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File metadata and controls

828 lines (682 loc) · 23.8 KB



The ~/.zshenv file is read for all shells, regardless of login state or not, and it’s a pretty good place to put PATH stuff and other env variables that don’t cause a lot of interaction.
[[ -o interactive ]] && echo "+++Reading .zshenv"

# default is: *?_-.[]~=/&;!#$%^(){}<>
# other: "*?_-.[]~=&;!#$%^(){}<>\\"
LEDGER_FILE=$HOME/ledger.dat; export LEDGER_FILE

export EDITOR=nano # to be overwritten later
export PAGER=less

# Update path with local ~/bin and cabal's bin dir
export PATH=~/bin:~/.cabal/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH

# Node/npm
export PATH=$PATH:~/node_modules/.bin

# Cask
export PATH=$PATH:~/.cask/bin

# rbenv
export PATH=~/.rbenv/bin:$PATH

# Virtualenvwrapper environment home
export WORKON_HOME=~/.venvs
if [ -d "$WORKON_HOME" ]; then
    mkdir -p "$WORKON_HOME"

# Read sdkman config for all shells
if [ -f ~/.sdkman/bin/ ]; then
    source ~/.sdkman/bin/

# history

I read OS and machine-specific things in .zshenv, usually because they’re pretty small and just set up paths.

## Sourcing OS-specific things
OS=$(uname -s); export OS
if [[ -f ~/.zsh.d/zsh.${OS} ]]; then
    if [[ ! -z $ZSHDEBUG ]]; then
        echo +++ ~/.zsh.d/zsh.${OS}
    source ~/.zsh.d/zsh.${OS}

## Sourcing machine-specific things
export HOSTPREFIX=`hostname | cut -d. -f1 | sed 's/.*/\L&/'`
if [[ -f ~/.zsh.d/zsh.${HOSTPREFIX} ]]; then
    if [[ ! -z $ZSHDEBUG ]]; then
        echo +++ ~/.zsh.d/zsh.${HOSTPREFIX}
    source ~/.zsh.d/zsh.${HOSTPREFIX}

Vagrant seems to want to use libvirt instead of VirtualBox on my machines, so I want to force it to use virtualbox.


Finally, if this a dumb term (running M-x shell in Emacs, unset some things and make it really dumb.

## With Emacs 23, I've found this needs to go in ~root/.zshrc too to
## help with Tramp hangs.
[[ $TERM == "dumb" ]] && unsetopt zle && PS1='$ '
[[ ! $TERM == "dumb" ]] && TERM=xterm-256color


I don’t currently use ~/.zprofile, but I should…


# Handle dumb terms
[[ $TERM == "dumb" ]] && unsetopt zle && PS1='$ ' && return

echo -n "+++Reading .zshrc"
[[ -o interactive ]] && echo -n " (for interactive use)"
echo .

# Used for reporting how load loading takes
zmodload zsh/datetime

# for $PATH see ~/.zshenv

# report things that take more than 5 seconds

# 10 second poll time for autossh
export AUTOSSH_POLL=10

# don't show load in prompt by default
export SHOW_LOAD=false

# start with a pre-title of nothing
export PRETITLE=""

# "persistent history"
# just write important commands you always need to ~/.important_commands
if [[ -r ~/.important_commands ]] ; then
    fc -R ~/.important_commands

# support colors in less
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;31m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[01;44;33m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[01;32m'

# zsh completion
if [ -d ~/.zsh/zsh-completions ] ; then
    fpath=(~/.zsh/zsh-completions/src $fpath)

autoload -U compinit zrecompile

if [ $UID -eq 0 ]; then
    compinit -d $zsh_cache/zcomp-$HOST

    for f in ~/.zshrc $zsh_cache/zcomp-$HOST; do
        zrecompile -p $f && rm -f $f.zwc.old

zstyle ':completion:::::' completer _complete _approximate
zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on
zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path ~/.zsh-cache
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
zstyle ':completion:*' hosts $ssh_hosts
zstyle ':completion:*:my-accounts' users-hosts $my_accounts
zstyle ':completion:*:other-accounts' users-hosts $other_accounts
zstyle -e ':completion:*:approximate:*' max-errors 'reply=( $(( ($#PREFIX + $#SUFFIX) / 3 )) )'
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format "- %d -"
zstyle ':completion:*:corrections' format "- %d - (errors %e})"
zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-prompt '%S%M matches%s'
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
zstyle ':completion:*:manuals' separate-sections true
zstyle ':completion:*:manuals.(^1*)' insert-sections true
zstyle ':completion:*' verbose yes
zstyle ':completion:*' file-list list=20 insert=10

