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This toy ray tracer is based on tinyraytracer.

Just like the original version, it supports reflections and refractions but it is completely implemented using OpenGL compute shaders.

Some results

How it works

The original version of tinyraytracer is excellent and extremely easy to understand. However, being completely based on the CPU, it is quite slow.
On an i7 7700 HQ it took 2717 ms to render a single frame (with multi-threading disabled). By using more threads the render time can be reduced by a factor of 8 (on this particular processor but I haven't tested it) which means almost 3 frames per second.

The GPU implementation, on the other hand, can reach up to 50 fps on a GTX 1050.
The greatest difficulty faced while porting is the lack of recursion in GLSL.
In the original algorithm, when a ray hits a surface it is split in two more rays: the reflected ray and the refracted ray which will recursively undergo the same process if they hit another surface (until a certain threshold is reached). By doing so, the color of a surface is decided when a ray hits it using its material and the colors transported by the reflected and refracted rays. This is a recursive algorithm by nature.
To simulate recursion in GLSL, I used an approach that takes inspiration from the heap data structure. A heap is basically a binary tree and many implementations flatten the whole tree in an array. If a node is stored at index i its left child is at index 2 * i and its right child is at index 2 * i + 1 (root is at index 1).

The aforementioned algorithm forms a tree which is explored with a post order traversal:

vec3 castRay(origin, direction) {

    vec3 hitpoint;          // out parameter: where the surface is hit
    vec3 normal;            // out parameter: the normal of the surface in hitpoint
    Material material;      // out parameter: the material of the surface

    bool hit = checkIntersection(origin, direction, normal, material);

    // no intersections return bg color
    if (!hit) return vec3(0.0);

    vec3 reflected = reflect(direction, normal);
    vec3 refracted = refract(direction, normal, material.refractiveFactor);

    // recursive calls
    vec3 reflectColor = castRay(hitpoint, reflected);
    vec3 refractColor = castRay(hitpoint, refracted);

    // not as easy but similar ...
    vec3 outColor = material.diffuse + reflectColor + refractColor; 

    return outColor;

Therefore, it is possible to implement this algorithm iteratively leveraging its implicit tree structure. To do so, it is necessary to use two additional data structures: a stack stack and an array data. Identifying each ray with and id i, the algorithm elaborates one ray at a time using the stack and stores the color sampled by each ray in data[i]. By doing so, the ray with index i can retrieve the colors sampled by its children using data[2 * i] and data[2 * i + 1].

This is still a naive approach and I'm sure there must be a way to parallelize the algorithm even more but for the time being the results are pretty nice!


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