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Merge branch 'feature/dynamic-table-sizes' into develop
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isislovecruft committed Mar 25, 2021
2 parents 1491f0d + e82910d commit cc0c444
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Showing 5 changed files with 277 additions and 88 deletions.
257 changes: 202 additions & 55 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -118,11 +118,16 @@ use backend::serial::curve_models::CompletedPoint;
use backend::serial::curve_models::ProjectiveNielsPoint;
use backend::serial::curve_models::ProjectivePoint;

use window::LookupTable;
use window::LookupTableRadix16;
use window::LookupTableRadix32;
use window::LookupTableRadix64;
use window::LookupTableRadix128;
use window::LookupTableRadix256;

use prelude::*;

use traits::BasepointTable;
use traits::ValidityCheck;
use traits::{Identity, IsIdentity};

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -744,106 +749,201 @@ impl EdwardsPoint {

macro_rules! impl_basepoint_table {
(Name = $name:ident, LookupTable = $table:ident, Point = $point:ty, Radix = $radix:expr, Additions = $adds:expr) => {

/// A precomputed table of multiples of a basepoint, for accelerating
/// fixed-base scalar multiplication. One table, for the Ed25519
/// basepoint, is provided in the `constants` module.
/// The basepoint tables are reasonably large (30KB), so they should
/// probably be boxed.
/// The basepoint tables are reasonably large, so they should probably be boxed.
/// The sizes for the tables and the number of additions required for one scalar
/// multiplication are as follows:
/// * [`EdwardsBasepointTableRadix16`]: 30KB, 64A
/// (this is the default size, and is used for [`ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE`])
/// * [`EdwardsBasepointTableRadix64`]: 120KB, 43A
/// * [`EdwardsBasepointTableRadix128`]: 240KB, 37A
/// * [`EdwardsBasepointTableRadix256`]: 480KB, 33A
/// # Why 33 additions for radix-256?
/// Normally, the radix-256 tables would allow for only 32 additions per scalar
/// multiplication. However, due to the fact that standardised definitions of
/// legacy protocols—such as x25519—require allowing unreduced 255-bit scalar
/// invariants, when converting such an unreduced scalar's representation to
/// radix-\\(2^{8}\\), we cannot guarantee the carry bit will fit in the last
/// coefficient (the coefficients are `i8`s). When, \\(w\\), the power-of-2 of
/// the radix, is \\(w < 8\\), we can fold the final carry onto the last
/// coefficient, \\(d\\), because \\(d < 2^{w/2}\\), so
/// $$
/// d + carry \cdot 2^{w} = d + 1 \cdot 2^{w} < 2^{w+1} < 2^{8}
/// $$
/// When \\(w = 8\\), we can't fit \\(carry \cdot 2^{w}\\) into an `i8`, so we
/// add the carry bit onto an additional coefficient.
pub struct EdwardsBasepointTable(pub(crate) [LookupTable<AffineNielsPoint>; 32]);
pub struct $name(pub(crate) [$table<AffineNielsPoint>; 32]);

impl BasepointTable for $name {
type Point = $point;

/// Create a table of precomputed multiples of `basepoint`.
fn create(basepoint: &$point) -> $name {
// XXX use init_with
let mut table = $name([$table::default(); 32]);
let mut P = *basepoint;
for i in 0..32 {
// P = (2w)^i * B
table.0[i] = $table::from(&P);
P = P.mul_by_pow_2($radix + $radix);

impl EdwardsBasepointTable {
/// The computation uses Pippenger's algorithm, as described on
/// page 13 of the Ed25519 paper. Write the scalar \\(a\\) in radix \\(16\\) with
/// coefficients in \\([-8,8)\\), i.e.,
/// Get the basepoint for this table as an `EdwardsPoint`.
fn basepoint(&self) -> $point {
// self.0[0].select(1) = 1*(16^2)^0*B
// but as an `AffineNielsPoint`, so add identity to convert to extended.
(&<$point>::identity() + &self.0[0].select(1)).to_extended()

