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Mirror-Aware Neural Humans 🏃🏻🪞

Mirror-Aware Neural Humans
Daniel Ajisafe, James Tang, Shih-Yang Su, Bastian Wandt, and Helge Rhodin
The 11th International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV 2024)


  • Feb 6, 2023: Codebase setup.
  • Feb 14, 2023: Stage 1 and 2 code released.
  • Mar 16, 2023: Stage 3 code released.


git clone
cd Mirror-Aware-Neural-Humans

The conda environment provides support for packages required in all three stages (1,2,3).

conda create -n mirror-aware-human python=3.8
conda activate mirror-aware-human

# install pytorch for your corresponding CUDA environments
pip install torch==2.0.0 # (recommended)

# install pytorch3d: note that doing `pip install pytorch3d` directly may install an older version with bugs.
# be sure that you specify the version that matches your CUDA environment if the command below does not work for you. See:
pip install pytorch3d -f

# install other dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt


Stage 1

We reconstruct camera intrinsics and ground normal calibrations using 2D keypoints as anchors, based on our CasCalib implementation. You can find the focal and ground normal reconstruction focal_ground_normal in this Google drive for camera 3 (eval) and subject 1 (non-eval). Please place all items in the drive into the appropriate directory below.

cd dataset && mkdir eval non_eval visualai visualai/images

To run stage 1, and prepare for stage 2 and 3, please follow these intermediate steps carefully. Your directory tree should look like the one below.

├── core_mirror
└── dataset
   └── visualai
      └── images
   ├── eval
   └── non_eval
└── DANBO-pytorch
   └── ...
├── extras
├── vis
   └── vis.ipynb
└── requirements.txt

Stage 2

This stage follows the classical multi-view optimization going from 2D to 3D but with a single camera. We start from a template rest pose, which comes from the first frame in the H3.6M dataset. Please set the flag --h36m_data_dir in the command below to where your H3.6M data is located.

We are not allowed to share the pre-processed template pose due to license terms, please reach out to dajisafe[at] with the subject title Mirror-Aware-Human Template Pose if you need access, and kindly dont forget to set --h36m_data_dir to None.

You can reconstruct the 3D pose with the following command:

# on eval sequence
python3 -m core_mirror.optimize_general --project_dir '' --h36m_data_dir /path/to/h36m/dir --eval_data --view 3 --useGTfocal --use_mapper --alphapose --start_zero --disable_rot --skel_type "alpha" --loc_smooth_loss --orient_smooth_loss --feet_loss --body15 --print_eval --infostamp user --iterations 2000

# on non-eval sequence
python3 -m core_mirror.optimize_general --project_dir '' --h36m_data_dir /path/to/h36m/dir --rec_data --view 0 --use_mapper --alphapose --start_zero --disable_rot --skel_type 'alpha' --loc_smooth_loss --orient_smooth_loss --feet_loss --opt_k --seq_name Subj3 --infostamp user --iterations 2000


  • --rec_data specifies non-eval data,
  • --view specifies the camera ID for eval data, and 0 for non-eval,
  • --opt_k refines the estimated focal length (from stage 1) in stage 2,
  • --use_mapper converts between different skeleton configurations,
  • --body15 uses the common 15 joints between alphapose and mirror skeleton,
  • --start_zero sets starting rotations to 0 degree,
  • --disable_rot disables optimization for feet and face rotations, and
  • --loc_smooth_loss, --orient_smooth_loss, and --feet_loss enforces additional constraints on the joint positions, joint orientations, and feet-to-ground distance respectively.

The reconstruction results can be found in outputs/.

The 3D outputs can also be visualized in the jupyter notebook vis/vis.ipynb.

The results from stage 1 and stage 2 is used to prepare data for training the neural model (stage 3). We provide the pre-processed data in .h5 format for two characters camera 3 (eval) and subject 1 (non-eval). Please see drive and kindly cite the data source for the eval set appropriately. Move the data folder under "body_h5" from google drive to the DANBO-pytorch/ directory.

