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Podcatching for nerds

Poddb lets you browse, search, and download podcasts from the Unix command line and Vim.


With Poddb, you can power-browse all of NPR's recent podcasts with the command,

poddb npr

and all recent TED talks with the command,

poddb tedtalks


I wanted a fast and lightweight way to search for and download podcasts in any Unix environment, without resorting to a GUI application or web browser. I also wanted to start crowdsourcing and publishing podcast download statistics to make it easier to spot popular podcasts and podcast episodes. Finally, I wanted a more streamlined way to search for NPR podcasts than through the NPR website or iTunes. Poddb serves these three goals.


  • Vim (7.2 or later)
  • Ruby 1.9.x
  • wget
  • curl
  • mplayer, iTunes, or other media player

To install Ruby 1.9.2, I recommend using the RVM Version Manager.

Poddb assumes a Unix (POSIX) environment.


Poddb can be installed as a Ruby gem. Please note that while the tool is called poddb, the gem is called poddb_client.

gem install poddb_client

Test your installation by typing poddb -h. You should see poddb's help.

On some systems you may run into a PATH issue, where the system can't find the poddb command after installation. You might want to try

sudo gem install poddb_client

to see if that puts poddb on your PATH.

If you ever want to uninstall Poddb from your system, just execute this command:

gem uninstall poddb_client

This will remove all traces of Poddb, except for the application-specific files it creates in a directory called ~/.poddb. These you'll have to remove manually.

To update Poddb to the latest version, just run gem install poddb_client again.

How to use it

You invoke poddb from command line interface, passing it flags and search terms. Poddb will send the query over the internet to the Poddb server. (So you must be online to use Poddb, though once you've downloaded some podcast audio or video files you can play them entirely offline.) The server will send back data, and Poddb will launch Vim to let you navigate and interact with the query results.

Here is a partial synopsis of the command line interface. A more detailed guide to using Poddb follows.

Usage: poddb [options] [query]

    -f, --from-favorites             Show all recent episodes from favorite podcasts
    -a, --add PODCAST_URL            Add podcast with PODCAST_URL to the poddb database
    -l, --list [QUERY]               List all podcasts in the poddb database
                                     (If QUERY is supplied, will return matching podcasts)
    -F, --favorite-podcasts          Show favorite podcasts
    -o, --order ORDER                Sort results by ORDER
                                     The only option right now is 'popular'. Default order is pubdate.
    -d, --days DAYS                  Limit results to episodes published since DAYS days ago
    -t, --type MEDIA_TYPE            Return episodes of MEDIA_TYPE only (audio,video)

Browse and search for podcasts

To see all the podcasts in the poddb database:

poddb -l

Type poddb -l QUERY to see if any podcasts matching the QUERY string are in the database. E.g.

poddb -l music 

will return all the podcasts in the Poddb database with the word "music" in the title or podcast description.

Press ENTER on a podcast to see its episodes. See below for instructions on how to view and download episodes.

Add podcasts to the database

If you don't see a favorite podcast of yours in the list returned by poddb -l, you can add the podcast to the Poddb database with this command:

poddb -a PODCAST_URL


poddb -a

The -a command will also add the podcast to your favorites.

Search for podcast episodes

With Poddb, you search for podcast episodes from the command line. If there are matches, Poddb will launch the Vim navigation interface. If not, you'll just see a message saying no matches were found.

A basic search like

poddb music oud

will return all podcast episodes that match the query words "music" and "oud."

pubdate      | match | dwnlds | title                                              | podcast             
Sep 01 2011  |  0.99 |      1 | Journeys with the Oud                              | PRI: Afropop Worldw
Aug 05 2011  |  8.74 |        | Mystics and the Mediterranean (Podcast Edition)    | The latest articles
Jun 29 2011  |  1.01 |        | Worldview 6.29.11                                  | Worldview Podcast  
Oct 15 2010  |  0.97 |        | Unusual Collaborations (Weekly Podcast)            | The latest articles

You can also limit the scope of the search by media type:

poddb -t video ruby

will return all podcast episodes that match the word "ruby" that are video downloads.

You can use -t audio to limit search results to audio downloads.

Note that the (video|audio) options don't always filter correctly because some feeds give videos the media type 'audio/mpeg'. These videos won't show up in the current version of Poddb if you use the -t video flag.

Two other command flags that are useful are -o and -d. -d n lets you limit the scope of the search to episodes published in the last n days. So

poddb -d 7 libya 

will return all podcast episodes that match the query "libya" published over the last week.

