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Damian A. Pastorini edited this page Dec 17, 2019 · 10 revisions

About this project

The project main goal is to create a good MMORPG base for anyone to use. A tool that will give to developers the possibility of create a multiplayer game without the need of deal with all the difficulties to make it work in a secure and efficient way over any network.

In a later phase the next step is to make it available for non-developers as well, so normal people could use an interfase to create and run the game online.

Why I've started this project?

I've always loved the idea of create my own games and I've started to do it long time ago with the old fashion RPG Maker 2000 (yes, as you can tell I LOVE RPG's, specially the 2D old ones), but in these days I find a much more rich experience in multiplayer games so I've decided to dig into.

When I've started to see all the required stuff that I'd needed to learn and all the challenges it has, like avoid been hacked or LAG (stuff you don't care on a single player offline game), I've decided to create a tool using stardard and crosss-devices encoding to make the project developer friendly, easy to upgrade, and that can grow along with the tecnology advances.

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