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Self-Emerging Challenges Contract

Installation Requirements

SEC Smart Contract

The SEC smart contract is found in /Sec/contracts/SecContract.sol. It can be deployed using on the alternatives in this list:

  • Truffle and Ganache - needs installation. Use their respective documentation.
  • Remix - needs no installation. Deploy directly in the web IDE. Interaction with the smart contract can be made through the UI.
  • the deployment code in /client/deployer/deployer.go. To use this, change the IP constant in /client/utils/constants.go to the IP of a node that is connected to an Ethereum network. This option is intended to be used with a local, private Ethereum network. Interactions with the smart contract can be done using RPC calling (see /client/curl.txt).

Local, Private Ethereum Network Using Docker

A Docker-Compose configuration for running a local, private Ethereum network is given in /privatenet. Install Docker and Docker-Compose. Run the following commands in the /privatenet directory:

  • docker build -t base base
  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
  • docker-compose up

Other handy commands can be found in /privatenet/

Following list presents the Ethereum nodes that are created in separate Docker containers:

  • bootstrap
  • node1
  • node2
  • node3
  • scdeployer
  • explorer (not an Ethereum node, but opens HTTP port through 8080 to provide a blockchain explorer UI)

It is possible to use the Geth CLI to connect to the Geth JavaScript console of an Ethereum node using: geth attach http://IP:PORT. For instance, connect to node1 using geth attach A summary of the configuration info of all nodes is provided in /client/nodeinfo.json.

New nodes can be added to the network by adding to the Docker-Compose configuration. Create key-store file using the Geth CLI: geth account new. Follow the configuration scheme as given in /privatenet.

An example application that utilizes the Whisper protocol module (/client/utils/whisper.go) for demonstrating P2P communication between nodes is given in /client/main.go. To run this example, open a terminal and run go run main.go. The code creates a sender (node1) and a receiver (node2). The sender transfers message "Hello" to the receiver. The receiver receives this message and outputs it to the terminal.

Test Data for SEC contract

A series of test data for various setups paths is given in the following list.

  • 1 path containing 1 peer: /testdata/1path1peer.txt
  • 1 path containing 2 peers: /testdata/1path2peer.txt
  • 1 path containing 3 peers: /testdata/1path3peer.txt
  • 2 paths, each containing 1 peer: /testdata/2path1peer.txt
  • 3 paths, each containing 1 peer: /testdata/3path1peer.txt
  • 3 paths, each containing 3 peer: /testdata/3path3peer.txt


Feel free to contact me here on Github if you have any questions.


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