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Company classification on a corpus of articles using Java and Lucene

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  • Exploratory Java application for indexing a corpus of articles and searching companies in the corpus of articles using different strategies
  • Exploring the use of Lucene for indexing text and searching the index using various Query techniques
  • Fine-tuning for optimal results is required and is context-dependent
  • Please take into consideration that this is a specific use-case and the same technique/approach can be used in other contexts (e.g., DNA sequencing, finding specific faults in sets of wafers to be inspected, etc.)


  • Input: corpus of articles + list of companies to search for
  • Output: companies that can be found in the corpus of articles
flowchart LR
        A(Article Corpus) -->|index| CC(Company Classifier)
        C(Companies) -->|search| CC(Company Classifier)
        CC(Company Classifier) -->|output| MC(Found Companies)
        IS(Indexing Strategy) --> CC(Company Classifier)
        LSS(Linear Scan Strategy) --> IS(Indexing Strategy)
        LS(Lucene Strategy) --> IS(Indexing Strategy)
        TS(Trie Strategy) --> IS(Indexing Strategy)
        PS(Patricia Strategy) --> IS(Indexing Strategy)



  • Spring
  • Gradle
  • Lucene

Package Structure

  • articles: logic for reading the corpus of articles
  • classifiers:
    • Logic for finding companies in the corpus of text
    • Has several indexing strategies: Linear Scan, Lucene, Patricia, Trie
  • companies: logic for reading companies
  • configuration: bean creation
  • lucene: abstraction for an In Memory Lucene Index
  • printer: logic for printing the results
  • transformers: logic for applying different types of transformers on the corpus of articles before indexing it

Conceptual Approach

The central piece of the solution revolves around searching for companies in the corpus of articles in an efficient manner:

  • The naive approach does a linear scan
  • More complex and advanced approaches build an index from the corpus of articles and perform the search on this index to improve performance (both time and space-wise)
    • Trie
    • Patricia (reduces the storage requirements by compressing common paths)
    • Lucene (uses an In Memory Lucene Index)

Current implementations:

  • Linear Scan Strategy
  • Lucene Strategy

Future directions:

  • Trie Strategy
  • Patricia Strategy

Linear Scan

Does a linear scan over the entire corpus of articles and tries to find a match for each company.


These method needs careful analysis of the input companies to determine the max length of the words that should be stored in the data structures. There are two approaches:

  1. Number of characters: determine the maximum length of a company name and cap the length of sequence of terms to that.
    • Example: maxLength(Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory) = 34
  2. Number of terms: determine the maximum length of terms an company name consists of and cap the length of the sequence of terms to that.
    • Example: maxTerms(Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory) = 3


The same as for the Trie Strategy applies. Space usage is more efficient int this case.


Lucene does most of the work out of the box for us: creating an efficient indexing structure, splitting, lowercase conversion, punctuation removal, etc.


  • Parameterized tests for each test cases and for each strategy


  • Java 11 is available on your system (tested with Java 11 and Java 18)
  • Make sure that the CSV file for the input companies to search for has the following header names (please rename the CSV file header names if required):
    • Company ID
    • Company Name

Running the application


  • The corpus of articles: initialize articles.path with the path to the article corpus directory. Escape the path if required.
  • The companies to search for: initialize companies.path with the path to the companies file. Escape the path if required.
  • There will be multiple properties:
    • Indexing strategy: initialize with one of [linearScanStrategy, luceneStrategy, trieStrategy, patriciaStrategy].
      • Current implementations only for linearScanStrategy and luceneStrategy.
      • Expect running times around minutes, 10s of minutes, or even hours for linearScanStrategy, depending on the size of you corpus and hardware configuration
      • Expect running times around seconds to 10s of seconds for luceneStrategy, depending on the size of your corpus and hardware configuration
    • Printing the found companies: initialize with one of [idPrinter, idAndNamePrinter]


./gradlew -q bootRun -Pargs=--articles.path=<articles-directory-path>,--companies.path=<companies-file-path>,,

You can pipe the execution to a file, if you want to store the results for later analysis.


  • This should also work under Windows using Git Bash. Otherwise, use the gradlew.bat version for pure Windows systems.
  • If you also want to see the running time, add time before the previous command, if available on your system.


  • Please consult the contents of the application.log file if problems arise. This can be found in the root directory.

Future directions

  • Trie: the structure for this work is present, but the approach needs to be implemented
  • Patricia: the structure for this work is present, but the approach needs to be implemented
  • TransformerChain: uses an implicit Identity transformer. More complex transformers can be added and be used on without altering existing code.
  • Company Names (Aliases/Synonyms):
    • The companies might have multiple aliases/synonyms that refer to the same company/thing/concept.
    • Work that identifies these from a company name and stores them so we can search for any alias/synonym needs to be done.
    • This would be done as part of reading the company list.
    • After this, a search would be done for every alias/synonym and a hit generated when at least one of the names matches.
  • Injection: Some fields were injected with @Autowired. This should be replaced with Constructor Injection
  • Precision/Recall


Company classification on a corpus of articles using Java and Lucene






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