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A module for sharing promise-returning functions and objects over JSON messages, bidirectionally.


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CapNode CircleCI

Sharing objects and their promise-returning methods over a JSON transport (nearly) as easy as passing around the JS Objects themselves. Sometimes called remote proxy objects.


Version 4.0.2 underwent a security audit, but is continuing under some active development in new potentially dangerous directions:

  • One client of a host can now pass its method access to another client.

External APIs are pretty simple, so they may be stable, but until we are using it in production, I will probably break APIs freely.

Internal serialization schema should be considered highly unstable, as we have plans that involve changing or at least extending it.

Until WeakReference is added to the JavaScript standard, there is no way to detect a remote has no remaining references to a function, and so the only way to avoid memory leaks is to use the .dealloc() method appended to all functions exported by Capnode. But WeakRef should be rolling out soon!

Features different from Dnode today:

  • All functions are considered async, promise-returning functions.
  • All objects, including parameters, can include additional functions as children, allowing the passing of complex remote proxy objects, and more intuitive exchanging of APIs across boundaries that do not share memory access.

Eventual intended features

  • I hope to experiment with signing our serialized function references, allowing them to be shared across remotes without requiring a relay.
  • I am taking some inspiration from ocap-ld in terms of serializable functions and invocations, and may adopt their schema for allowing discovery of function hosts from nothing but a serialized function itself.
  • I am interested in experimenting with "promise pipelining", and related concepts, which could allow, for example, a pending Capnode promise to be passed to another Capnode function as an argument before going offline, allowing those two remotes to resolve the function independently.
  • To share a signed function remotely will require supporting signed delegation chains of function references, as part of the serialization format.

Usage Example

We have an example in the example folder.

It works like this. First you create a server:

import { Stream } from "stream";
const Capnode = require('../../index').default;

const net = require('net');

console.log('creating server')
const server = net.createServer(function (serverStream: Stream) {
    console.log('server created, creating capnode for serving')
    const capnode = new Capnode({
        index: {
            transform : function (s:string) {
                return s.replace(/[aeiou]{2,}/, 'oo').toUpperCase()
    const remote = capnode.createRemote();
    console.log('capnode initialized')

console.log('server listening...')
console.log('server listening on port 5004');

Client then connects, can request the index API, and can call provided functions:

import Capnode from 'capnode';
const net = require('net');
const through = require('through2');

console.log('creating capnode client')
const capnode = new Capnode({});
const remote = capnode.createRemote();

console.log('initializing clinet stream connection');
const remoteStream = net.connect(5004);

async function connect() {
    const index = await capnode.requestIndex(remote);
    const transformed = await index.transform('beep');
    console.log('beep => ' + transformed);


Delegation Example

Every remote function returned from capnode has an id, and you can use this to pass access control over a function from one client to another.

For example, accessing the method Id from client 1:

const remoteApi: any = await client1.requestIndex(clientRemote1);

const baz: IRemoteAsyncMethod = remoteApi.baz;
const bazId = baz.capId;

If we assume that bazId is now transmitted to another client who has their own remote connected to the host, they can construct a method from that Id alone:

const baz2 = clientRemote2.reconstruct(bazId);

// Notice they are not the same objects:
t.notEqual(baz, baz2, 'Api objects are not the same object.');

// We should be able to normally call reconstructed objects:
const result = await baz2();
t.equal(result, 'bam');

Test Example:

This example combines client and server code in one block, sorry if that's confusing:

   * The API we want to make available over a serializable async boundary
   * like a network, process, or other context:
  const api: IAsyncApiObject = {
    foo: 'bar',
    baz: async () => 'bam',
    bork: undefined,

    // We can even freely define event-emitting functions:
    on: (eventName, callback) => {
      // whenever we want:
      callback('data', 'hello!');

  // A capnode is made a server by receiving an API as its index:
  const cap = new Capnode({
    index: api,

  // A client is created, perhaps in another process:
  const cap2 = new Capnode({});

  // Each capnode creates a remote, representing its connection to the other:
  const remote = cap.createRemote();
  const remote2 = cap2.createRemote();

  // Each remote is given a method to send messages to the other:
  remote.addRemoteMessageListener((message) => remote2.receiveMessage(message));
  remote2.addRemoteMessageListener((message) => remote.receiveMessage(message));

  try {
    // We can now request the index from cap1 on cap2:
    const remoteApi: IAsyncApiValue = await cap2.requestIndex(remote2);

