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Docker Deep Dive

Learning Docker with Pluralsight course



  • Conceptually similar to VM but more lightweight than virtual machines, doesn't need full OS, consume less cpu/ram/disk space.
  • Provide secure, isolated runtime environment for applications to live in.
  • Allow for creating multiple isolated instances of user space.
  • Each container has only one app or service installed within it.

container intro

Each container has its own root file system:

container file system


  • Both a technology and platform.
  • Docker is a container runtime -> implementation of container technology

docker high level

docker intro

Docker Platform

  • Image format
  • Container runtime
  • Registry -> Docker Hub
  • Clustering -> Docker Swarm
  • Orchestration -> Docker Compose
  • Written in Golang

libcontainer is execution driver for Docker


Major Docker Components

Big Picture

Analogy: Container shipping yard

Docker Engine === Docker Daemon



Docker containers are launched from Docker images. i.e. image is a build-time concept, and containers are runtime.

For example, to launch an Ubuntu container and run a bash shell inside of it:

docker run -it ubuntu bash

it specifies interactive and terminal.

ubuntu specifies which image to base container on.

bash which process or application to run. Can be anything that is installed on the container.

Sample output

Unable to find image 'ubuntu:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
5a132a7e7af1: Pull complete
fd2731e4c50c: Pull complete
28a2f68d1120: Pull complete
a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:4e85ebe01d056b43955250bbac22bdb8734271122e3c78d21e55ee235fc6802d
Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:latest

Unable to find image 'ubuntu:latest' locally Since this is the first time an ubuntu container is being launched, don't have a local copy, therefore it gets pulled from Docker Hub, which is the public Docker registry.

5a132a7e7af1, fd2731e4c50c, etc. Images are comprised of multiple layers, each number represents a layer (more details later in course).

ubuntu:latest On Docker hub, there are many different versions of ubuntu, if a version number is not specified as part of the run command, then Docker will grab the image that's tagged as the latest version.

Docker pull command is used to pull images from Docker hub and install them locally. Saves time when running containers, don't have to wait for download.

To pull all versions of an image (rather than just latest which is the default)

docker pull -a ubuntu

To list all the images locally

docker images ubuntu

IMAGE ID uniquely identifies each image. Note the same image can have multiple different tags.

Docker images contain all the data and metadata required to fire up a container.


In order to launch a container, need an image. docker run is used to launch a container.

docker ps to see a list of running images.

docker ps -a to see all containers that have been run on the host.

To attach to an existing running image docker attach <containerid>

If you're in an interactive container, can exit it without killing it by pressing Ctrl + P + Q

If you don't specify a name on the docker run command, docker will assign a name.

Registries and Repositories

Images are pulled from repositories, which live inside a registry.

The default public registry for Docker is Docker Hub.

Within Docker Hub, there are many repo's, for example, the official (i.e. trusted) repos for Fedora, Ubuntu, Redis, MongoDB, etc.

Each of these repos contains different images, for example for each version such as Ubuntu 12.0.4, 14.0.4, etc.

Browse docker hub

User repos look like, for example docker pull radial/nginx. Be careful when pulling from a non official repo!

Closer look at Images and Containers

Image Layers

Images are layered (or stacked). Sometimes layers are referred to as images, which can be confusing.

For example, 3 layers stacked on top of each other, with 0 on the bottom:

Layer 2 (Image 2)
Layer 1 (Image 1)
Layer 0 (Image 0)

Together, these layer/images form a single image. i.e. a single image comprised of three layered images. An example stack of layers:

At the bottom layer, there is the Base Image (rootfs). This has the root file system, which is all the files and directories required to make up a container's stripped down, bare minimum OS, for example, Ubuntu.

The next layer, Layer 1 could be the application layer, for example nginx. And next Layer 2 might have some updates or config files.

A single image can be shared by multiple containers. The layered approach allows for tweaks and updates to higher layers, without touching the base layer.

Union Mounts

Each image or layer gets its own unique id. These id's are listed inside the Docker image, plus metadata that tells Docker how to build the container at run time. If there are any conflicts, higher layer overrides lower layer.

Image layering is accomplished through union mounts. The ability to mount file systems on top of each other, combining all the layers into a single view.

