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CLI tool for generating code for your project.

The tool copies templates and performs substitutions on its contents based on values passed it from the command line. SKAT does not contain any templates itself, you must create them all.


For code documentation check the docs in this repository. For usage and adapters to languages like JavaScript, check these docs


At the moment you need Stack to install the tool. Execute the stack install command which should install the binary in your path.

You can use this example configuration to get started:

  "templates": "TEMPLATES_PATH",
  "filenameSeparator": "FILENAME_SEPARATOR_CHAR",
  "output": {

Or run the tool with the init command to generate one:

stack run init


The project runs on Haskell GHC and has been setup with Stack version lts-17.10.

Generate Haddock Documentation

run the build-tools/ shell script to create the code documentation. This is not to know how to use the application, but to understand how it is built. It is meant for developers of the application.


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