    // Notice they are not the same objects:
    t.notEqual(remoteApi, api, 'Api objects are not the same object.');

    // They do, however, share the same properties and tyeps:
   Object.keys(remoteApi).forEach((key) => {
      t.ok(key in api, 'The original api has the key ' + key);
      t.equal(typeof remoteApi[key], typeof api[key], 'The values are the same type');

      // Other than functions, they are even the same value:
      if (typeof remoteApi[key] !== 'function') {
        t.equal(remoteApi[key], api[key]);

    // We can even call the functions provided:
    const result = await remoteApi.baz();
    t.equal(result, 'bam');

  } catch (err) {


You can also use the remotes as streams and over streams, for a simplified interface:

import Capnode, { streamFromRemote, Remote } from 'capnode';
import { IAsyncApiObject } from '../src/@types/index';
  const api: IAsyncApiObject = {
    foo: 'bar',
    baz: async () => 'bam',
    bork: undefined,

  const cap = new Capnode({
    index: api,
    nickname: 'cap1',

  // Bear with me, imagine cap2 is in a separate process,
  // where objects cannot be freely passed between functions.
  const cap2 = new Capnode({ nickname: 'cap2' });

  const remote = cap.createRemote();
  const remote2 = cap2.createRemote();



constructor: new Capnode(options)


  • index: an optional JavaScript object to be used as the local server's index, when requested from external Remotes.
  • registry: an optional MethodRegistry instance, used for restoring a set of function references at construction.
  • serializer: an optional Serializer object used to define the schema used in transport.
  • nickname: an optional nickname string which can be used for debugging.

capnode.createRemote(): returns Remote

This method is used to construct a communication channel with a remote entity. It is assumed that each remote is pre-authenticated, and remotes are able to request the index and call functions in the registry freely.

Remotes can be wrapped as streams using the exported streamFromRemote function.

Once a remote is received, it should be configured to communicate over a given transport, and so a remote should be constructed at connection time, and it should be configured accordingly.

function newConnection (connection) {

  const remote = capnode.createRemote();

  connection.on('message', (message) => remote.receiveMessage(message));
  function sendRemoteMessage (message) {

  connection.on('end', () => remote.removeRemoteMessageListener(sendRemoteMessage));

Alternatively, if you prefer a streaming API:

function newConnection (connectionStream) {
  const remote = capnode.createRemote();

clearRemote (remote: Remote)

Removes a given remote, and stops notifying it when there are new outbound messages.

capnode.requestIndex(remote) returns Promise

Once a local remote is connected to a remote capnode with an index available, we can request it with this method.

All capnode interactions begin with one side requesting an index from the other side. Any capnode instance can host an index, but only instances that host an index make their functions available to remote connections.

It returns a promise that will resolve in a type we internally call an AsyncApiValue. The index itself is also defined as an AsyncApiValue.


An AsyncApiValue (type definition) is a value that is either:

  • A primitive, JSON-serializable value like number, string, undefined, or boolean.
  • An Array.
  • An object whose keys are strings and whose values are AsyncApiValues.
  • Functions which accept AsyncApiValues as arguments, and return promises that resolve as an AsyncApiValue.

When you are returned one of these values, you are able to mutate your local copy, but your synchronous changes will not affect the remote copy of the object. Only calling the included functions can have remote side effects.

This type is defined because it is what we are able to serialize over a remote membrane. You can think of it as JSON with promise-returning functions.

Other Methods

Other methods are basically only needed internally, but I've written this module in TypeScript, so hopefully you find it easy to navigate the source files to find any additional methods you might require.


This module also exports a convenience method called capWrap, which you can use to wrap an object with the default capnode configuration. This could be useful as a form of deep freezing, making functions async, or just for testing capnode behavior on an object you're considering exposing as a remote proxy.


import { capWrap } from 'capnode';

const yourObject = { foo: async () => 'bar!' }
const aClone = capWrap(yourObject);


Currently assumes authenticated connections between clients and servers. Eventually I would like to support arbitrary authentication schemes, including chained attenuations like is enabled with ocap-ld.

Aspires to make decentralized delegation of any computer function as easy as passing around JS Promises, as they were originally intended.

The ocap-ld spec suggests the action field can be used to direct the consumer how to redeem the capability, which would be cool to add eventually, so a server could be serving on multiple transports.


A module for sharing promise-returning functions and objects over JSON messages, bidirectionally.







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