All of the layers in the image are mounted as read only. Then an additional layer is added when container is launched, which is the pnly writeable layer.

All changes to the container at run time are committed to this top layer, via copy on write behaviour.

Copying Images to Other Hosts

Later in the course, will use Docker Hub to push and pull images. But can also do this manually by saving container image to a tar file and exporting it.

To run a container with a short lived command (run container, run command, then process exits). This is detached mode, i.e. not using -it flags:

docker run ubuntu /bin/bash -c "echo 'cool content' > /tmp/cool-file"

This makes a change to the container because it created a file. To verify, run docker ps -a. Sample output:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
c583c0b6afab        ubuntu              "/bin/bash -c 'echo '"   6 minutes ago       Exited (0) 35 seconds ago                       amazing_keller
bd04a65de4fd        ubuntu              "bash"                   24 hours ago        Exited (0) 24 hours ago                         agitated_goldberg
4bd18fa5121f        ubuntu              "bash"                   4 days ago          Exited (127) 3 days ago                         pedantic_stonebraker
7240d4bb88c0        hello-world         "/hello"                 4 days ago          Exited (0) 4 days ago                           insane_poitras

To create a new image from the changes just made to the container, where fridge is the name to be assigned to the image:

docker commit c583c0b6afab fridge

Now to verify newly created image, run docker images, sample output:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
fridge              latest              6a2caa759236        8 seconds ago       188 MB
ubuntu              latest              07c86167cdc4        2 weeks ago         188 MB
hello-world         latest              690ed74de00f        5 months ago        960 B

To see all the commands that were used to create an image, run docker history fridge.

To save our newly created image:

docker save -o /tmp/fridge.tar fridge

To look inside the contents of the tar:

tar -tf /tmp/fridge.tar

To import the tar file on another machine runningDocker:

docker load -i /tmp/fridge.tar

Top writeable layer of containers

Containers are run-time instances of images. When a container is launched with docker run, the Docker engine reads the image and any metadata, then builds the container by stacking the different image layers, as per the instructions in the image metadata.

Each container gets its own thin writeable layer on top of the read-only image layers below it . All changes to a container are made in this top writeable layer, for example, installing and updating applications, writing new files, config changes like ip address. All container state is stored in this top writeable layer. This layer is initially empty, it only consumes space as changes are made to the container.

The rootfs of a container is never made writeable. But due to union mounts, end up with "look and feel" of a regular writeable file system.

One Process per Container

Generally it's good practice for containers run a single app or process.

When the process running inside the container exits, so does the container. For example, run an ubuntu container in detached mode (-d to make it run in the background) and execute a single command (-c specifies the command) to ping Google's, 10 times:

docker run -d ubuntu /bin/bash -c "ping -c 10"

Hitting return from above displays the container's ID. Running docker ps while container is still running will show the status. When container finishes running the command, docker ps will show nothing because there is no more active docker process running.

To see top running processes inside a running container:

docker top <containerID>

It's good practice to be very specific about which image to run. For example, instead of simply ubuntu, specify which version/tag like ubuntu:14.04. Otherwise it will download latest tag which could be different from today to tomorrow.

Commands for working with Containers

Docker run command has many switches. For example:

  • -it to run in interactive mode and with a shell
  • -d to run container detached and in the background
  • --cpu-shares to control how many cpu shares container gets (1024 is all, 256 is a quarter), by default, all containers on a host get equal access to shares.
  • memory=1g to specify how much memory to allocate to container, for example 1g.

To get detailed information about a container:

docker inspect <containerID>

Container Management

Starting and Stopping Containers

Containers can be started, stopped, and restarted. Under the hood, containers are a linux process running on the host.

To stop a container from the host:

docker stop <containerID>

The stop command sends a SIGTERM signal to the process with PID1 running inside of the container. The process running in the container can gracefully terminate.

Can also do docker kill -s <SIGNAL> <containerID> which sends a SIGKILL signal. Brute force, non graceful way to terminate.

To see the last container that has run on the host:

docker ps -l

It can be restarted with:

docker start <containerID>

Note that docker attach attaches to process with PID1 inside the container.

PID1 and Containers

PID1 is the process running in the container that was specified at the end of the docker run command docker run <command>.

In the simple examples above, has been bin/bash, but usually would be a command to start an app daemon.