/// The computation uses Pippeneger's algorithm, as described for the
/// specific case of radix-16 on page 13 of the Ed25519 paper.
/// # Piggenger's Algorithm Generalised
/// Write the scalar \\(a\\) in radix-\\(w\\), where \\(w\\) is a power of
/// 2, with coefficients in \\([\frac{-w}{2},\frac{w}{2})\\), i.e.,
/// $$
/// a = a\_0 + a\_1 w\^1 + \cdots + a\_{x} w\^{x},
/// $$
/// a = a\_0 + a\_1 16\^1 + \cdots + a\_{63} 16\^{63},
/// with
/// $$
/// with \\(-8 \leq a_i < 8\\), \\(-8 \leq a\_{63} \leq 8\\). Then
/// \frac{-w}{2} \leq a_i < \frac{w}{2}, \cdots, \frac{-w}{2} \leq a\_{x} \leq \frac{w}{2}
/// $$
/// a B = a\_0 B + a\_1 16\^1 B + \cdots + a\_{63} 16\^{63} B.
/// and the number of additions, \\(x\\), is given by \\(x = \lceil \frac{256}{w} \rceil\\).
/// Then
/// $$
/// a B = a\_0 B + a\_1 w\^1 B + \cdots + a\_{x-1} w\^{x-1} B.
/// $$
/// Grouping even and odd coefficients gives
/// $$
/// \begin{aligned}
/// a B = \quad a\_0 16\^0 B +& a\_2 16\^2 B + \cdots + a\_{62} 16\^{62} B \\\\
/// + a\_1 16\^1 B +& a\_3 16\^3 B + \cdots + a\_{63} 16\^{63} B \\\\
/// = \quad(a\_0 16\^0 B +& a\_2 16\^2 B + \cdots + a\_{62} 16\^{62} B) \\\\
/// + 16(a\_1 16\^0 B +& a\_3 16\^2 B + \cdots + a\_{63} 16\^{62} B). \\\\
/// a B = \quad a\_0 w\^0 B +& a\_2 w\^2 B + \cdots + a\_{x-2} w\^{x-2} B \\\\
/// + a\_1 w\^1 B +& a\_3 w\^3 B + \cdots + a\_{x-1} w\^{x-1} B \\\\
/// = \quad(a\_0 w\^0 B +& a\_2 w\^2 B + \cdots + a\_{x-2} w\^{x-2} B) \\\\
/// + w(a\_1 w\^0 B +& a\_3 w\^2 B + \cdots + a\_{x-1} w\^{x-2} B). \\\\
/// \end{aligned}
/// $$
/// For each \\(i = 0 \ldots 31\\), we create a lookup table of
/// $$
/// [16\^{2i} B, \ldots, 8\cdot16\^{2i} B],
/// [w\^{2i} B, \ldots, \frac{w}{2}\cdotw\^{2i} B],
/// $$
/// and use it to select \\( x \cdot 16\^{2i} \cdot B \\) in constant time.
/// and use it to select \\( y \cdot w\^{2i} \cdot B \\) in constant time.
/// The radix-\\(16\\) representation requires that the scalar is bounded
/// The radix-\\(w\\) representation requires that the scalar is bounded
/// by \\(2\^{255}\\), which is always the case.
fn basepoint_mul(&self, scalar: &Scalar) -> EdwardsPoint {
let a = scalar.to_radix_16();
/// The above algorithm is trivially generalised to other powers-of-2 radices.
fn basepoint_mul(&self, scalar: &Scalar) -> $point {
let a = scalar.to_radix_2w($radix);

let tables = &self.0;
let mut P = EdwardsPoint::identity();
let mut P = <$point>::identity();

for i in (0..64).filter(|x| x % 2 == 1) {
for i in (0..$adds).filter(|x| x % 2 == 1) {
P = (&P + &tables[i/2].select(a[i])).to_extended();

P = P.mul_by_pow_2(4);
P = P.mul_by_pow_2($radix);

for i in (0..64).filter(|x| x % 2 == 0) {
for i in (0..$adds).filter(|x| x % 2 == 0) {
P = (&P + &tables[i/2].select(a[i])).to_extended();


impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b Scalar> for &'a EdwardsBasepointTable {
type Output = EdwardsPoint;
impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b Scalar> for &'a $name {
type Output = $point;

/// Construct an `EdwardsPoint` from a `Scalar` \\(a\\) by
/// computing the multiple \\(aB\\) of this basepoint \\(B\\).
fn mul(self, scalar: &'b Scalar) -> EdwardsPoint {
fn mul(self, scalar: &'b Scalar) -> $point {
// delegate to a private function so that its documentation appears in internal docs

impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'a EdwardsBasepointTable> for &'b Scalar {
type Output = EdwardsPoint;
impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'a $name> for &'b Scalar {
type Output = $point;

/// Construct an `EdwardsPoint` from a `Scalar` \\(a\\) by
/// computing the multiple \\(aB\\) of this basepoint \\(B\\).
fn mul(self, basepoint_table: &'a EdwardsBasepointTable) -> EdwardsPoint {
fn mul(self, basepoint_table: &'a $name) -> $point {
basepoint_table * self

impl EdwardsBasepointTable {
/// Create a table of precomputed multiples of `basepoint`.
pub fn create(basepoint: &EdwardsPoint) -> EdwardsBasepointTable {
// XXX use init_with
let mut table = EdwardsBasepointTable([LookupTable::default(); 32]);
let mut P = *basepoint;
impl Debug for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}([\n", stringify!($name))?;
for i in 0..32 {
// P = (16^2)^i * B
table.0[i] = LookupTable::from(&P);
P = P.mul_by_pow_2(8);
write!(f, "\t{:?},\n", &self.0[i])?;
write!(f, "])")

/// Get the basepoint for this table as an `EdwardsPoint`.
pub fn basepoint(&self) -> EdwardsPoint {
// self.0[0].select(1) = 1*(16^2)^0*B
// but as an `AffineNielsPoint`, so add identity to convert to extended.
(&EdwardsPoint::identity() + &self.0[0].select(1)).to_extended()
}} // End macro_rules! impl_basepoint_table

