- Uses static prerendering with hydration
- Install the Rust command line utility "cargo"
- cargo is installed when you install Rust
- https://www.rust-lang.org/
- Install the Dioxus Command Line Interface (CLI) "dx"
- cargo install dioxus-cli --locked
- https://github.com/DioxusLabs/dioxus/tree/master/packages/cli
- Install npm
- npm installs utilities such as prettier
- npm scripts run the dx and cargo commands
- npm can be installed by installing node.js
- https://nodejs.org/
- cd website-dioxus/
- npm install
- Installs the utility http-server to serve the HTML
- Installs the utility pretter to format the HTML
- Installs the utility rimraf to remove distribution directory dist/
- npm start
- Open your browser to http://localhost:8080/
- Make changes to the HTML in src/lib.rs or the CSS in public/stylesheet.css
- Note that the changes are updated in your browser as soon as you save
- npm test
- Deletes the distribution directory dist/ to remove files from a previous run
- Makes the index.html page with the hydration code
- Inserts the prerendered HTML
- Formats the HTML using the prettier utility
- Launches http-server to serve the HTML
- Opens your browser to the home page
- npm run clean
- Deletes the distribution directory dist/ to remove files from a previous run
- npm run dist
- Same as npm test
- Except that it does not start http-server and open the browser
- npm run format
- Runs the utility prettier
- npm run hydrate
- Makes the index.html page with the hydration code
- npm run prerender
- Inserts the prerendered HTML
- npm run make
- Makes the index.html page with the hydration code
- Inserts the prerendered HTML
- Runs the utility prettier
- But does not start by deleting dist/
- npm run serve
- Starts the http-server
- Opens the browser
- Restore the prettier configuration
- Project launch: 2023-08-12