Note that PID1 is not the usual init Linux process (which all other processes are forked from, and when it receives a terminate signal, it gracefully shuts down all its child processes). So when the Docker container PID1 receives a kill signal, it shuts itself down, but will NOT shut down any other processes running on the container. And that is why its best practice to only run a single process per container.

However, may also want other processes like syslog, cron, etc. See phusion/baseimage for doing this properly within Docker.

Deleting Containers and Images

To see how many containers and images are stored on the host:

docker info

To remove (i.e. delete) a container:

docker rm <containerID>

Note this will not work for removing a running container, unless its forced with -f flag, or stop the container first.

To delete an image, first need to delete any containers that are linked to that image, use docker ps -a to find these.

Then an image can be deleted with docker rmi <Image ID>.

Can delete multiple containers or images at once by providing a space separated list of ID's.

Looking Inside of Containers

docker top <containerID> can be run from the host, to see processes running inside the container.

docker logs <containerID> will show any logs from container. Can also supply -f or --follow to docker logs command to keep streaming new log messages, similar to linux tail command.

Low-level Container info

docker inspect <containerID|imageID> provides detailed information about a container or image. Including "State" such as its current status, when it was started etc, networking info like IP address.

Behind the scenes, this information is pulled together from several json files, config.json and hostconfig.json.

Getting a Shell in a Container

docker attach attaches to PID 1 inside the container, which is fine if PID 1 is a shell. But that's not very common in the real world.

So how else to get a shell? There's ssh but running that in a container is generally frowned upon.

One option is nsenter to entering a namespace. First requires PID of container on the host. Can get that from docker inspect:

docker inspect <containerID> | grep Pid
nsenter -m -u -n -p -i -t <pid> /bin/bash
  • -m mount namespace
  • -u uts namespace
  • -n network namespace
  • -p process namespace
  • -i ipc namespace
  • -t target

nsenter may not be installed by default, to install it:

docker run -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter


docker exec -it <containerID|name> bash

Building from a Dockerfile

Introducing the Dockerfile

Plain text file has to be named exactly "Dockerfile". Its comprised of instructions for how to build an image, that get read one at a time from top to bottom.

Creating a Dockerfile


Lines starting with hash "#" are comments.

FROM must be first instruction in Dockerfile. Specifies which image this image will be based on.

Next line should be MAINTAINER. This can go anywhere in the file, but its good practice to put it at the top.

RUN instructions are used to run commands against the image that is being built, for example, to install software packages.

Every RUN instruction adds a layer to the image. For example, suppose a Dockerfile has:

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nginx
RUN apt-get install -y golang

This would result in an image with 3 layers. First RUN instruction would create a container, execute the command apt-get update, stop the container and commit the change to a new image layer. Next RUN instruction launches a new container from the new image layer just committed, executes apt-get install -y nginx, stops the container, and commits its new layer. And so on for every RUN command.

Then CMD specifies a command to run anytime a container is launched from this image, for example:

CMD ["echo", "Hello World"]

Building an Image from a Dockerfile

To build an image from a Dockerfile, from the directory in which the Dockerfile is located:

docker build -t helloworld:0.1 .

-t to apply a tag to the image, not required, but highly recommended.

. indicates this directory.

When the build command is run, the Docker daemon steps through each instruction in Dockerfile. For example:

Step 1 : FROM phusion/baseimage:0.9.15
 ---> 4cb79d39875e
Step 2 : MAINTAINER developer@foo.test
 ---> Running in 4a5338caecdf
 ---> 52bda3555ffb
 Removing intermediate container 4a5338caecdf

Detailed analysis of Step 2:

  1. Spins up an (intermediate) container with id 4a5338caecdf
  2. Runs the MAINTAINER command
  3. Commits a new image layer with id 52bda3555ffb
  4. Removes intermediate container 4a5338caecdf

This sequence of steps is repeated for each instruction in the Dockerfile.

Note its the container that gets thrown away at each step, NOT the image layers, those are kept.

Last line of build output is something like Successfully built bde721e98ca0, where bde... is the newly created Image ID. Run docker images to see this.

To see the history of a docker image:

docker history <Image ID>

To run a container from the newly created image:

docker run helloworld:0.1

Inspecting a Dockerfile from Docker Hub

Browse repos on Docker Hub, for example Ubuntu.

