicolon: true,
  quoteMark: 'single',
  trailingComma: 'multiLine',
  bracketSpacing: true,
  eol: 'LF'
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.408] [INFO] parser.formatSource - eslintConfig: undefined
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.408] [INFO] parser.formatSource - tsCompilerOptions: {
  allowJs: false,
  allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true,
  allowUnreachableCode: false,
  baseUrl: '/Users/myuser/code/my-project/src',
  experimentalDecorators: true,
  jsx: 1,
  lib: [ 'lib.es2020.d.ts', 'lib.dom.d.ts' ],
  module: 6,
  moduleResolution: 2,
  noImplicitAny: false,
  noUnusedLocals: true,
  noUnusedParameters: true,
  paths: { '@root/*': [ '../*' ], '@src/*': [ './*' ] },
  resolveJsonModule: true,
  skipLibCheck: true,
  sourceMap: true,
  strictBindCallApply: true,
  strictNullChecks: false,
  target: 7,
  pathsBasePath: '/Users/myuser/code/my-project',
  configFilePath: undefined
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.408] [DEBUG] parser.formatSource - Translated ESLint config to newConfig: {
  configurationFileName: 'import-sorter.json',
  autoFormat: 'onSave',
  formatExports: true,
  exclude: [ 'node_modules' ],
  excludeGlob: [],
  sortImportsBy: 'paths',
  groupRules: [ '^react(-dom)?$', '^@angular/', '^vue$', {}, '^[@]', '^[.]' ],
  sortRules: { paths: [ '_', 'aA' ], names: [ '_', 'aA' ] },
  keepUnused: [],
  emptyLinesBetweenGroups: 1,
  emptyLinesAfterAllImports: 1,
  removeLastSlashInPath: false,
  removeLastIndexInPath: false,
  maxBindingNamesPerLine: 1,
  maxDefaultAndBindingNamesPerLine: 2,
  maxExportNamesPerLine: 0,
  maxNamesPerWrappedLine: 1,
  development: { enableDebug: true },
  insertFinalNewline: true,
  maxLineLength: 100,
  tabType: 'space',
  tabSize: 2,
  hasSemicolon: true,
  quoteMark: 'single',
  trailingComma: 'multiLine',
  bracketSpacing: true,
  eol: 'LF'
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.408] [DEBUG] parser.formatSource - ESLint config processed data: undefined
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.422] [DEBUG] parser.formatSource - composeConfig: {
  maxLength: 100,
  maxWords: {
    withoutDefault: 1,
    withDefault: 2,
    wrapped: 1,
    exported: 9007199254740991
  groupSep: '\n\n',
  groupEnd: 2,
  tab: '  ',
  quote: [Function],
  comma: ',',
  semi: ';',
  bracket: [Function],
  lastNewLine: true,
  nl: '\n'
[2020-12-28T18:14:39.486] [INFO] formatDocument - Finished format.

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daidodo commented Dec 29, 2020

Hi @roypearce, thanks for reporting the issue!

The issue is related to Webpack so I disabled it and released a new version 5.0.6.

Please try it out and tell me if the problem persists.

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Yes, that seems to have fixed it, thank you!

daidodo pushed a commit that referenced this issue Dec 29, 2020
@daidodo daidodo added the bug Something isn't working label Dec 29, 2020
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2 participants