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Vagrant box with the complete hashistack. Use for demo and development.


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Hashistack in one click for development & testing

Build Releases Updated

This vagrant box aims to make it dead simple to start a hashistack and emulate how services will be deployed to production.

This repository will publish a new template into fredrikhgrelland/vagrant-hashistack-template repo on every release.

🚧 - current vagrant box runs consul, nomad and vault in dev (development) mode.


  1. Description - what & why
    1. Services
    2. Why does this exist?
    3. Installed stack
  2. Install prerequisites
    1. General requirements
      1. Proxy
    2. Linux requirements
    3. MacOS requirements
    4. Windows requirements
  3. Build
  4. Configuration
    1. Default Configuration
    2. Override default configuration
      1. ENV variables
      2. Config files
  5. Usage
    1. Starting a plain default box
    2. Starting a new project based on the template
  6. Test
    1. Local run
    2. CI pipeline run
      1. CI test configuration
  7. Diagram
  8. Contribute

Description - what & why

This repository will build a base-box for different projects to extend on. The base-box contains components, and a setup that makes it ideal for working with the hashistack.

Hashistack, in current repository context, is a set of software products by HashiCorp.


The default box will start Nomad, Vault, Consul and MinIO bound to loopback and advertising on the IP, which should be available on your local machine. Port-forwarding for nomad on port 4646 should bind to and should allow you to use the nomad binary to post jobs directly. Consul and Vault have also been port-forwarded and are available on on ports 8500 and 8200 respectively. Minio is started on port 9000 and shares the /vagrant (your repo) from within the vagrant box.

Service URL Token(s)
Consul master
Vault master
Minio minioadmin : minioadmin

Why does this exist?

We needed a Vagrant box with the complete hashistack to use for demo, development and testing. In order to build cloud native, security minded and dependable services, there exists a killer combination;

Installed stack

with a side-play of

Install prerequisites

make install

The command, will install:

General requirements

You will need to have the following binaries pre-installed:

NB Post installation you might need to reboot your system in order to start the virtual-provider (VirtualBox)

The rest of the Requirements are operative system dependent


If you for any reason find yourself behind a transparent proxy you need to set the environment variables SSL_CERT_FILE and CURL_CA_BUNDLE. You have three options:

  • Prefix vagrant up; SSL_CERT_FILE=<path/to/ca-certificates-file> CURL_CA_BUNDLE=<path/to/ca-certificates-file> vagrant up
  • Set the environment variables in your current session by running export SSL_CERT_FILE=<path/to/ca-certificates-file> and export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=<path/to/ca-certificates-file> in the terminal. Eg:export SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CURL_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  • Set the environment variables permanently by adding the above export commands to your ~/.bashrc or equivalent.

Linux requirements

MacOS requirements

Windows requirements



make build

Command above will build a vagrant box based on fredrikhgrelland/bionic64-ansible-docker. The packaged box will be locally available at ´packer/output-hashistack/´

Note: You can refer to the configuration section in order to get a comprehensive overview of the default configurations with which the system is set up. The section also provides information about steps for overriding the default system configuration.


In most cases, users need to customize vagrant-box's services configuration.

Scenarios for customization:

1. consul(enterprise) with consul_acl = enabled and default acl policy = deny
2. nomad(oss) with nomad_acl = false
3. vault(enterprise), unsealed and integrated with nomad and consul, the way that it manages their secrets/tokens

In order to simplify making such changes in the configuration, we provide switches. These are sort of switches which are controlled by env variables and provide the user with the opportunity to quickly switch between the configuration setup.

Supported switches are listed under # Control box features section in the following file

Default Configuration



  • Open source version
  • ACL enabled=false
  • Integrated with Consul, using token


  • Open source version
  • Unsealed

Override default configuration

Option 1 - env variables

Use env to switch prebuild configuration on/off

When the vagrant box is provisioned, it reads the data from the following environment file /home/vagrant/.env_default in order to set up the system. If you wish to override any of the default values then you can do so by adding that variable name and value in .env file. The property values in the .env file override the property values present in the .env_default file and thus makes it simple to provision systems that suffice the relevant development needs.

For example, in order to override the consul acl default policy from allow to deny, the following needs to be added to the .env file:


Option 2 - config files

Overriding config files*

It is possible to add and/or override the hashistack components' configuration files. See documentation here.

NB! Overriding config files will take effect at last. In other words, config files(Option 2) will override any configuration which were setup by the env variables(Option 1)


Vagrant-hashistack provides these features:

  • Deploy & test terraform modules
  • Deploy & test nomad jobs
  • Upload files to Minio
  • Test automation

Option-1 Starting a plain default box

To get a running VM using the latest release of this box run

vagrant init fredrikhgrelland/hashistack
ANSIBLE_ARGS='--extra-vars "local_test=true"' vagrant up --provision

The first command will add a file called Vagrantfile to your directory, and vagrant up will start a box based on the specifications of that file.

NB If you are behind a transparent proxy, follow proxy documentation

Option-2 Starting a new project based on the template

To see a full example of how to start a new project based on this box go to template-repo.

NB If you are behind a transparent proxy, follow proxy documentation


There are two options how to run tests:

  • run all tests on local machine
  • run all tests in CI (env variable CI)

Options are controlled by environment variable CI.

Local run

CI env variable is not set.

make test

The above command runs the tests by starting the countdash consul-connect example. If ´packer/output-hashistack/´ does not exist, it will run ´make build´.

Pay attention that we pass extra-vars --tags=local_test=true to the ansible provisioner. Full example

CI pipeline run

CI env variable set to any non-null value.

make test

The tests are run using Github Actions feature which makes it possible to automate, customize, and execute the software development workflows right in the repository.

We utilize the matrix testing strategy to cover all the possible and logical combinations of the different properties and values that the components support. The .env_override file is used by the tests to override the values that are available in the .env_default file, as well as the user configurable .env file.

CI test configuration

As of today, the following tests are executed whenever a Pull request is created :

Test name Consul Acl Consul Acl Policy Nomad Acl Hashicorp binary
test (consul_acl_enabled, consul_acl_deny, nomad_acl_enabled, hashicorp_oss) true deny true Open source
test (consul_acl_enabled, consul_acl_deny, nomad_acl_enabled, hashicorp_enterprise) true deny true enterprise
test (consul_acl_enabled, consul_acl_deny, nomad_acl_disabled, hashicorp_oss) true deny false Open source
test (consul_acl_enabled, consul_acl_deny, nomad_acl_disabled, hashicorp_enterprise) true deny false enterprise
test (consul_acl_disabled, consul_acl_deny, nomad_acl_enabled, hashicorp_oss) false deny true Open source
test (consul_acl_disabled, consul_acl_deny, nomad_acl_enabled, hashicorp_enterprise) false deny true enterprise
test (consul_acl_disabled, consul_acl_deny, nomad_acl_disabled, hashicorp_oss) false deny false Open source
test (consul_acl_disabled, consul_acl_deny, nomad_acl_disabled, hashicorp_enterprise) false deny false enterprise

The latest test results can be looked up under the Actions tab Actions




See here


Vagrant box with the complete hashistack. Use for demo and development.







No packages published


  • Makefile 38.4%
  • HCL 25.3%
  • Shell 16.0%
  • Dockerfile 14.7%
  • Python 5.6%