Can click on any of the image version links to get to the Dockerfile for that image:tag. For example Ubuntu 14.0.4.

This image uses a very long RUN command to avoid having many layers in the image, for example:

RUN set -xe \
	&& echo '#!/bin/sh' > /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d \
	&& echo 'exit 101' >> /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d \
	&& chmod +x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d \

Working with Registries

Creating a Public Repo on Docker Hub

In order to push an image to Docker Hub, need to create a Docker account.

Note that when adding a repo, can mark it as Public or Private. However, you only get one free private repo.

After a repo is created on Docker Hub, to push to it, first need to tag the Image ID with the namespaced name, then can push it, for example:

docker tag 33bd6fec7f67 danielabar/helloworld:0.0.3
docker push danielabar/helloworld:0.0.3

Note: First time, need to run docker login to authenticate.

Using Our Public Repo on Docker Hub

docker pull danielabar/helloworld:0.0.3

Diving Deeper with Dockerfile

The Build Cache

The first time you build an image, it will take some noticeable amount of time to build all the layers. But building a second time, even if update the tag, its very fast because it uses the build cache.

When an image is built, the Docker daemon iterates through the Dockerfile, executing each instruction. As each instruction is executed, daemon checks to see if it already has an image for that instruction in its build cache.

The daemon starts from base image, then looks at all child images associated (i.e. linked) with that base image, and it checks to see if any of them were built with the same instruction as the current instruction being processed. If yes, then the daemon can use the image from the cache and creates a new link.

Dockerfile and Layers


When built, this image will consist of 6 layers. To understand how this happened, run docker history <Image ID>. This lists events in reverse order to the instructions in Dockerfile. Each one is a layer:

IMAGE               CREATED             CREATED BY                                      SIZE                COMMENT
f3fb495c13d0        6 minutes ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["echo" "Hello World"]    0 B
f5f16f45412c        6 minutes ago       /bin/sh -c apt-get install -y golang            174.5 MB
ef09eeb76b57        6 minutes ago       /bin/sh -c apt-get install -y vim               43.27 MB
199db7d6388e        7 minutes ago       /bin/sh -c apt-get install -y apache2           14.38 MB
2d475219289a        7 minutes ago       /bin/sh -c apt-get update                       21.67 MB
37df496aaa6f        7 minutes ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop) MAINTAINER test@test.test     0 B
97434d46f197        6 days ago          /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"]             0 B
<missing>           6 days ago          /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/^#\s*\(deb.*universe\)$/   1.895 kB
<missing>           6 days ago          /bin/sh -c set -xe   && echo '#!/bin/sh' > /u   194.5 kB
<missing>           6 days ago          /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:e01d51d39ea04c8efb   187.8 MB

Our image layers start at MAINTAINER line and moving upwards. Those below come from the base image (ubuntu:14.04 in this case). So MAINTAINER instructions + 4 apt-get's + CMD = 6 image layers.

Most instructions issued in a Dockerfile result in a new image layer being created.

Building a Web Server Dockerfile


To expose a port, use EXPOSE instruction, for example:


This ensures that port 80 in any containers that spin up from this image, is available to the Docker host its running on.

docker build -t danielabar/apache-webserver:0.0.1 .

Launching the Web Server Container

docker run -d -p 80:80 danielabar/apache-webserver:0.0.1

-p 80:80 specifies to map port 80 on host to 80 on container.

To test that it's working, first get the IP address of the docker machine:

Then enter that in a browser, expect the Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page.

Reducing the Number of Layers in an Image

Solution is to have a single RUN instruction with multiple instructions joined by &&. Also makes the image size smaller. For example, going from this:

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y apache2
RUN apt-get install -y apache2-utils
RUN apt-get install -y vim
RUN apt-get clean

to this:

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
  apache2 \
  apache2-utils \
  vim \
  && apt-get clean \
  && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

Results in a smaller image:

REPOSITORY                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
danielabar/apache-webserver   0.0.2               7963f7d10879        7 minutes ago       300.2 MB
danielabar/apache-webserver   0.0.1               b5776bd68cde        46 hours ago        323.4 MB

