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CFD Upsampler

The goal of our tool is to upsample CFD simulations from a small grid to a larger grid in the hope of saving on computation time. My model is based on the SRCNN architecture. You can find the paper here : The results are not very impressive yet. It's not clear that the original idea was viable. However it might be the case that I have a problem somewhere in my process that I have not been able to spot.

Todo List

  • Regenrate the data properly.
  • Finish training on mnist
  • Train on imagenet
  • Try different loss functions
  • Show the results in a clean presentation

Results on MNIST

We use mean square error as a loss function.

  • Using classical bilinear interpolation : 0.024952497333288193
  • Using learned model : 0.0012613980419933796

0.024952497333288193/0.0012613980419933796 = 19.78 (rounded), therefore the learned model is about 20 times better than the classical interpolation method.

Results on Cifar10

We use mean square error as a loss function

  • Using classical bilinear interpolation : 0.0062843139857053755
  • Using learned model : 0.0030932600185275077

0.0062843139857053755/0.0030932600185275077 = 2.03 (rounded), therefore the learned model is about 2 times better than the classical interpolation method.

Results on Cifar100

We use mean square error as a loss function

  • Using classical bilinear interpolation : 0.00618905103802681
  • Using learned model : 0.0031197709500789643

0.00618905103802681/0.0031197709500789643 = 1.98 (rounded) , therefore the learned model is about 2 times better than the classical interpolation method.

Results on Celeba

We use mean square error as a loss function

  • Using classical bilinear interpolation : 0.0017664979663281476
  • Using learned model : 0.0010899672106596944

0.0017664979663281476/0.0010899672106596944 = 1.62 (rounded), therefore the learned model is about 62 % better than the classical interpolation method.

Results on CFD

We have batches. One batch is 167 images. Total numbers of pairs : 30060 We use mean square error as a loss function

  • Using classical bilinear interpolation : 0.02579191533496251
  • Using learned model :


You need the following packages :

  • tensorflow (make sure to also have tensorflow-gpu otherwise it will only use the cpu)
  • keras (normally it should already be in the tensorflow packages but I had issues so better make sure it's there)
  • Pillow (it's a library to manipulate images)
  • Numpy (should be already installed in most environments)
  • Sklearn (should be already installed in most environments)

Training the network

  • For some reason, transferring files to google cloud from my local computer is extremely slow. Therefore, I'm using github as an intermediary. However, there is a limit on the number of files you can upload, therefore I compressed my data folder into a file that you need to unzip.

  • In order to train the network you then run If the training is really slow, your gpu is not being used. Make sure that tensorflow-gpu is installed and that all required packages and drivers are up to date. Setting up an environment from scratch is pretty hard, so I strongly suggest using prebuilt images from your favorite cloud provider. I personally use the official tensorflow image from google cloud : The parameters are the following :

    • Epochs : The script expects an integer. One Epoch is when an ENTIRE dataset is passed forward and backward through the neural network only ONCE.
    • Batch size : The script expects an inteher. The batch size is the total number of training examples present in a single batch.
  • In order to generate custom data, you need to run which is located in /CFD/palabos-v2.0r0/examples/showCases/cylinder2d. The parameters are the following :

    • Number of batches (there will be an equal number of small batches and big batches. Each batch corresponds to a 2 seconds simulation with a given Reynolds number, one with a small grid size, the other with a bigger grid size so we get parallel data)
    • Upsampling rate (an integer to decide how large the big grid is going to be relative to the small grid. The trained model use was trained with a value of 2)
    • Mean Reynolds number. In order to generate the data, we will sample our Reynolds numbers with the provided mean and the provided variance (see below).
    • Variance : as explained above
    • N : an integer used to build the grid.
    • lx : N*lx corresponds to the dimensionality of the x-axis.
    • ly: N*ly corresponds to the dimensioanlity of the y-axis.

An already trained network is already provided (upsample.h5).

Running a simulation

In order to run a simulation you need to use the file in /CFD/palabos-v2.0r0/examples/showCases/cylinder2d. The parameters are the following :

  • N : like above
  • Re : like above
  • lx : like above
  • ly : like above

Upsampling a simulation

In order to upsample a simulation, you need to use the file in CFD/ The parameters are :

  • pathSmall = path of small grid images (the already trained network was trained for small images with size 100x100)
  • pathBig = path to save upsampled images


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