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Bugtracker - Full-stack CRUD app


Welcome to BugTracker, a safe open-source CRUD app complete with authentication.


Sign up/in/out

Users can create an account and log in/out.

Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations

A user can create projects and tickets that will be associated to the user's profile, meaning only the user can edit and delete the projects/tickets, or even view them if they are set to private.


I've extensively tested the app and everything you can do with it.

  • Only the user can create a project/ticket as that user.
  • Only the owner of a project/ticket set to private can see, edit, and delete them.
  • Authentication system provided by Django;
  • Unauthorised users (who try to access something they can't, like a private project/ticket, etc.) will be redirected to a 403 page;

Search functionality

Users can use the search bar in order to filter tickets according to their titles.

How to run it

To run it on your machine or deploy it to production on the cloud, you're gonna need to install Docker and Docker Compose.

This teaches you to run the development build. If you want to use the production environment, always type -f after compose, e.g. $ docker compose -f

Building the containers

  1. Clone the repository to a folder;
  2. Type $ docker compose up -d --build to build and run the containers.
  3. If you find an error, $ docker compose logs -f will show you the logs.
  4. To execute any Django command, type $ docker compose exec web ${COMMAND HERE}. Basically, exec is a Docker command to execute a command inside a running container, and web is the container you're executing the command in. To see the name of each container just open one of the docker-compose.yml files on the root folder of the project.
  5. To bring the containers down, type $ docker compose down -v. The -v flag also removes the volumes.

Additional configurations for production

  • You'll need to run the migrations the first time you start them with $ docker compose -f exec web python migrate --noinput.
  • You'll also have to collectstatic so your static files (CSS, JS, images, etc.) will be accessible to Nginx (so it can serve them to the user). Type $ docker compose -f docker-compose.p^Cd.yml exec web python collectstatic --noinput.

Further reading:

I'll add some blog articles here when I post them.