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Mini-project: Foot size estimation

A demo website using Streamlit with the following functionalities:

  • upload images

  • foot and paper segmentation: possibly uses image processing techniques or DL-based approaches

  • visualize intermediate results: segments of foot, paper, paper's corners...

  • output width, height and corresponding size

How to Evaluate?

  • Clone the repo: git clone
  • Download folder image_classified from this repo or from Goolge Drive:
  • cd to the cloned directory
  • Install required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • run the command: streamlit run

Working approach

  • Classify type of image by SVM
  • Remove noise from original image using Median Blur
  • If image background have same color with skin, using Gamma Correction to improve contrast and tuning upper bound and lower bound of HSV to get better result
  • Run K-means clustering on preprocessed image for color based segmentation
  • Detect the edges in clustered image.
  • Find contours in Edge Detection output and filter the largest contour.
  • Generate the bounding rectangle from the contour and rotate to extract paper
  • Then drop 10% of the paper image to get the foot contour.
  • Create the foot's bounding Box to get the height/width of Foot.
  • Calculate the foot size base on the ratio between the paper and foot.


  • If floor color is white, then it will difficult to segment the paper but if using K-means with num_cluster=3 it will be easier.
  • Feet should not go out of the paper.
  • If the background have many patterns and have some white lines, then it will be difficult to segment the paper.
  • The accuracy of the algorithm is not very good. It is about approx. 65% accurate.

Group members

  • Nguyen Hoang Dang 20194423
  • Do Quoc An 20194414
  • Ha Vu Thanh Dat 20194424
  • Le Hai Son 20194449


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