// The number of additions required is ceil(256/w) where w is the radix representation.
impl_basepoint_table! {Name = EdwardsBasepointTable, LookupTable = LookupTableRadix16, Point = EdwardsPoint, Radix = 4, Additions = 64}
impl_basepoint_table! {Name = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix32, LookupTable = LookupTableRadix32, Point = EdwardsPoint, Radix = 5, Additions = 52}
impl_basepoint_table! {Name = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix64, LookupTable = LookupTableRadix64, Point = EdwardsPoint, Radix = 6, Additions = 43}
impl_basepoint_table! {Name = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix128, LookupTable = LookupTableRadix128, Point = EdwardsPoint, Radix = 7, Additions = 37}
impl_basepoint_table! {Name = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix256, LookupTable = LookupTableRadix256, Point = EdwardsPoint, Radix = 8, Additions = 33}

/// A type-alias for [`EdwardsBasepointTable`] because the latter is
/// used as a constructor in the `constants` module.
// Same as for `LookupTableRadix16`, we have to define `EdwardsBasepointTable`
// first, because it's used as a constructor, and then provide a type alias for
// it.
pub type EdwardsBasepointTableRadix16 = EdwardsBasepointTable;

macro_rules! impl_basepoint_table_conversions {
(LHS = $lhs:ty, RHS = $rhs:ty) => {
impl<'a> From<&'a $lhs> for $rhs {
fn from(table: &'a $lhs) -> $rhs {

impl<'a> From<&'a $rhs> for $lhs {
fn from(table: &'a $rhs) -> $lhs {

impl_basepoint_table_conversions!{LHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix16, RHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix32}
impl_basepoint_table_conversions!{LHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix16, RHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix64}
impl_basepoint_table_conversions!{LHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix16, RHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix128}
impl_basepoint_table_conversions!{LHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix16, RHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix256}

impl_basepoint_table_conversions!{LHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix32, RHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix64}
impl_basepoint_table_conversions!{LHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix32, RHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix128}
impl_basepoint_table_conversions!{LHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix32, RHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix256}

impl_basepoint_table_conversions!{LHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix64, RHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix128}
impl_basepoint_table_conversions!{LHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix64, RHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix256}

impl_basepoint_table_conversions!{LHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix128, RHS = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix256}

impl EdwardsPoint {
/// Multiply by the cofactor: return \\([8]P\\).
pub fn mul_by_cofactor(&self) -> EdwardsPoint {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -931,16 +1031,6 @@ impl Debug for EdwardsPoint {

impl Debug for EdwardsBasepointTable {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "EdwardsBasepointTable([\n")?;
for i in 0..32 {
write!(f, "\t{:?},\n", &self.0[i])?;
write!(f, "])")

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1149,6 +1239,63 @@ mod test {
assert_eq!(bp2.compress(), BASE2_CMPRSSD);

/// Test that all the basepoint table types compute the same results.
fn basepoint_tables() {
let P = &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT;
let a = A_SCALAR;

let table_radix16 = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix16::create(&P);
let table_radix32 = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix32::create(&P);
let table_radix64 = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix64::create(&P);
let table_radix128 = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix128::create(&P);
let table_radix256 = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix256::create(&P);

let aP = (&constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE * &a).compress();
let aP16 = (&table_radix16 * &a).compress();
let aP32 = (&table_radix32 * &a).compress();
let aP64 = (&table_radix64 * &a).compress();
let aP128 = (&table_radix128 * &a).compress();
let aP256 = (&table_radix256 * &a).compress();

assert_eq!(aP, aP16);
assert_eq!(aP16, aP32);
assert_eq!(aP32, aP64);
assert_eq!(aP64, aP128);
assert_eq!(aP128, aP256);

// Check a unreduced scalar multiplication by the basepoint tables.
fn basepoint_tables_unreduced_scalar() {
let P = &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT;
let a = Scalar::from_bits([
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,

let table_radix16 = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix16::create(&P);
let table_radix32 = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix32::create(&P);
let table_radix64 = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix64::create(&P);
let table_radix128 = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix128::create(&P);
let table_radix256 = EdwardsBasepointTableRadix256::create(&P);

let aP = (&constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE * &a).compress();
let aP16 = (&table_radix16 * &a).compress();
let aP32 = (&table_radix32 * &a).compress();
let aP64 = (&table_radix64 * &a).compress();
let aP128 = (&table_radix128 * &a).compress();
let aP256 = (&table_radix256 * &a).compress();

assert_eq!(aP, aP16);
assert_eq!(aP16, aP32);
assert_eq!(aP32, aP64);
assert_eq!(aP64, aP128);
assert_eq!(aP128, aP256);

/// Check that converting to projective and then back to extended round-trips.
fn basepoint_projective_extended_round_trip() {
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ use prelude::*;

use scalar::Scalar;

use traits::BasepointTable;
use traits::Identity;
#[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
use traits::{MultiscalarMul, VartimeMultiscalarMul, VartimePrecomputedMultiscalarMul};
Expand Down

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