### OPTIONS ###
setopt multios               # allow pipes to be split/duplicated
# ^^ try this: cat foo.clj > >(fgrep java | wc -l) > >(fgrep copy | wc -l)
setopt auto_cd
setopt extended_glob
setopt append_history
setopt extended_history
setopt share_history
setopt histignorealldups
setopt nohup
setopt longlistjobs
setopt notify
# I use dvorak, so correct spelling mistakes that a dvorak user would make
setopt dvorak

autoload -U url-quote-magic
zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic

# Source if available
if [ -s ~/bin/ ] ; then
    source ~/bin/ ;

# Use zsh syntax highlighting if available
if [ -s ~/.zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh ] ; then
    source ~/.zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh

# Source ~/.zsh.d/*
for zshrc in ~/.zsh.d/[0-9][0-9]*[^~] ; do
    if [[ ! -z $ZSHDEBUG ]]; then
        echo +++ $(basename $zshrc)
    source $zshrc


printf "+++Loaded files in %0.4f seconds\n" $(($end-$start))

Other ZSH configuration

I try to segment out different things I need into separate zsh files, all inside of .zsh.d and loaded by order. This includes
  • aliases
  • functions
  • OS-specific things
  • host specific things

First, aliases, for which I have many!


# colorful ls for whichever platform
if ls -F --color=auto >&/dev/null; then
    alias ls="ls --color=auto -F"
    alias ls="ls -GF"
# various ls helpers
alias l.='ls -d .*'
alias ll='ls -lh'
alias l='ls -lh'
alias la='ls -alh'
alias lr='ls -lR'
# colorize greps
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
# make less a little more sane
alias less='less -RX'
# various port forwarding and hole-punching
alias scsetup='sudo socat -d -d TCP4-listen:6666,fork,cert=host.pem,verify=0'
alias scsetup2='sudo socat -d -d TCP4-listen:7777,fork OPENSSL:blackex:443,cert=host.pem,verify=0'
# reverse proxy & keepopen
alias prox='ssh -nNT -R 4444:localhost:22'
alias autoprox='autossh -M 22000 -nNT -R 4444:localhost:22'
alias awq='autossh -M 23000'
alias aiv='autossh -M 24000 ivalice'
# open elinks quickly
alias el='TERM=xterm-color elinks'
# datetime aliases
alias dt='gdate "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N%zZ"'
# Elasticsearch's basic_date_time
alias bdt='gdate "+%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%3N%z"'
alias epoch='date +%s'
# jump start to magit
alias magit='emacs -f magit-status'
# simple-extract
alias se="tar zxvf"
alias ga="git annex"
# download manager
alias aria2c='aria2c -c -x5 -s10 -m0'
# sync org files
alias org2ivalice='rsync -azP --delete ~/org/ ivalice-local:~/org'
alias ivalice2org='rsync -azP --delete ivalice-local:~/org/ ~/org'
alias xanadu2org='rsync -azP --delete xanadu:~/org/ ~/org'
alias org2xanadu='rsync -azP --delete ~/org/ xanadu:~/org'
# start a master tmux
alias tmaster='tmux -2 -u -S /tmp/mastermux -f .tmux.master.conf'


Next, some functions, when shell aliases just won’t do!

# functions
function history-all { history -E 1 }

# function to fix ssh agent
function fix-agent() {
    disable -a ls
    export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=`ls -t1 $(find /tmp/ -uid $UID -path \\*ssh\\* -type s 2> /dev/null) | head -1`
    enable -a ls

## TODO make these scripts instead of functions

# Check if a URL is up
function chk-url() {
    curl -sL -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" "$1" -o /dev/null

# Tunnel ES from somewhere to here locally on port 9400
function es-tunnel() {
    autossh -M0 $1 -L 9400:localhost:9200 -CNf

# Tunnel logstash/kibana locally
function kibana-tunnel() {
    autossh -M0 $1 -L 9292:localhost:9292 -CNf

# Delete a branch locally and on my (dakrone) fork
function del-branch() {
    git branch -D $1
    git push dakrone :$1

# look up a process quickly
function pg {
    # doing it again afterwards for the coloration
    ps aux | grep -F -i $1 | grep -F -v grep | grep -F -i $1

