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What is this project?

This is a basic chat backend project. It has only fundamental features, such as authentication and sending and receiving messages.

Features implemented into the backend:

  • Authentication.
  • Send and receive message.


  • Clean arquitecture.


  • GraphQL API.

Tech used for build the backend:

  • Database: PostgreSQL.
  • Cache: Redis.
  • Pub/Sub: Redis (to send and receive messages in real time).
  • Real time connection with the client: GraphQL Subscription.


To deploy the backend you can use docker or kubernetes.


Clone the github project of the chat

git clone

Run the docker compose for deploy the needed services

docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up -d

Run the docker image with the migrations

docker run --rm --network="chat_default" --url="jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/chat?currentSchema=public" --changelog-file="v1_changelog.sql" --username="postgres" --password="postgres" update --log-level error

Github project for the migrations. Click

Seed the database with users for test the chat

go run main.go database seed

In cmd/database/seed are the users for seed, you can see the password here.

And finally run the server

go run main.go server run


In the kubernetes directory there are the manifests to deploy in kubernetes, run this command with the terminal open in the directory.

kubectl apply -f .

This is for testing and development purposes only. It is recommended to change the passwords and environment variables.