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This library decodes the discovery_b64 message that Zebra printers will send when they connect to a websocket endpoint, also named WebLink in the Zebra documentation.

Online demo


  • Decodes the raw base64 string into an easy to use strongly typed class.
  • For backwards compatibility, the decoded value has a property discoveryDataMap that has the same entries as the Zebra SDK provides with the getDiscoveryDataMap() function.
  • The decode process preserves the original source bytes per item.
  • Each decoded item has an error value. This indicates if errors were encountered while decoding.
  • A discovery object has an error property that can be used to test if there was an error while decoding.
  • A discovery object can be serialized to json for easy further processing

Getting started

Add this package to your pubspec.yaml.


final discoveryB64 = "OiwuBAUBAAFaQlIAAEQzSjE5MzIwNjcyMgAAA....";

final discovery = Discovery.fromDiscoveryB64(discoveryB64);

The discovery variable can be an instance of one of these types.

  • DiscoveryLegacy
  • DiscoveryAdvancedV0
  • DiscoveryAdvancedV1
  • DiscoveryAdvancedV2
  • DiscoveryAdvancedV3
  • DiscoveryAdvancedV4

The DiscoveryAdvancedV4 is used for versions 4 and higher.

The actual type depends on version information provided in the discovery_b64 message.

Additional information

This code aims compatibility with

  • Link-OS multiplatform SDK 2.15.1
  • WebServices v. 2.14.5198

Samples of decoded messages can be found in the test_resources folder.