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Releases: dan64/vs-deoldify

Release v4.0.1

29 Jun 13:56
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Added the following, utility function:

HAVC_extract_reference_frames(clip: vs.VideoNode, sc_threshold: float = 0.1, sc_min_freq: int = 0, sc_framedir: str = "./", ref_offset: int = 0, ref_ext: str = "png", ref_override: bool = True) -> vs.VideoNode:

`Utility function to export reference frames

:param clip:                clip to process, only RGB24 format is supported.
:param sc_threshold:        Scene change threshold used to generate the reference frames.
                            It is a percentage of the luma change between the previous and the current frame.
                            range [0-1], default 0.1.
                            reference frames and will colorize all the frames.
:param sc_min_freq:         if > 0 will be generated at least a reference frame every "sc_min_freq" frames.
                            range [0-1500], default: 0.
:param sc_framedir:         If set, define the directory where are stored the reference frames.
                            The reference frames are named as: ref_nnnnnn.[jpg|png].
:param ref_offset:          Offset number that will be added to the number of generated frames. default: 0.
:param ref_ext:             File extension and format of saved frames, range ["jpg", "png"] . default: "png"
:param ref_override:        If True, the reference frames with the same name will be overridden, otherwise will
                            discarded. default: True


Release v4.0.0

10 Jun 15:14
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Added Deep Exemplar based Video Colorization model to stabilize further the colorized videos with HAVC.

See DeepEx model for more details.

Release v3.5.3

11 May 17:03
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Added option MoreVivid to Preset VideoTune

This version requires Hybrid 2024.05.11.1 or above

Release v3.5.2

10 May 22:16
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Added Preset: VideoTune

Allowed values are:

  • 'VeryStable',
  • 'MoreStable'
  • 'Stable',
  • 'Balanced',
  • 'Vivid',
  • 'VeryVivid',

The Presets 'Vivid' and 'VeryVivid' will provide videos with more vivid colors, but the colored video will have more unstable colors

Release v3.5.1

08 May 14:15
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The main changes in this release are:

  • Fixed bug in vs_degrain
  • vs_degrain is now applied only to DDColor
  • Changed some presets values (added "Yellow->Rose" to colormap)


  • This version requires Hybrid rev 2024.05.05.1 or above
  • The new version of Hybrid will use as default the Preset mode, where the filter parameters are assigned automatically.
    To be able to manually change the filter parameters it is necessary to select the Preset "custom"
  • In the following post are explained the new features introduced: ColorMapping Guide

Release v3.5.0

05 May 04:47
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The main changes in this release are:

  • added new function "ddeoldify_main" supporting Presets to simplify filter usage
  • added ColorMap feature (see README for more details)
  • added Degrain pre-filter (see README for more details)


  • This version requires Hybrid rev 2024.05.05.1 or above
  • The new version of Hybrid will use as default the Preset mode, where the filter parameters are assigned automatically.
    To be able to manually change the filter parameters it is necessary to select the Preset "custom"
  • In the following post are explained the new features introduced: ColorMapping Guide

Release v3.1.1

10 Apr 15:58
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Patch released to ensure that the input size used by ddcolor() is a multiple of 32.

Release v3.1.0

09 Apr 19:21
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In thi release are included the following changes:

  1. Added the filter Chroma Adjustment (see README)
    • ddtweak_p: added optional parameter chroma_adjustment
    • dark_p: added optional parameter chroma_range
    • smooth_p: added optional parameter chroma_range
    • stab_p: added optional parameter chroma_adjustment
  2. All the code developed for the filter has been moved in the separate package "vsslib" (vapoursynth scripts library)

Release v3.0.1

06 Apr 05:41
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Moved the post-process filter "dark" in ddeoldify_stabilizer()

Release v3.0.0

05 Apr 18:32
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Bump Version 3.0.0

  • Changed most of the input parameters
  • The post-process stabilization filters has been improved and moved in the separate filter ddeoldify_stabilizer().
  • Updated the README to improve the filters explanation.