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fixes #86 - DHARMa support is working (though not yet working for zer…
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…o-inflated models, just regular binomial and poisson). Also added logo to readme and regenerated pkgdown website
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rdinnager committed May 5, 2023
1 parent fee6d19 commit 86d9510
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Showing 112 changed files with 6,002 additions and 8,583 deletions.
181 changes: 163 additions & 18 deletions R/pglmm-utils.R
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Expand Up @@ -1350,18 +1350,23 @@ predict.communityPGLMM <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) {

#' Simulate from a communityPGLMM object
#' Note that this function currently only works for model fit with \code{bayes = TRUE}
#' @inheritParams lme4::simulate.merMod
#' @param re.form (formula, `NULL`, or `NA`) specify which random effects to condition on when predicting.
#' If `NULL`, include all random effects and the conditional modes of those random effects will be included in the deterministic part of the simulation (i.e Xb + Zu);
#' if `NA` or `~0`, include no random effects and new values will be chosen for each group based on the estimated random-effects variances (i.e. Xb + Zu * u_random).
#' @param object A fitted model object with class 'communityPGLMM'.
#' @param ntry Number of times to retry simulation in the case of `NA` values. Only applies
#' to models fit with `bayes = TRUE`. If there are still `NA`s after `ntry` times, the
#' simulated values will be returned (with `NA`s) with a warning. If you keep getting `NA`s try
#' rerunning with `joint = TRUE`, which simulates in a slower but more stable way.
#' @param full If `TRUE`, simulation will be done with an approximation of the full
#' joint posterior (rather than the marginal posterior, which is the default).
#' This method is much slower but is often more stable, and is technically more accurate.
#' @export
simulate.communityPGLMM <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL,
re.form = NULL, ...) {
re.form = NULL, ntry = 5, full = FALSE, ...) {
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

#sim <- INLA::inla.posterior.sample(nsim, object$inla.model)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1399,27 +1404,167 @@ simulate.communityPGLMM <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL,
sim <- apply(mu_sim, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) rbinom(length(x), Ntrials, x))
} else { # beyes version
if(deparse(re.form) == "~0" | deparse(re.form) == "NA")
warning("re.form = NULL is the only option for bayes models at this moment",
immediate. = TRUE)
mu_sim <-, lapply(object$inla.model$marginals.fitted.values,
INLA::inla.rmarginal, n = nsim)) %>%

if(object$bayes && object$family == "binomial" &&
!is.null(object$inla.model$Ntrials)) {
Ntrials <- object$inla.model$Ntrials
sim <- bayes_simulate(object, nsim = nsim, re.form = re.form, ntry = ntry, full = full)



bayes_simulate <- function(object, nsim = 250, re.form, ntry = 5, full = FALSE) {

if(object$bayes && object$family == "binomial" &&
!is.null(object$inla.model$Ntrials)) {
Ntrials <- object$inla.model$Ntrials
} else {
Ntrials <- 1

if(full) {

fam <- family(object)

mu_sim <- INLA::inla.posterior.sample(nsim, object$inla.model,
selection = list(Predictor = 0))
mu_sim <- lapply(mu_sim, function(x) fam$linkinv(x$latent))

sim <- switch(object$family,
binomial = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rbinom(length(x), Ntrials, x)),
poisson = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rpois(length(x), x)),

sim <-, sim)

} else {
Ntrials <- 1

mu_sim <-, lapply(object$inla.model$marginals.fitted.values,
INLA::inla.rmarginal, n = nsim)) %>%

sim <- switch(object$family,
binomial = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rbinom(length(x), Ntrials, x)),
poisson = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rpois(length(x), x)),

missing <- sapply(sim, function(x) any(

if(any(missing) && ntry > 0) {
for(i in seq_len(ntry)) {
mu_sim[missing] <-, lapply(object$inla.model$marginals.fitted.values,
INLA::inla.rmarginal, n = sum(missing))) %>%
sim[missing] <- switch(object$family,
binomial = lapply(mu_sim[missing], function(x) rbinom(length(x), Ntrials, x)),
poisson = lapply(mu_sim[missing], function(x) rpois(length(x), x)),
missing <- sapply(sim, function(x) any(
if(!any(missing)) {

if(any(missing)) {
warning("Simulation resulted in some NA values after ", ntry, " tries. Consider increasing ntry or using joint = TRUE")

sim <-, sim)


sim <- switch(object$family,
binomial = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rbinom(length(x), Ntrials, x)),
poisson = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rpois(length(x), x))

sim <-, sim)
} else {

if(deparse(re.form) == "~0" | deparse(re.form) == "NA"){

# condition on none of the random effects
if(full) {

fam <- family(object)

beta_names <- rownames(object$inla.model$summary.fixed)
selection <- as.list(rep(0, length(beta_names)))
names(selection) <- beta_names
beta_sim <- INLA::inla.posterior.sample(nsim, object$inla.model,
selection = selection)

beta_sim <- sapply(beta_sim, function(x) fam$linkinv(x$latent))

mu_sim <- (object$X %*% beta_sim) %>%

mu_sim <- lapply(mu_sim, fam$linkinv)

sim <- switch(object$family,
binomial = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rbinom(length(x), Ntrials, x)),
poisson = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rpois(length(x), x)),

sim <-, sim)