# cd back up to the highest level git repo dir
# thanks Dan!
function cds () {
    while [ ! -d ".git" -a `pwd` != "/" ]
        cd ..
    if [ ! -d ".git" ]
        cd $ORIGINAL_PWD


Keybindings for the shell, in this case, mostly Emacs-compatible, but with some disabled to prevent dumb things. (Mostly me being dumb)
bindkey -e
bindkey "^?"    backward-delete-char
bindkey "^H"    backward-delete-char
bindkey "^[[3~" backward-delete-char
bindkey "^[[1~" beginning-of-line
bindkey "^[[4~" end-of-line

bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward
bindkey "^[[5~" up-line-or-history
bindkey "^[[6~" down-line-or-history
bindkey "^A" beginning-of-line
bindkey "^E" end-of-line
bindkey "^W" backward-delete-word
bindkey "^k" kill-line
bindkey ' ' magic-space    # also do history expansion on space
bindkey '^I' complete-word # complete on tab, leave expansion to _expand
bindkey -r '^j' #unbind ctrl-j, I hit it all the time accidentaly
bindkey -r '^[x' # remove M-x for emacs-things


I’m using Keychain to manage SSH agent inheritance, so it just needs to be eval-ed when nodes start up. It loads the key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.
eval $(keychain --eval --agents ssh -Q id_rsa)


Next, I need to set up some colors and formatting that ZSH will use for VCS info
autoload colors

git_branch() {
    git branch --no-color 2>/dev/null | grep '^*' | colrm 1 2
    # $pipestatus[1] for the git exit code

autoload -Uz vcs_info

if [[ ! $TERM = "dumb" ]]; then
    zstyle ":vcs_info:*" check-for-changes true
    zstyle ":vcs_info:*" stagedstr "%F{green}*"
    zstyle ":vcs_info:*" unstagedstr "%F{yellow}*"
    zstyle ":vcs_info:(sv[nk]|bzr):*" branchformat "%b%F{1}:%F{yellow}%r%{$reset_color%}"
    zstyle ":vcs_info:*" enable git svn bzr hg
    precmd () {
        if [[ -z $(git ls-files --other --exclude-standard 2> /dev/null) ]] {
               zstyle ":vcs_info:*" formats "%b%c%u%{$reset_color%}"
           } else {
               zstyle ":vcs_info:*" formats "%b%c%u%F{red}*%{$reset_color%}"
    zstyle ":vcs_info:*" check-for-changes true
    zstyle ":vcs_info:*" stagedstr "*"
    zstyle ":vcs_info:*" unstagedstr "*"
    zstyle ":vcs_info:(sv[nk]|bzr):*" branchformat "%b:%r"
    zstyle ":vcs_info:*" enable git svn bzr hg
    precmd () {
        if [[ -z $(git ls-files --other --exclude-standard 2> /dev/null) ]] {
               zstyle ":vcs_info:*" formats "%b%c%u"
           } else {
               zstyle ":vcs_info:*" formats "%b%c%u*"

HTTP helpers

Very small, but since I do so much HTTP testing for Elasticsearch on the command line, they end up saving a lot of time.
# HTTP verbs
alias get='curl -s -XGET'
alias post='curl -s -XPOST'
alias put='curl -s -XPUT'
alias delete='curl -s -XDELETE'


For Java development in Emacs, I rely heavily on GNU Global, which I usually install by hand since most package managers have outdated versions. So I set some various things for the config here
if [ -f ~/.globalrc ]; then
    export GTAGSCONF=$HOME/.globalrc
elif [ -f /usr/local/share/gtags/gtags.conf ] ; then
    export GTAGSCONF=/usr/local/share/gtags/gtags.conf

export GTAGSLABEL=ctags

Ruby (rbenv)

I need to set up the rbenv wrapper so I can have sane ruby building. If it exists, anyway.

if [ -f ~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv ]; then
    eval "$(rbenv init -)"

Python (virtualenvwrapper)

So virtualenvwrapper is a handy thing for managing virtualenv sessions, but it needs to be sourced if available.

