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Plugin for Bookshelf that makes it easy to convert model values fetched from a database. Custom or built-in cast functions for properties can be set in a casts object on a model.


Install the plugin with npm install bookshelf-cast and load it in your bookshelf instance.

const bookshelf = new Bookshelf();



Configure the cast functions in the casts object by using built-in converters (see below) or custom functions. Each function is applied in the model context (this = model), passed the value and meant to return a value. Attributes that do not have a cast function assigned will be ignored.

const Model = bookshelf.Model.extend({
    casts: {
        // Property 'locked' will be converted into a boolean value
        locked: 'boolean',

        age(dbValue) {
            return parseInt(dbValue, 10);

        notFourtyTwo() {
            return 42;

Model.forge().fetch('id', 91)
        .then( model => {
            typeof modal.get('locked'); // 'boolean'
            model.get('notFourtyTwo');  // 42
            typeof model.get('age'); // 'number'

Built-in cast functions


Converts 0 and 'false' into false and everything else into true.