The CMD Instruction

Similar to RUN in that it executes commands, but its also very different:

  • Only executes at run-time, i.e. when a container is launched, whereas RUN is a build-time instruction.
  • RUN adds layers to images and is commonly used to install apps (eg: apt-get install...).
  • CMD runs a command in the container when its launched.
  • CMD is equivalent of <command> that can be added at end of docker run, i.e. docker run <args> <command>.
  • Commonly used to start applications on PID1 inside a container (eg: Apache, MongoDB, Redis etc.).
  • Note that if a <command> is specified on the docker run CLI, this overrides any CMD in the Dockerfile.
  • There can only be one CMD per Dockerfile

CMD takes two input styles:

Shell Form: Takes the commands, arguments, variables, etc and treats them exactly the same way they'd be treated by the shell itself. If arguments are specified in this form, they get automatically prepended with /bin/sh -c

For example if Dockerfile has:

CMD echo $var1

Then the variable would get expanded, just like it would in a shell (assuming a variable had been passed in, will be shown how to do this later in the course).

Exec Form: This is the recommended style. Arguments are passed to CMD formatted as a JSON array, i.e comma separated list of values, enclosed in double quotes ["command", "arg1"].

This form allows commands to be executed inside containers that don't have a shell. Avoids string munging by shell. But no shell features such as variable expansion, and shell chars such as &&, ||, >, ...

The ENTRYPOINT Instruction


Preferred method for specifying default app to run inside a container is with ENTRYPOINT instruction. Advantages over CMD:

  • Can't be overridden at run-time with commands dockek run ... <command>.
  • Any command at run-time gets interpreted as arguments to ENTRYPOINT.
  • A single image's containers can have different behaviours by passing different arguments to entrypoint.

For example, given a Dockerfile containing:



docker build -t danielabar/entry-example:0.0.1 .

Run with arguments:

docker run danielabar/entry-example:0.0.1 Helooooo0 there!


Helooooo0 there!

What happened? String at end of run command "Helooooo0 there!" got passed to ENTRYPOINT ["echo"] as argument.

Note: If try to run the container in interactive mode and get a shell:

docker run -it danielabar/entry-example:0.0.1 /bin/bash

What actually happens is "/bin/bash" gets interpreted as an argument to echo ENTRYPOINT, so it will just display "/bin/bash" and you won't get into the container, because it will immediately exist after it finishes processing echo.

Using ENTRYPOINT makes the container behave like a binary. In the above simple example, the container is behaving like the echo binary.

A more realistic example, Dockerfile:

FROM phusion/baseimage:0.9.15
MAINTAINER test@test.test
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y iputils-ping apache2
ENTRYPOINT ["apache2ctl"]


docker build -t danielabar/entry-example:0.0.2 .

Run passing in args to apache2ctl:

docker run -d -p 80:80 danielabar/entry-example:0.0.2 -D FOREGROUND

To verify, run docker ps and see the COMMAND being used:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                            COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                NAMES
8a9f5da91a95        danielabar/entry-example:0.0.2   "apache2ctl -D FOREGR"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes>80/tcp   thirsty_knuth

Additional Notes:

  • If both CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions are specified in a Dockerfile, the CMD instructions also get interpreted as arguments, if they're specified in exec form. Also recall CMD in Dockerfile is overridden by docker run ... <command>. This can be useful in specifying default arguments in Dockerfile as CMD, then have ability to override at runtime using CLI.
  • ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfile can be overridden at docker run CLI with --entrypoint flag.

The ENV Instruction


Used to pass environment variables to containers. Looks like ENV var=value. Then var is available inside the container as a regular environment variable.

Multiple variables can be defined on the same line, space separated. Otherwise if use multiple ENV instructions, each creates another image layer.

Build the image, run a container from it, then check the environment variables:

$ docker build -t danielabar/docker-env:0.0.1 .
$ docker run -it danielabar/docker-env:0.0.1 /bin/bash
root@<containerid>:/# env

Can also use env vars in context of Dockerfile. For example:

ENV var3=echo var4=hellooooo
CMD $var3 $var4

Build and run it in detached mode, then inspect the logs to verify it ran the echo command with 'hellooooo'.

