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The implementation of a movie recommendation system on top of the Hadoop platform using Apache Pig and Apache Hive.

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Movie Recommendations


The implementation of a movie recommendation system on top of the Hadoop platform using Apache Pig and Apache Hive.

The purpose of this project is to provide movie recommendations based on the ratings made be multiple users. It uses a collaborative filtering algorithm in order to construct user profiles, detect the closest users and construct a set of movies that the users will most likey appreciate. The algorithm is based on the work presented in the following book (chapter 9): Title: Minning of Massive Datasets, Authors: Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey D, Ullman.


  • a CSV file with user ratings that has the following columns at least:userId, movieId and rating,
  • a CSV file with movie data that has the following columns at least: movieId and movieTitle,
  • the id of the user for which we want to make the recommendations,
  • the size of the sample from the ratings file on which we should base our algorithm.


  • a list of recommended movie titles.



The long tail phenomenon: the distinction between the physical and on-line worlds.This phenomenon forces institutions to recommend items to individual users. It is not reasonable to expect our users to have heard of each item they might like.


  • Hadoop
  • Apache Pig
  • Apache Hive
  • Python


  • Input: movie ratings + movies
  • Output: recommended movies
flowchart LR
        MR(Movie Ratings) -->|process| RS(Recommender System)
        M(Movies) -->|process| RS(Recommender System)
        RS(Recommender System) -->|output| RM(Recommended Movies)

Recommendation System Stages

flowchart TD
        MR(Movie Ratings) -->|process| LSD(Loading and Sampling the Data)
        M(Movies) -->|process| LSD(Loading and Sampling the Data)
        LSD(Loading and Sampling the Data) --> ND(Normalizing the Data)
        ND(Normalizing the Data) --> DSSU(Determining the Set of Similar Users)
        DSSU(Determining the Set of Similar Users) --> DSM(Determining the set of Movies which Similar Users have Rated)
        DSM(Determining the set of Movies which Similar Users have Rated) --> RM(Recommend Movies)


Project implementation files:

  • recommend.pig: Contains the main logic of the recommendations application. It uses the Pig scripting language.
  • Contains the code that computes the Cosine Distance between two users. It is a Python UDF which is used from the recommend.pig script.

Running the Solution

Working directory: movie-recommendations

sed '1d' ml-20m/ratings.csv > ml-20m/cleaned-headers-ratings.csv

cut -d',' -f1-3 ml-20m/cleaned-headers-ratings.csv > ml-20m/cleaned-headers-and-columns-ratings.csv

# Store the file on local disk for faster processing.
mv ml-20m/cleaned-headers-and-columns-ratings.csv ml-20m/cleaned-ratings.csv

mkdir ratings
head -100000 ml-20m/cleaned-ratings.csv | sort -R | head -n 100 > ratings/ratings.csv

# Store the file in HDF as well.
hadoop fs -mkdir /movie-recommendations

hadoop fs -put ml-20m/cleaned-ratings.csv /movie-recommendations/ratings/ratings.csv

 pig -c myscript.pig
userRatings: {group: int,normalizedRatings: {(ratings::userId: int,ratings::movieId: int,rating: double)}}

crossedUserRatings: {userRatings::group: int,userRatings::normalizedRatings: {(ratings::userId: int,ratings::movieId: int,rating: double)},userRatingsCopy::group: int,userRatingsCopy::normalizedRatings: {(ratings::userId: int,ratings::movieId: int,rating: double)}}

2016-04-20 04:26:30,032 ERROR 1 map reduce job(s) failed!
2016-04-20 04:26:30,956 ERROR ERROR 1066: Unable to open iterator for alias userCosineDistances
Details at logfile: /home/training/movie-recommendations/pig_1461140635901.log

less /home/training/movie-recommendations/pig_1461142676071.log
less /home/training/movie-recommendations/pig_1461144400386.log

someCrossed =  LIMIT crossedUserRatings 10;
userCosineDistances = 
        FOREACH someCrossed
        GENERATE userRatings::group AS userId1, 
                 userRatingsCopy::group AS userId2,
                                                ) AS cosineDist;

groupedDistances = GROUP userCosineDistances BY userId1;
DESCRIBE groupedDistances;

groupedDistances: {group: int,userCosineDistances: {(userId1: int,userId2: int,cosineDist: float)}}


t = (1,2,3)
dict((movieId, rating) for (userId, movieId, rating) in enumerate([a,a]))
pig -x local -p SAMPLE_SIZE=0.1 -p USER_ID=584 -p RECOMMENDATIONS_NUMBER=5 recommend.pig 

pig -p SAMPLE_SIZE=0.00001 -p USER_ID=584 -p RECOMMENDATIONS_NUMBER=5 -p CLOSEST_USERS_NUMBER=5 recommend.pig 

pig -p USER_ID=584 -dryrun recommend.pig 
pig -p USER_ID=584 -dryrun recommend.pig && pig -c recommend.pig.substituted
pig -p USER_ID=584 -p SAMPLE_SIZE=0.00001 -x local recommend.pig 

userId = 584
(Toy Story (1995))
(Taxi Driver (1976))
(Shawshank Redemption)
(Lion King)
(Better Off Dead... (1985))


***, GroupLens, MovieLens 20M Dataset.;


The implementation of a movie recommendation system on top of the Hadoop platform using Apache Pig and Apache Hive.






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