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Merge branch 'main' of… #85

Merge branch 'main' of…

Merge branch 'main' of… #85

Triggered via push January 14, 2024 14:54
Status Success
Total duration 1m 7s


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11 warnings
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-dotnet@v1. For more info:
build: DeviceFlowWeb/MissingSecurityHeaders.cs#L17
Use IHeaderDictionary.Append or the indexer to append or set headers. IDictionary.Add will throw an ArgumentException when attempting to add a duplicate key. (
build: DeviceFlowWeb/MissingSecurityHeaders.cs#L24
Use IHeaderDictionary.Append or the indexer to append or set headers. IDictionary.Add will throw an ArgumentException when attempting to add a duplicate key. (
build: IdentityStandaloneMfa/Migrations/20191220064544_init.cs#L6
The type name 'init' only contains lower-cased ascii characters. Such names may become reserved for the language.
build: IdentityStandaloneMfa/Migrations/20191220064544_init.Designer.cs#L13
The type name 'init' only contains lower-cased ascii characters. Such names may become reserved for the language.
build: IdentityStandaloneMfa/Areas/Identity/Pages/Account/Manage/DownloadPersonalData.cshtml.cs#L46
Use IHeaderDictionary.Append or the indexer to append or set headers. IDictionary.Add will throw an ArgumentException when attempting to add a duplicate key. (
build: IdentityStandaloneUserCheck/Areas/Identity/Pages/Account/Manage/DownloadPersonalData.cshtml.cs#L52
Use IHeaderDictionary.Append or the indexer to append or set headers. IDictionary.Add will throw an ArgumentException when attempting to add a duplicate key. (
build: StsServerIdentity/Areas/Identity/Pages/Account/LoginFido2Mfa.cshtml.cs#L14
The annotation for nullable reference types should only be used in code within a '#nullable' annotations context.
build: StsServerIdentity/Fido2/Fido2Store.cs#L17
The annotation for nullable reference types should only be used in code within a '#nullable' annotations context.
build: StsServerIdentity/Fido2/Fido2Store.cs#L36
The annotation for nullable reference types should only be used in code within a '#nullable' annotations context.
build: StsServerIdentity/Fido2/Fido2Store.cs#L102
The annotation for nullable reference types should only be used in code within a '#nullable' annotations context.