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Releases: danger/danger


26 Oct 11:00
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Welcome to 4.0. This one comes with only breaking changes. There are two of them.
They both change pretty fundamental behavior in Danger:

  • Switch messaging's sticky to default to false - Bogren
  • Move the gitlab gem into danger-gitlab - Orta


The sticky one affects every Dangerfile. When we first introduced the feature, we wanted
to experiment with how people used it. Looks like in general, people are writing sticky: false
a lot in their Dangerfiles. Enough that it is worth going through the pain of migrating the change.

If you prefer the old behavior, you need to add sticky: true to the end of every call to
warn, fail and message. E.g. message("Let's show something", sticky: true).

Otherwise, you can just remove sticky: false from the Dangerfile.


We want to keep the dependency tree for Danger as small as possible for the majority of our users.
What this means is that we are moving the gitlab dependencies out into a separate gem. danger-gitlab.

This reduces the number of dependencies we have for the majority of Danger's users. We love GitLab, I've
been super happy with their work, and we use GitLab for Danger.Systems. This is not a slight on the project.

However, as of 4.0. Anyone using Danger with GitLab will need to use danger-gitlab instead of danger. It will stay
in lock-step with the same major SemVer releases with Danger. That should be your only change.



26 Oct 11:00
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  • Support for Jenkins pipelines - fwal
  • Implemented '--new-comment' support for GitLab - Nikolay Kasyanov
  • Improves Danger: Ignore "[warning/error text]" parsing - Juanito Fatas


14 Oct 18:07
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  • Show warning when Danger is missing permissions to update PR status, even on successful build - hanneskaeufler
  • Fixed '--new-comment' creating multiple GitHub status checks, and removing the argument on a subsequent build will now make Danger correctly edit it's last comment - Bruno Rocha
  • Fix crash in git_repo.rb (#636) - Kyle McAlpine & Viktor Benei & orta & Juanito Fatas


14 Oct 18:06
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  • fail fast if still cannot find the commit after fetch - Juanito Fatas

  • Adds the --new-comment argument to danger command - Bruno Rocha

    Makes Danger post a brand new comment by ignoring other Danger instances.

  • Fixed an issue where EnvironmentManager's output UI could be nil, and would blackhole error messages - @notjosh

  • danger pr now accepts --dangerfile argument - Juanito Fatas

    danger pr --dangerfile ~/Dangerfile


09 Oct 09:26
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  • Removes the mr/pr diff from the tabled output during danger pr, danger local and danger --verbose. This is because it can be a very large output that's not too useful, and can occasionally cause errors. - orta


09 Oct 09:26
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  • danger pr takes an argument as PR URL instead of --use-pr option - Juanito Fatas

    Work with Open PR:

    danger pr

    Work with Merged PR:

    danger pr

    Works with forks, too:

    danger pr


09 Oct 09:26
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  • Adds danger pr command to run against Pull Requests - Juanito Fatas

    Work with Open PR:

    danger pr --use-pr=

    Work with Merged PR:

    danger pr --use-pr=

    Works with forks, too:

    danger pr --use-pr=


06 Oct 20:52
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  • Adds a template for for creating a gem-based Dangerfile - dblock (+ orta)

    Adding two new commands:

    danger dangerfile init which creates the same Dangerfile generated in danger init but without all the talking.

    danger dangerfile gem [gemname] which uses the dangerfile-gem-template repo to create a Gem based on our current best practices.


06 Oct 20:52
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  • Adds backwards compatibility for plugin testing API - sorry - @orta
  • Multiple remotes support for Jenkins - Juanito Fatas
  • Fixed a problem when checking if the latest PR commit have been fetched - @fwal


06 Oct 20:52
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  • Added option to run a Dangerfile from a branch and/or path when using a remote repo - felipesabino
  • Add specs for Danger::EnvironmentManager - Juanito Fatas
  • Fixes plugin that inherits from Danger::Plugin should not raise error - Juanito Fatas