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A toolset for Vue router, including dynamic routing, initialization routing, and more


1. init-router


1.Injected router instances into the global routing guard, where 'this' can be used

2.Redefining the replace and push methods to eliminate asynchronous error reporting by routing guards

3.Delayed call to global routing guards, such as when using pinia in the guard, an error will be reported. This attribute can be used to fix this. If there is an infinite loop when resetting the dynamic route(use addRoute), please turn off this option

// router/index.js

import initRouter from 'vue-router-tools/init-router';
import routes from './routes';
import beforeEach from './before-each';
import afterEach from './after-each';

export default initRouter({ routes, beforeEach, afterEach });
// main.js

import router from './router/index';

new Vue({
  render: (h) => h(App),
desc default explain
beforeEach navigation guards function (to,from,next) {...} 'this' point to router instances in guard is available when not use arrow functions
afterEach navigation guards function (to,from,next) {...} ditto
lazyHooks delay call the route guard false
...others vue-router-example

2. add-route

// router/before-each.js

import addRoute from 'vue-router-tools/add-route';

const parentName = 'admin';
let isRouteAdded = false;

export default async function (to, from, next) {
  if (!isRouteAdded) {
    // replace your own dynamic-routes request here
    const routes = await fetch('/get-menu');
    const { replaceTo } = addRoute({
      router: this, // if not use init-router and use arrow function,then the "this" is "undifined",or replace the router instance here
    isRouteAdded = true;
  } else {


desc type
routes the dynamic routes from request Array
router the Router's instance Router's instance
parentName the parentName of dynamic-routes String
to the navigation guard's "to" Object
notFound the RouteConfig of notFound Object

return value:

desc type
replaceTo for dynamic route first time navigation Function
resetRouter reset the dynamic routes Function


Auto generate dynamic bread crumbs based on vue router


The route corresponding to each breadcrumb needs to configure the meta attribute, and configure the display text of the route in it


import Vue from 'vue';
import Router from 'vue-router';
import autoCrumbs from 'vue-router-tools/bread-crumbs';

const router = new Router({...})

    const { matched } = to;
   * @first       --   When there is a homepage, put it at the first of the breadcrumbs
   * @metaNameKey --   Custom your meta name field, the 'name' is default
  const crumbs = autoCrumbs({ matched, first: {text:'',to:''}, metaNameKey:''});
  // The value obtained here should be saved in store (vuex or pinia).
    // ...