A Resizable and Scrollable Leaflet Control Panel.
Download the production version or the development version.
(Coming Soon)
Include the dependencies
- leaflet
- jquery
- jquery-ui
- boostrap glypicons
- jquery-mousewheel (to enable mouse scrolling)
- JScrollPane (option for nice scroll bars)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/Leaflet.ResizableControl.css" />
<script src="dist/Leaflet.ResizableControl.js"></script>
var resizableControl = new L.ResizableControl({
position: 'bottomleft',
minimizedHeight: 40,
minimizedWidth: 0.1,
enlargedHeight: 0.6,
enlargedWidth: 0.4,
enlargeCallback: function(e) {},
minimizeCallback: function(e) {},
contentClassName: "resizable-control-content",
scrollPaneClassName: "resizable-control-scrollpane",
className: "resizable-control-container",
jscrollpane: true,
appendOnAdd: function(divElement) {}
It's also possible to include Leaflet.ResizableControl.js as AMD module.
- position: The control position {bottomleft,bottomright, topleft,topright}
- minimizedHeight: The height of the Resizable Control when minimized in px (eg. 40 for 40px) or percent relative to the map container (eg. 0.2 for 20%)
- minimizedWidth: The with of the Resizable Control when minimized in px (eg. 40 for 40px) or percent relative to the map container (eg. 0.2 for 20%)
- enlargedHeight: The height of the Resizable Control when enlarged in px (eg. 300 for 300px) or percent relative to the map container (eg. 0.5 for 50%)
- enlargedWidth: The width of the Resizable Control when enlarged in px (eg. 300 for 300px) or percent relative to the map container (eg. 0.5 for 50%)
- enlargeCallback: Callback function for enlarge events
- minimizeCallback: Callback function for minimize events
- contentClassName: The class name of the Content Div inside the ScrollPane
- scrollPaneClassName: The class name of the ScrollPane inside the container
- className: The class name of the ResizableControl Container
- jscrollpane: true if JScrollPane should be used for scrollbars, false otherwise.
- appendOnAdd: Callback function to append further elements to the container div.
- resizable: true if resize handle should be shown, false otherwise. defaults to true.
Copyright (c) 2015 David Albrecht
Licensed under the MIT license.