$ docker build -t danielabar/docker-env:0.0.2 .
$ docker run -d danielabar/docker-env:0.0.2
$ docker logs <containerid>

In the case of a long running command, can also follow the logs with docker logs -f <containerid | name>

Volumes and the VOLUME Instruction

Volumes support decoupling data and volumes from containers. Can also be used to share data between containers.

Specify a directory or mount point within a container and store any data written to that location, outside the container's union file system. i.e. store the data in a directory on the Docker host's file system.

This way, if the container gets stopped or deleted, the data persists, because it's decoupled from the container.


docker run -it -v /test-vol --name=volumetest ubuntu:15.04 /bin/bash

Running ls -l from inside container, will see the test-vol directory, which Docker created as part of container creation. Note that test-vol doesn't have to already exist, but if it does, then normal unix mount rules apply. Any data that already exists in the mount point becomes unavailable while there's a volume mounted in it.

Create a text file in the container test-vol/testfile, save it, then exit container with Ctrl P Q. (not sure where on Mac with Docker Toolbox volumes go).

Other containers can share this volume using volumes-from flag:

docker run -it --volumes-from=volumetest --name=volumetest2  ubuntu:15.04 /bin/bash

Running ls -l in this container will see the test-vol directory with testfile in it.

This volume is accessible to other containers, even if the original container that created it is stopped or deleted.

Host Mount

A directory can also be mounted from Docker host into a container, this is called a host mount. For example, might have a shared data directory on the Docker host, and want to bind mount it to every container launched on the host.

docker run -it -v /host-data:/container-data

This will mount host-data directory on Docker host to a mount point called container-data inside of the container.

VOLUME Instruction

Can also use the VOLUME instruction in a Dockerfile. For example:

VOLUME /data

This will data directory in any containers launched from images built with this Dockerfile store their data in the Docker host's file system.

Note: VOLUME instruction in Dockerfile does not support host mount.

Remove Volume

To delete a volume, delete it within its container:

docker rm -v <containerID>

If the container is deleted without specifying -v, then the volume does not get deleted.

Docker Networking

The docker0 Bridge

When the Docker daemon starts on the Docker host, it creates a docker0 bridge (virtual switch), created entirely in software. docker0 is crucial to container networking. Just like a regular physical switch, it passes packets between connected devices. Normal switches have ports and devices attached to them. bridge-utils can be used to see what's connected to docker0 (linux only).

Virtual Ethernet Interfaces

Using this Dockerfile, build, then launch two containers, for each one run interactive to keep the shell going, then Ctrl+P+Q to jump out:

docker build -t net-img .
docker run -it --name=net1 net-img
docker run -it --name=net2 net-img

Each new container gets one interface automatically attached to the docker0 virtual bridge.

From inside container, run ip a to look at network configuration. The eth0 adapter is on the 172.17 network. When the Docker damon starts on the Docker host and creates the docker0 bridge, it assigns it an IP address as defined in RFC1918. It picks a network that isn't already in use. By default, should be able to communicate out, for example ping

Can also determine the container's default gateway by running traceroute The first entry is the default gateway. It's the address of the docker0 interface on the Docker host.

eth0 in the container is connected to vethx interface on the Docker host (the interface that is automatically attached to docker0). They're like two ends of a pipe, where one is in the namespace of the docker host, and the other in the namespace of the container. Whatever goes into one end of the pipe pops out the other end.

alt text

Network Configuration Files

For this demo, use same Dockerfile as previous section:

docker run -it --name=net3 net-img

Then detach (Ctrl+P+Q), then run docker inspect net3 and look at "NetworkSettings". For example:

"NetworkSettings": {
  "Bridge": "",
  "SandboxID": "6a949a40e8562e8aca865d318396e027d87efb1f1e2beb32dd79edb242c6da2b",
  "HairpinMode": false,
  "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",
  "LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
  "Ports": {},
  "SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/6a949a40e856",
  "SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
  "SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,
  "EndpointID": "b6cc889fe41608552745ac0fc9dd727e6d848c6ff94c6d78c8205563c0f5c8a0",
  "Gateway": "",
  "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
  "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
  "IPAddress": "",
  "IPPrefixLen": 16,
  "IPv6Gateway": "",

(instructor's machine shows "Bridge": "docker0").

All containers on this host will get the same default gateway, which is address of docker0 interface in the host namespace.