Use pip install virtualenvwrapper to install it

if whence -cp > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    source `whence -cp`

Opam (ocaml)

I’m checking this out…

if [ -f ~/.opam/opam-init/init.zsh ]; then
  . ~/.opam/opam-init/init.zsh > /dev/null 2> /dev/null || true


I would I have a medium-level prompt in terms of ridiculousness. It’s two lines, displays git information, and has decent colors, so it’s not too bad. I’ve never been a fan of ZSH frameworks though, so mine is hand-written and mostly combined from various places around the internet.

I used to have a nethack pet (the dog) in it too, that would randomly wander around, but yeah, it didn’t last.

When used, it looks something like this (with more colors):

~/src/elasticsearch (git) ac32f3d3 * master [origin/master +1/-2] (1 stashed)

And it’s not too unreadable…

autoload -U add-zsh-hook
autoload -U colors && colors
autoload -Uz vcs_info
setopt prompt_subst

local gray="%{$fg_bold[black]%}"
local green="%{$fg_bold[green]%}"
local blue="%{$fg[blue]%}"
local red="%{$fg[red]%}"
local yellow="%{$fg[yellow]%}"

zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git svn cvs hg
zstyle ':vcs_info:git*:*' get-revision true
zstyle ':vcs_info:git*:*' check-for-changes true

# hash changes branch misc
zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' formats "(%s) %8.8i ${green}%c${red}%u${gray} %b%m"
zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' actionformats "(%s|${yellow}%a${gray}) %8.8i ${green}%c${red}%u${gray} %b%m"
zstyle ':vcs_info:git*+set-message:*' hooks git-st git-stash

# Show remote ref name and number of commits ahead-of or behind
function +vi-git-st() {
    local ahead behind remote
    local -a gitstatus

    # Are we on a remote-tracking branch?
    remote=${$(git rev-parse --verify ${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream} \
                   --symbolic-full-name 2>/dev/null)/refs\/remotes\/}

    if [[ -n ${remote} ]] ; then
        ahead=$(git rev-list ${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream}..HEAD 2>/dev/null | wc -l | tr -d " ")
        (( $ahead )) && gitstatus+=( "${green}+${ahead}${gray}" )

        behind=$(git rev-list HEAD..${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream} 2>/dev/null | wc -l | tr -d " ")
        (( $behind )) && gitstatus+=( "${red}-${behind}${gray}" )

        if [[ -n ${gitstatus} ]] ; then
            hook_com[branch]="${hook_com[branch]} [${remote} ${(j:/:)gitstatus}]"
            hook_com[branch]="${hook_com[branch]} [${remote}]"

# Show count of stashed changes
function +vi-git-stash() {
    local -a stashes
    if [[ -s ${hook_com[base]}/.git/refs/stash ]] ; then
        stashes=$(git stash list 2>/dev/null | wc -l | tr -d " ")
        hook_com[misc]+=" (${stashes} stashed)"

function colorSetup {
    # A script to make using 256 colors in zsh less painful.
    # P.C. Shyamshankar <>
    # Copied from

    typeset -Ag FX FG BG

        reset     "%{�[00m%}"
        bold      "%{�[01m%}" no-bold      "%{�[22m%}"
        italic    "%{�[03m%}" no-italic    "%{�[23m%}"
        underline "%{�[04m%}" no-underline "%{�[24m%}"
        blink     "%{�[05m%}" no-blink     "%{�[25m%}"
        reverse   "%{�[07m%}" no-reverse   "%{�[27m%}"

    for color in {000..255}; do

    # Show all 256 colors with color number
    function spectrum_ls() {
        for code in {000..255}; do
            print -P -- "$code: %F{$code}Test%f"

    # Show all 256 colors where the background is set to specific color
    function spectrum_bls() {
        for code in {000..255}; do
            ((cc = code + 1))
            print -P -- "$BG[$code]$code: Test %{$reset_color%}"

# Initialize colors for setprompt2

# old-prompt
PROMPT='$FG[032]%~ $FG[237]${vcs_info_msg_0_}
$FG[105]%(?..${red}%?$FG[105] )%(!.#.»)%{$reset_color%} '

add-zsh-hook precmd vcs_info

Here’s a commented out (but much less extravagant) version of a prompt that I keep around, just in case.

