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TTTT Single-Lepton Final State DNN -- Quick Start Instructions

This repository contains code for producing step3 .root files used in calculating the limits for the single-lepton final state in four top quark events. The code is partitioned into four steps:

  1. Variable Importance Calculation
  2. Hyper Parameter Optimization
  3. k-Fold Cross Validation Training
  4. step3 .root File Production

The step3 files are to be used by the singleLepAnalyzer to produce the limits. The TTTT DNN code is intended to be run on the LPC while the singleLepAnalyzer is intended to be run on the Brown Linux server (BRUX). To run all the code successfully, you will need to have accounts on BRUX, FNAL LPC and CERN LXPLUS. You will also need storage requested on CMSEOS and have a working CERN grid certificate. The general-use instructions are as follows:

Setup on LPC

to the LPC using your FNAL [username]

kinit -f [username]@FNAL.GOV
ssh -xy [username]

Retrieve the CMSSW environment (BASH #TCSH)

cd nobackup/

export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc630
# setenv SCRAM_ARCH slc7_amd64_gcc630
source /cvmfs/
# source /cvmfs/
cmsrel CMSSW_9_4_6_patch1

Clone the repository

cd CMSSW_9_4_6_patch1/src/
git clone
chmod u+rwx *

Edit the file to set your usernames and the sample date:

  • bruxUserName
  • lpcUserName
  • eosUserName
  • date

Setup the repository. This will take some time. There are two possible choices for the year: 2017 or 2018. The settings used below are for general-use, refer to for a detailed explanation of all the options.

pip install --user scikit-optimize
python ./setup/ -y 2017 -sys -r -t -eos -v

Submit Variable Importance Condor Jobs

Setup the environment for submitting the Condor jobs

source /cvmfs/
# source /cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/
# source /cvmfs/

Note that after running these source commands, you will not be able to upload files to CMSEOS. You will need to restart the console and follow the previous steps. Submit n seed Condor jobs. The .job, .log, .out and .err files are stored in the directory condor_log_[day].[month].[year]. The following options should be modified depending on your situation:

  • year (-y) = 2017 or 2018
  • njets (-nj) = 2 or 4
  • correlation (-c) = 50 to 100, 60 (recommended)
  • seeds (-n) = 500 (recommnded)

Submit the jobs using:

python -y 2017 -nj 4 -c 60 -n 500

While the jobs run, check on the progress using:

python condor_log_[day].[month].[year]

if there are any failed jobs, resubmit with:

python -y 2017 --unstarted -r condor_log_[day].[month].[year]

Run the Variable Importance Calculation

After all your jobs have finished, calculate the variable importance. First, compact all of the Condor results to a .jtd file with:

python -c condor_log_[day].[month].[year]

At this point, it's recommended to move all the .jtd files for a given set of {year, njets} into one directory:

mkdir condor_log_4j_2017
mv *.jtd condor_log_4j_2017/

Run the calculation script and save the results to a similarly named directory

mkdir dataset_4j_2017
python -f dataset_4j_2017 condor_log_4j_2017/*

The results produced are used automatically in the following steps. They can also be visualized using the python notebooks located in the /notebooks/ repository.

Run the Hyper Parameter Optimization

Hyper parameter optimization is used to optimize the performance of a neural network by tuning the network architecture for a given number of input variables using the scikit-optimize library. The input variables are grouped based on their ranking, determined in the previous step. For this step, it is important not to run the previous source command and cmsenv. The main option to set for this step is numvars (-n) = 1 to 76, the recommended number is to include all variables that have a non-zero, positive importance value:

source /cvmfs/
# source /cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/
# source /cvmfs/
python -y 2017 -n 50 -nj 4 dataset_4j_2017/

Run the k-fold Cross Validation

After determining the an optimal set of hyper parameters, with the results stored in a directory of the form /dataset_4j_2017/1to50/, run the k-fold cross validation to obtain statistics on the model performance. The command is:

source /cvmfs/
# source /cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/
# source /cvmfs/
python -y 2017 -k 10 -f dataset_4j_2017/1to50/ dataset_4j_2017/1to50/

After this step finishes, the model with the best performance out of the k folds is saved in /dataset_4j_2017/1to50/ and will be applied to the produce the step3 files on Condor.

Submit Step3 Condor Jobs

The step3 files will be stored on CMSEOS. The step3 script can take multiple models so the step3 file can hold multiple discriminators for different sets of jet cuts and number of input variables. The command is:

source /cvmfs/
# source /cvmfs/
python -y 2017 -l application_log_2017 -sys -v dataset_4j_2017/1to40/ dataset_4j_2017/1to50/

The Condor jobs can be checked directly by checking the Condor job outputs:

ls application_log_2017/*.out | wc # the number of finished jobs
ls application_log_2017/*.log | wc # the total number of jobs

For any jobs that failed, resubmit using:

python -y 2017 -l application_log_resubmit -v -r application_log_2017 dataset_4j_2017/1to40/ dataset_4j_2017/1to50/

Once jobs are finished, you will find the step3 files stored on CMSEOS at:

eosls /store/user/[EOS Username]/FWLJMET102X_1lep2017_Oct2019_4t_10072020_step2/[tag]/

where tag can be nominal, JECup, JECdown, JERup, or JERdown. After finishing producing the step3 files, refer to the singleLepAnalyzer subdirectory for instructions for running on BRUX.


Run variable importance, hyper parameter optimization and training for a TTTT signal classifier






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