In course, look at container metadata in /var/lib/docker/containers/<container id> (but doesn't work on mac). Now look at hosts and resolv.conf files. resolv.conf has a single dns server and dns search domain:

search lan

These values can be overridden with arguments on docker run cli:

docker run --dns= --name=dnstest net-img

Then docker inspect and verify "Dns" section.

Behind the scenes, every container gets its own resolv.conf and hosts files, overlaid on top of resolv.conf and hosts files that exist in the image. That's why multiple containers based off same image can have different versions of these files.

Exposing Ports


Most common way of allowing communication between containers and the outside world is by exposing ports from containers. From a Dockerfile:


Makes it possible to exposes port 80 on the container, to the host, at runtime. To actually expose it, need to launch a container with -p option as part of docker run.

Build an image from example Dockerfile, then launch an image from it:

docker build -t="apache-img" .
docker run -d -p 5001:80 --name=web1 apache-img

-p 5001:80 indicates that port 5001 on host is mapped to port 80 on container. i.e. any connections coming into host on port 5001 will be forwarded to port 80 on container.

docker ps shows running container details including port mapping. This example has>80/tcp.

To test connection, get docker machine's ip address docker-mahine ip default, then hit <ip address>:5001 in a browser, should get the default Apache page. On the other hand, if you try default port 80, will get error page because the default port on the host is not mapped.

Viewing Exposed Ports

docker port <container id|name> command can be used to see exposed ports for a given container. For example:

80/tcp ->

This says tcp port 80 on container is mapped to port 5001 on all IPv4 addresses ( on docker host.

Watch out, the output is displayed backwards relative to docker ps, which has for example>80/tcp.

By default, all port mappings are assumed to be tcp. But Docker does support mapping to udp at docker run command, for example:

docker run -d -p 5002:80/udp --name=web2 apache-img

To check what IPv4 addresses are available on the host (linux):

ip -f inet a

Mac equivalent ifconfig | grep 'Link\|inet '

To limit port mapping to a particular IP address rather than all of them:

docker run -d -p --name=web3 apache-img

There is also a -P docker run option. This will map all exposed ports (i.e. from EXPOSE instruction in Dockerfile) to random high numbered ports on the host. For example, if Docker file has:

EXPOSE 80 100 400

Then build a container and launch an image using -P:

docker run -d -P --name=web4 apache-img

Now check exposed ports with docker port web4:

100/tcp ->
400/tcp ->
80/tcp ->

Linking Containers


This is another common way of networking containers. Linking containers is more secure than exposing ports, but it only works for container to container communication, not for communicating with the outside world.

For linking, there are source and receiver containers, referred to as "src" and "rcvr" respectively. When using linking, container names are essential, because the name is used to create a link.

Process is to first launch the "src" container, from an image that has certain ports declared as exposed in the Dockerfile. However, no need to expose those containers at runtime (i.e. -p), when container is launched. So the "src" ports are not mapped to ports on the host, therefore not available to the outside world.

Then "rcvr" container is launched, and at this time, create a "linkback" to the "src" container. This causes the "src" container to communicate its network config to the "rcvr" container, such as IP address, protocols, ports, etc. This information gets stored inside the "rcvr" container.

Now the "rcvr" can communicate with "src" container.

For example, given an image built from example Dockerfile docker build -t="link-test" ., the following container names are for demonstration purposes only, for a real use case, would be named like "mysql", "redis", etc.

STEP 1: Launch "src" container

docker run -d --name=src link-test

Notice that running docker ps will show container "link-test" as having PORT "80/tcp" exposed, but its not mapped to anything.

STEP 2: Launch "rcvr" container based on an ubuntu image

docker run --name=rcvr --link=src:ali-src -it ubuntu:15.04 /bin/bash

--link command creates the linkback to the "src" container from this "rcvr" container. The format of the option is:

--link=<source container name>:<source alias>

The name and alias can be the same, and this is commonly used, for example --link=src:src.