# Simple prompt setup
# if not_in_cloud; then
#     # PROMPT='%n@%m %w %* %! %? %B%3~%b(${vcs_info_msg_0_})%# '; export PROMPT
#     PROMPT='%n@%m %? %B%3~%b(${vcs_info_msg_0_})%# '; export PROMPT
# else
#     PROMPT='%n@%m %? %~%# '; export PROMPT
# fi

Dumb terminal setup

Just a couple of left overs for very dumb terminals (running shells inside of things, mostly). It tangles to 99-dumb.zsh to ensure it’s loaded last.
# Things for dumb terminals
if [[ "$EMACSx" == "tx" || "$TERM" == "dumb" ]]; then
    unsetopt zle
    #unfunction precmd
    export DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE=true
    alias ag="ag --pager='less -FRX'"

Machine/OS-specific shell configuration

Finally, I have some either OS-specific or host-specific configurations, which are loaded by ~/.zshenv by looking for

Where $OS is something like ‘Darwin’ or ‘Linux’

And then also loading


Which $HOSTPREFIX is the output of

hostname | cut -d. -f1 | sed 's/.*/\L&/'

which essentially calls hostname, takes only the first part and lowercases it.

Darwin (OSX)

On OSX, I mostly just have to do a lot of nonsense to get Emacs stuff to work correctly.
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)

export EMACS_HOME="/Applications/"
export ERC_HOME="/Applications/"
export GNUS_HOME="/Applications/"

if [ -s /usr/local/bin/emacs ]; then
    alias emacs='TERM=xterm-256color emacs'
    alias hb_emacs='/usr/local/bin/emacs'

#function ec() { TERM=xterm-256color PATH=$EMACS_HOME/bin:$PATH emacsclient -t $@ }
alias e="TERM=xterm-256color PATH=$EMACS_HOME/bin:$PATH $EMACS_HOME/Emacs -nw"
alias ec="emacsclient"

#function el() { ps ax|grep Emacs }
function ekill() { emacsclient -e '(kill-emacs)' }

alias emacs="TERM=xterm-256color PATH=$EMACS_HOME/bin:$PATH $EMACS_HOME/Emacs -nw"
alias gemacs="TERM=xterm-256color PATH=$EMACS_HOME/bin:$PATH $EMACS_HOME/Emacs 2>&1 > /dev/null &"
alias erc="TERM=xterm-256color PATH=$ERC_HOME/bin:$PATH $ERC_HOME/Emacs 2>&1 > /dev/null &"
alias gnus="TERM=xterm-256color PATH=$GNUS_HOME/bin:$PATH $GNUS_HOME/Emacs 2>&1 > /dev/null &"

# for connection to a running emacs
export EDITOR="emacsclient"
export ALTERNATIVE_EDITOR="TERM=xterm-256color PATH=$EMACS_HOME/bin:$PATH $EMACS_HOME/Emacs -nw"

# Use MacVim's vim for terminal sessions, since it has everything compiled in.
alias vim='/Applications/'

# Remove ctrl+y from the keybinds for delayed suspend
stty dsusp undef

# awesome
alias gps="ps -c -r -ax -o command,pid,pcpu,time | sed 's/\(PID *\)%/\1 %/' | head -n 11 && echo && ps -c -m -ax -o command,pid,pmem,rss=RSIZE | sed 's/\(.\{23\}\)/\1 /' | head -n 9"

alias tmux='tmux -2 -f .tmux.osx.conf'

# A function to mimic Linux's strace, whichout running the program as root
function strace {
    sudo dtruss -f sudo -u `whoami` $*


Linux has less customization, mostly differing aliases.
# make emacs have 256 colors
alias -g emacs='TERM=xterm-256color /usr/local/bin/emacs -nw'

alias -g ec="/home/hinmanm/bin/emacsclient"

function ekill() { emacsclient -e '(kill-emacs)' }

export EDITOR="emacs -nw"

alias tmux='tmux -2'

# awesome
alias gps='ps -eo cmd,fname,pid,pcpu,time --sort=-pcpu | head -n 11 && echo && ps -eo cmd,fname,pid,pmem,rss --sort=-rss | head -n 9'

Thulcandra (main laptop)

There’s probably more I need to put here, but for now it’s empty.

# Thulcandra had better be a linux machine...
if [[ $OS == "Linux" ]]; then
   export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_60
   export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Xanadu (old laptop)

There’s probably more I need to put here, but for now it’s empty.
# Xanadu had better be a linux machine...
if [[ $OS == "Linux" ]]; then
   export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_51
   export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Ivalice (main desktop)

I am using a specific JDK on this machine, so I set it here.
# Ivalice had better be a linux machine...
if [[ $OS == "Linux" ]]; then
   export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_45
   export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH