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RunRDP is a Golang command line tool for runnning RDP sessions.

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RunRDP is a tool for launching MS RDP sessions from the command line based on a text configuration. It is not a standalone RDP client.


  • SSH tunnel (SSH port forwarding) and proxy support
  • AWS integration
    • AWS Secrets Manager
    • Identify instances by ID or tag filter
    • Authenticate using shared credentials
    • EC2 Get Password for RDP authentication

Configuration Reference

Configuration is in TOML format. All config objects consist of a heading and key/value pairs:

# Format
[<config type>[.<sub type>].<name>]
  string   = "abc"
  int      = 0
  bool     = false

<name> is the user defined label used to reference the object. Below is a host of type EC2.

# Example
  id = "i-abcde1234"


Hosts are remote computers. The label given to a host configuration object is used on the command line when connecting.

  id = "i-abcde1234"
$ runrdp myhost

References To Other Objects

Hosts commonly reference other configuration objects such as credentials or RDP settings.


Refers to a Credentials object used for RDP authentication.

    # See Credential Types section below

    cred = "mycred"
    id = "i-abcde1234"


Refers to another host configuration for a computer which is proxying RDP connections.

### proxy
    # See Host Types section below

    proxy = "myproxyhost"
    id = "i-abcde1234"


Refers to an RDP session settings object to configure windows size. Naming a settings object [settings.default] will make it the default for hosts omitting the settings field. System defaults are used if no settings are defined.

  height      = 800   # Height of the window in pixels
  width       = 600   # Width of the window in pixels
  fullscreen  = false # Start the session in full-screen mode (might still start in full-screen if false)
  span        = false # Span multiple monitors with the setting

  settings = "mysettings"
  id = "i-abcde1234"


An intermediate host used for SSH forwarding. All fields must be defined.

  host = "myhost"                 # Reference to a host config object used as the intermediate forwarding host
  localport = "3390"              # Port to connect to locally over localhost
  key = "C:/Users/me/.ssh/key"    # Full path to the SSH key used for authentication
  user = "ubuntu"                 # SSH Username for authentication

  mytunnel = "mytunnel"

Literal Global Fields

These take precedence when conflicting with another configuration field.

[host.<any host type>.myhost]
  # Literal values which take precedence in the configuration
  address     = ""         # Address for the RDP endpoint
  port        = "1234"            # Port for the RDP endpoint
  username    = "Administrator"   # Username for RDP authentication

Host Types

Host types offer specific functionality with the exception of the basic host type which only uses global fields.


Basic does not have any fields, only global fields may be defined. A literal address is required.

  address = "" # This is a global field (see Global Fields), defined here as an example


EC2 instance to connect to by getting its address from the AWS API. Either an ID or filterJSON is required unless the global address field is defined.

  private = true      # Connect to the private IP address of this EC2 host
  getcred = true      # Call the AWS EC2 _Get Password_ feature to get credentials for RDP authentication
  id = "i-abcde1234"  # Locate the EC2 host by instance ID
  profile = "default" # AWS Shared Credentials profile to use for authentication
  region = "eu-west"  # AWS region in which to operate

  filterjson = """
          "Name": "tag:Name",
          "Values": ["rdp-target"]

Credential Types


Retrieve a username and password from AWS Secrets Manager. The username and password fields must be the ID of AWS Secrets Manager secrets of type string.

  usernameid = "MyUsername" # The username to authenticate with
  passwordid = "MyPassword" # The password to authenticate with
  region = "eu-west-2"      # If omitted the profile default region will be used
  profile = "dev"