Stage 3

Then, you can train mirror-aware neural body models with the following command, using DANBO:

cd DANBO-pytorch/

# on eval sequence
python --config configs/mirror/mirror.txt --basedir logs/mirror --expname body_model --data_path data/mirror/3/23df3bb4-272d-4fba-b7a6-514119ca8d21_cam_3/2022-05-14-13/ --i_testset 5000 --i_pose_weights 5000 --i_weights 5000 --i_print 5000 --no_reload --train_size 1620 --data_size 1800 --n_framecodes 1620 --use_mirr --switch_cam

If you encounter error such as _foreach_addcdiv_(), it might be related to specific arguments set to the default in torch 2.0. Then call the --fused flag. See here. If your gpu memory is not sufficient, you could consider reducing the number of rays --N_rand.

To continue training for a specific model (use the printed generated timestamp in logs/mirror/body_model e.g -2024-01-01-20-39-30-c0) and dont forget to exclude the --no_reload argument, as shown below,

python --config configs/mirror/mirror.txt --basedir logs/mirror --expname body_model/-2024-01-01-20-39-30-c0 --data_path data/mirror/3/23df3bb4-272d-4fba-b7a6-514119ca8d21_cam_3/2022-05-14-13/ --i_testset 5000 --i_pose_weights 5000 --i_weights 5000 --i_print 5000 --train_size 1620 --data_size 1800 --n_framecodes 1620 --use_mirr --switch_cam
# on non-eval sequence
python --config configs/mirror/mirror.txt --basedir logs/mirror --expname body_model --data_path data/mirror/0/e1531958-26bb-4f46-b3b4-bad1910798c9_cam_0/2023-03-02-19 --N_rand 3072 --i_testset 5000 --i_pose_weights 5000 --i_weights 5000 --i_print 5000 --no_reload --train_size 1178 --data_size 1308 --n_framecodes 1178 --use_mirr --switch_cam

The --overlap_rays and --layered_bkgd flags can be called where significant mirror occlusion occurs such as in camera 6 & 7 video. See more details in the supplemental document. In general, to run a setting with the mirror skeleton but without the mirror neural model, remove the --use_mirr and --switch_cam flags.

After training, characters can be rendered with--selected_idxs and using the corresponding model timestamp,

# on non-eval sequence
python --nerf_args logs/mirror/body_model/-2024-01-28-20-25-46/args.txt --ckptpath logs/mirror/body_model/-2024-01-28-20-25-46/300000.tar --dataset mirror --entry easy --render_type bubble --runname mirror_bubble --selected_framecode 0 --white_bkgd --data_path data/mirror/0/e1531958-26bb-4f46-b3b4-bad1910798c9_cam_0/2023-03-02-19 --n_bubble 1 --train_len 1178 --train_size 1178 --data_size 1308 --render_interval 1 --psnr_images --selected_idxs 0

The results can be found in render_output/mirror_bubble. The same character can also be rendered in novel (bubble) views, with the --n_bubble flag.

python --nerf_args logs/mirror/body_model/-2024-01-28-20-25-46/args.txt --ckptpath logs/mirror/body_model/-2024-01-28-20-25-46/300000.tar --dataset mirror --entry easy --render_type bubble --runname mirror_bubble --selected_framecode 0 --white_bkgd --data_path data/mirror/0/e1531958-26bb-4f46-b3b4-bad1910798c9_cam_0/2023-03-02-19 --n_bubble 4 --train_len 1178 --train_size 1178 --data_size 1308 --render_interval 1 --psnr_images --selected_idxs 0


if the code is helpful to your research, please consider citing and giving us a ⭐ :

title={Mirror-Aware Neural Humans},
author={Ajisafe, Daniel and Tang, James and Su, Shih-Yang and Wandt, Bastian and Rhodin, Helge},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.04750},
title={CasCalib: Cascaded Calibration for Motion Capture from Sparse Unsynchronized Cameras},
author={Tang, James and Suri, Shashwat and Ajisafe, Daniel and and Wandt, Bastian and Rhodin, Helge},
note ={Technical report},


Our code is built mainly on the generous open-source efforts of prior works, including A-NeRF, DANBO, and Mirror-Human.


Official PyTorch Implementation for Mirror-Aware Neural Humans, 3DV 2024







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