} else {

fam <- family(object)

beta_sim <-, lapply(object$inla.model$marginals.fixed,
INLA::inla.rmarginal, n = nsim))

mu_sim <- (object$X %*% t(beta_sim)) %>%

mu_sim <- lapply(mu_sim, fam$linkinv)

sim <- switch(object$family,
binomial = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rbinom(length(x), Ntrials, x)),
poisson = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rpois(length(x), x)),

missing <- sapply(sim, function(x) any(

if(any(missing) && ntry > 0) {
for(i in seq_len(ntry)) {
beta_sim[missing, ] <-, lapply(object$inla.model$marginals.fixed,
INLA::inla.rmarginal, n = sum(missing)))
mu_sim[missing] <- (object$X %*% t(beta_sim[missing, , drop = FALSE])) %>% %>%

sim[missing] <- switch(object$family,
binomial = lapply(mu_sim[missing], function(x) rbinom(length(x), Ntrials, x)),
poisson = lapply(mu_sim[missing], function(x) rpois(length(x), x)),
missing <- sapply(sim, function(x) any(
if(!any(missing)) {

if(any(missing)) {
warning("Simulation resulted in some NA values after ", ntry, " tries. Consider increasing ntry or using joint = TRUE")

sim <-, sim)


} else {

stop("Formula for random effects to condition on currently is not supported yet")




2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions README.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(

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# phyr <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" height="138" />

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# phyr <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" height="138" />

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# Installation

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,37 +41,37 @@ The phyr package has three groups of functions:
syntax that allows straightforward model set up, a faster version of
maximum likelihood implementation via c++, and a Bayesian model
fitting framework based on INLA.
- We hope the model formula proposed here can be used to
standardize PGLMMs set up across different tools (e.g. `brms`
for Stan).
- PGLMM for comparative data (``), which was originally
from `ape::binaryPGLMM()` but has more features.
- We hope the model formula proposed here can be used to standardize
PGLMMs set up across different tools (e.g. `brms` for Stan).
- PGLMM for comparative data (``), which was originally
from `ape::binaryPGLMM()` but has more features.

# Usage examples of `pglmm()`

`pglmm` use similar syntax as `lme4::lmer` to specify random terms: add
`__` (two underscores) at the end of grouping variable (e.g. `sp`) to
`__` (two underscores) at the end of grouping variable (e.g. `sp`) to
specify both phylogenetic and non-phylogenetic random terms; use
`(1|sp__@site)` to specify nested term (i.e. species phylogenetic matrix
`V_sp` nested within the diagonal of site matrix `I_site`) to test
phylogenetic overdispersion or underdispersion. This should be the most
commonly used one and is equal to `kronecker(I_site, V_sp)`.

We can also use a second phylogeny for bipartite questions. For example,
`(1|parasite@host__)` will be converted to `kronecker(V_host,
I_parasite)`; `(1|parasite__@host__)` will be converted to
`kronecker(V_host, V_parasite)`.
`(1|parasite@host__)` will be converted to
`kronecker(V_host, I_parasite)`; `(1|parasite__@host__)` will be
converted to `kronecker(V_host, V_parasite)`.

For details about model formula, see documentation `?phyr::pglmm`. More
application examples can be found in [Ives 2018
Chapter 4](
application examples can be found in [Ives 2018 Chapter

``` r

``` r
## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 4.2.2
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,6 +106,7 @@ test1 = phyr::pglmm(freq ~ 1 + shade + (1|sp__) + (1|site) + (1|sp__@site),
data = dat, family = "gaussian", REML = FALSE,
cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree))
## Warning: Drop species from the phylogeny that are not in the variable sp
## as(<matrix>, "dgTMatrix") is deprecated since Matrix 1.5-0; do as(as(as(., "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "TsparseMatrix") instead
## Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,23 +166,25 @@ z_bipartite
## Call:freq ~ 1 + shade
## logLik AIC BIC
## -466.0 952.1 974.8
## -459.0 938.1 960.8
## Random effects:
## Variance Std.Dev
## 1|sp 1.648e-02 0.128377
## 1|sp__ 1.173e+00 1.082923
## 1|site 2.792e-02 0.167098
## 1|site__ 8.659e-03 0.093052
## 1|sp__@site 1.965e+00 1.401671
## 1|sp@site__ 7.968e-02 0.282273
## 1|sp__@site__ 8.041e-05 0.008967
## residual 9.625e-01 0.981064
## Variance Std.Dev
## 1|sp 4.430e-06 2.105e-03
## 1|sp__ 7.747e-01 8.801e-01
## 1|site 4.978e-09 7.055e-05
## 1|site__ 1.199e-02 1.095e-01
## 1|sp__@site 1.676e-05 4.094e-03
## 1|sp@site__ 1.570e-06 1.253e-03
## 1|sp__@site__ 1.487e-06 1.219e-03
## residual 3.250e+00 1.803e+00
## Fixed effects:
## Value Std.Error Zscore Pvalue
## (Intercept) -0.127328 0.815075 -0.1562 0.8759
## shade 0.019393 0.011889 1.6311 0.1029
## Value Std.Error Zscore Pvalue
## (Intercept) -0.2613149 0.5749455 -0.4545 0.6494662
## shade 0.0226565 0.0068289 3.3177 0.0009075 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

# Licenses
Expand All @@ -190,7 +198,9 @@ Contributions are welcome. You can provide comments and feedback or ask
questions by filing an issue on Github
[here]( or making pull requests.

# Code of conduct

Please note that the 'phyr' project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
Please note that the ‘phyr’ project is released with a [Contributor Code
By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

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