To sort the search results by most popular episodes first, use the -o popular flag. So

poddb -d 30 -o popular tiny desk concert

will show the most popular Tiny Desk Concert episodes in the last month

Invoking Poddb with no query words will show you all the most recent episodes from all the podcasts in the Poddb database. So to see the most popular downloads in the last week, you can use

poddb -d 7 -o popular

Navigate podcast episodes

When you see a list of episodes, you can use the following key commands to navigate, in addition to Vim's standard cursor commands:

  • l or ENTER show episode detail
  • p show all episodes for the podcast this item belongs to
  • CTRL-j show next episode
  • CTRL-k show previous episode
  • CTRL-o and CTRL-i jump back and forward through screen history

If you press p to show all the episodes for the podcast, you can navigate back to the previous screen with CTRL-o and return forward again with CTRL-i. In other words, feel free to use Vim's jump-list navigation commands.

When you press l or ENTER, more information about the episode will appear in a split window below the list.

Download podcast episodes

  • d mark episode for download; works with Vim selection ranges too
  • D start downloading episode immediately and play with media player

If you mark episodes for downloading, Poddb will place a * in their left margin and download them as soon as you quit the Vim interface with :qa or some similar command.

Poddb uses wget to download episodes. The current version downloads all marked episodes serially. A future version may implement parallel downloading.

Poddb downloads episodes into the current directory and saves them with filenames that follow the format,

{title of podcast}.{title of episode}.{poddb internal identifier}.{filetype extension}



If you press D, Poddb will quit the Vim interface immediately and begin downloading the episode that was under the cursor. After the download is complete, Poddb will automatically start playing the episode with mplayer if mplayer is available, and if not, the open command, which will play a media file with iTunes on OS X.

You can force Poddb to launch a specific media player by setting the PODDB_MEDIA_PLAYER environment variable and exporting it. For example, to make Poddb use totem:


Put the export command in your .bash_profile if you don't want to keep typing it.

If you see a D on the left margin of an episode while you're looking at a list of episodes, that means that you've already downloaded that episode into the current directory.

Favorite podcasts

When viewing a list of podcasts returned by poddb -l, you can add a podcast to your favorites by putting the cursor over it and pressing f. Press f again to remove the podcast from your favorite podcasts. Favorite podcasts have a @ sign in the left margin.

@ NPR Programs: Fresh Air from WHYY                            |     16 |      0 |  Sep 15 2011 | 
  NPR Programs: Talk of the Nation                             |     41 |      0 |  Sep 15 2011 | 
@ NPR Programs: Tell Me More Podcast                           |     20 |      0 |  Sep 15 2011 |
  NPR Programs: Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! Podcast            |     10 |      0 |  Sep 10 2011 | 
  NPR Series: Alt.Latino Podcast                               |     21 |      0 |  Sep 14 2011 | 
  NPR Series: From Scratch                                     |     16 |      0 |  Sep 14 2011 | 
  NPR Series: Talk of the Nation Opinion Page Podcast          |     10 |      0 |  Sep 05 2011 |
  NPR Series: World Cafe: Next from WXPN Podcast               |     10 |      0 |  Sep 12 2011 | 
  NPR Topics: Business Story of the Day Podcast                |     21 |      0 |  Sep 16 2011 | 
  NPR Topics: Economy Podcast                                  |     11 |      0 |  Sep 13 2011 |
  NPR Topics: Education Podcast                                |     12 |      0 |  Sep 15 2011 | 
  NPR Topics: Environment Podcast                              |     11 |      0 |  Sep 15 2011 | 
@ NPR Topics: Food Podcast                                     |     11 |      0 |  Sep 15 2011 | 

Once you have a few favorite podcasts, you can list and navigate them with the command

poddb -F

You can also aggregate all the most recent episodes from your favorite episodes by launching Poddb with the command

poddb -f

Your favorite podcasts are stored in ~/.poddb/favorites as a simple list of podcast ids. The ids are internal to Poddb's PostgreSQL database.

Bug reports and feature requests

Please submit them here:

About the app

Poddb has two parts, a client and a server. The client is a hybrid Ruby/VimScript program packaged as a Ruby gem. The server is a Ruby Sinatra app sitting in front of a PostgreSQL database. I use the Sequel database toolkit to interface between Ruby and SQL. Podcast feeds are fetched with curb and parsed with nokogiri.

About the developer

My name is Daniel Choi. I make software with Ruby, Rails, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and iOS. I am based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, and the little software company I run with Hoony Youn is called Kaja Software.