Running docker inspect rcvr shows the links, in this example:

"Links": [

However, there is no link from "src", docker inspect src | grep Links shows:

"Links": null,

Inside "rcvr" container, we can see the networking information shared from "src".

docker attach rcvr
docker env | grep ALI_SRC

"src" container provided "rcvr" with a number of environment variables containing the src's exposed ports and IP addresses:


There is also a new entry added to rcvr's hosts file for the alias, cat /etc/hosts:	localhost
::1	localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0	ip6-localnet
ff00::0	ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1	ip6-allnodes
ff02::2	ip6-allrouters	ali-src 9962e0ae0292 src	d6b383788994

This maps the alias name back to the IP address of the source.

The recipient container can use the alias environment variables to dynamically and programmatically configure itself.

For example, suppose "rcvr" container has a process that starts such as Node.js, and it needs to know a database name, port, pswd etc to connect to. It can use the src alias' environment variables to connect to the database. Caveat: The app in this case does need to know about the environment variables ahead of time, so they can be used in code.

Multiple recipient containers can be linked to a single source container. And a single recipient container, to multiple sources.


Docker Daemon Logging

This is not logging from containers, but the actual log messages from the Docker Daemon, running on the Docker host.

The Docker Damon can be started in one of a few logging modes, ranging from most to least verbose: debug, info, error, fatal.

Linux only (couldn't find how to restart Docker Daemon on Mac with Docker toolbox):

service docker stop
docker -d -l debug &

Now run docker commands to see debug output go to console. To have it instead go to a logfile:

docker -d >> <file> 2>&1

Logging options can also be specifed in /etc/default/docker:


Container Logging

docker logs command is used to view output from the PID1 process inside a container. Use this to see what's going on inside a container without needing a shell into the container.

Behind the scenes, the Docker daemon captures and stores in a json file (in the hosts file system) anything that the container's PID1 process writes to stdout and stderr streams.

docker logs <container ID|name> cats output of this json file to the terminal. Also docker logs -f can be used to dynamically update the log output, like tail -f.

If a container is running an app that writes app-specific logs to a file within the container, and these logs need to be shared or seen by another system, then mount a volume into the container at the point where the app logs get written to. This means anything logged to that volume will be persisted outside the container and can be accessed outside the container.

Image Troubleshooting

Although recommended way to build a Docker image is using a Dockerfile, it can be a good idea to test the build first.

The process is to spin up a container from a base image, for example, docker run -it --name test ubuntu:15:04 /bin/bash.

Then within that container, manually run all the commands that are planned to go in the Dockerfile. This provides real-time feedback whether those commands are going to work and what sequence they need to be run in. This saves time compared to attempting to put commands in a Dockerfile, running the build, then having it error, and going back and forth to fix things.

Intermediate Images


Useful when starting with Dockerfile (i.e. not following previous sections suggestion to use a test container first). The example Dockerfile has an error in it, try to build:

docker build -t int-test .

There will be an error message about a non-zero return code, but they're not always obvious as to what's wrong.

Run docker images, note the images with no repository or tag () are intermediate images. It's the image that was committed after the last successful instruction in the build from Dockerfile.

To debug, launch a container from the intermediate image id. For example, if docker images outputs:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
<none>              <none>              184adaf3385e        8 minutes ago       326.9 MB


docker run -it 184adaf3385e /bin/bash

Network Troubleshooting

When the Docker Daemon starts on the host machine, it does some basic network checks, to decide which range of IP addresses to assign to the docker0 bridge. But the way Docker checks if an IP address is already in use somewhere on the network is not foolproof. So it can happen that a container ends up with an assigned IP address that is already taken.

It is possible to tell the Docker Daemon which IP addresses to use (linux):

service docker stop
ip link del docker0
vim /etc/default/docker

Add this:


bip is bridge IP, followed by an address range.

Then service docker start.


Local firewall config on the Docker host can interfere with Docker operation.

By default, Docker allows all containers on the same Docker host to freely communicate with each other, and it creates any necessary IPTables forwarding rules to allow that. This is governed by --icc=true and --iptables=true.

icc : Inter container communication. Sets whether containers can freely talk with each other and the Docker daemon. Default is true, but if set to false, then Docker daemon inserts a DROP rule into IPTables to stop containers communicating.

iptables : Determines whether Doker is allowed to make any modifications to IPTables rules. Default is true.

These can be set in docker options in /etc/docker/default

DOCKER_OPTS=""--icc=true --iptables=false"


Learning Docker with Pluralsight






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