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Security: damir-sijakovic/artix


Artix Linux - Security

Archlinux with OpenRC guide


We will handle firewall with rules scripts and we will run them as startup scripts. Rules are in '/etc/iptables/' and startup scripts are in '/etc/local.d/' directory. So first we are going to create drop iptables rules script.

    sudo nano /etc/iptables/drop.rules

Then add these lines to file:

    # drop (block all traffic)
    :INPUT DROP [0:0]
    :FORWARD DROP [0:0]
    :OUTPUT DROP [0:0]

Now create startup script:

    sudo nano /etc/local.d/iptables.start

Then add these lines to file (note that these rules scripts are just exemplary):

    /sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/simple_firewall.rules
    /sbin/ip6tables-restore < /etc/iptables/drop.rules

And make script executable:

    sudo chmod +x /etc/local.d/iptables.start

Reboot and run to test:

    sudo iptables -L
    sudo ip6tables -L

To get more rules scripts, google for "iptables rules github". Create/copy in '/etc/iptables/' and do as above.


Firejail is a SUID program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf.


    pacman -S firejail

To run program without internet access:

    firejail --net=none firefox &

To force Firefox to use Google's dns use:

    firejail --net=eth0 --dns= firefox &

To make Firefox use new directory to store settings:

    firejail --private=/home/username/new_settings firefox -no-remote &

More examples


Wireshark is network protocol analyzer. To install run:

    pacman -S wireshark

You will need to run wireshark with sudo, after select your interface, 'enp0s3' here in virtualbox:

    sudo wireshark

Open terminal and run:


You should see traffic in wireshark window.

There aren’t any published security advisories