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NOTE: This demo installs version 10.x of IBM Event Endpoint Management. If you want to try version 11.x, then I recommend trying the demo from

Event Endpoint Management demo


This repository contains automation to build and run an Event Endpoint Management demo.

  • Configures and deploys a Kafka cluster
  • Creates multiple Kafka topics
  • Builds and runs a custom Kafka Connect cluster to push streams of events to Kafka topics from various sources
  • Creates an Event Endpoint Management instance
  • Generates documentation for the Kafka topics and publishes to an Event Endpoint Management developer portal
  • Configures the Event Gateway to allow managed access to the Kafka topics
  • Deploys the CP4I Platform Navigator to manage all of these components

Once complete, the automation will output:

  • Details (URL, username, password) for accessing the CP4I Platform Navigator
  • Details (URL, username, password) for accessing the Event Streams admin UI
  • Details (URL, username, password) for accessing the EEM Developer Portal

More details, with video recordings of using it, at:


The automation in this repo will deploy the stack described above to an existing Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

To deploy the demo:

1. oc login (as admin)

oc login ...

2. create YAML files for three secrets based on templates

3. start deployment

make all

(if you want to tail detailed logs to see what is happening, the tkn CLI is good: tkn pipelinerun logs -f)

Makefile info

There are many other targets in the Makefile for more granular deployment options.

create and run pipelines

run the make command (see below) while logged in (with admin privileges) to an OpenShift cluster using oc

command what it does
make all deploys the whole demo (does all of the below in order)
make pipeline_ibmcatalog adds the IBM Catalog to the OpenShift Operators marketplace
make pipeline_platformnavigator creates an instance of CP4I Platform Navigator
make pipeline_eventstreams creates an Event Streams Kafka cluster and an Apicurio schema registry
make pipeline_kafkaconnectors creates connectors that generate multiple streams of events
make pipeline_eventendpointmanagement creates and sets up an instance of Event Endpoint Management
make pipeline_asyncapi generates and publishes API documentation for the connectors

remove pipeline resources

command what it does
make clean removes all pipeline resources -all of the below and additional cleanup
make cleanup_pipeline_ibmcatalog removes pipeline resources used to add the IBM Catalog
make cleanup_pipeline_platformnavigator removes pipeline resources used to create CP4I Platform Navigator
make cleanup_pipeline_eventstreams removes pipeline resources used to create Event Streams
make cleanup_pipeline_kafkaconnectors removes pipeline resources used to build connectors
make cleanup_pipeline_eventendpointmanagement removes pipeline resources used to create Event Endpoint Management
make cleanup_pipeline_asyncapi removes pipeline resources used to generate and publishes API docs