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Releases: danhanly/signalert

Change License to MIT

14 Apr 09:14
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Custom Config Repair

20 Sep 10:08
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Repairs the fuzzy search of the custom config files, and allows the renderers to fall back to a specific type, if the type provided is missing/invalid.

Config Repair

20 Sep 09:30
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This fixes as issue whereby if you haven't specified a config directory, it will break. Now it automatically rolls back to the in-bundle default configuration file.

Foundation Framework Integration

20 Sep 10:08
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Added support for the Foundation CSS Framework
The following alert syntax is now available:

<div data-alert class="alert-box success radius">
  This is a success alert with a radius.
  <a href="#" class="close">&times;</a>


Activating the Foundation Renderer can be done by adding FoundationRenderer to your .signalert.yml file:

renderer: \Signalert\Renderer\FoundationRenderer


You can use the foundation renderer in the same way that you would use any other renderer:

$signalert->render('homepage', 'alert');

The render type (alert) in this case refers to the class name required by Foundation within their documentation on Alert Boxes.


19 Sep 09:01
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This is the final rename.

I originally renamed the repository because I noticed there was another project with the same name out there. What I renamed it to, I wasn't happy with after much deliberation. So this is it, now. The final name for the project and hopefully the springboard for future development.


11 Sep 20:28
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Bug Fixes

Panday Release

11 Sep 20:15
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Given a quick search on Github for other references to Notifly, I noticed there were several other notification based systems also called Notifly. To avoid stepping on toes, I've now moved to call the project Panday. It's a portmanteau of MayDay and Pan-pan - both ways of calling alerts (distress signals), which I thought was apt.


10 Sep 21:14
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Release represents the first official version of Notifly with a completed API